The right people appreciate you.
They value you, your energy, and your time.
They cherish you, they believe in you.
They support you however they can.
They don't make excuses.
Their actions speak louder than words.
That's how you know who is
Meant to stay in your life.
To work on yourself is the best thing you can do.
Accept that you are not perfect, but you are enough.
Then start working on everything that destroys you.
Your insecurities, your ego, and your dark thoughts
You will see in the end you're going
To make peace with yourself.
That is the greatest thing in the world.
I am different and it has cost me many people
But, I am always myself.
It's better to lose others than
To lose yourself to fit in.
Don't talk to me about loyalty.
I am still holding secrets of
People who are throwing dirt
On my face and my name.
Being at peace means that
You no longer have the need to
Prove anything to anyone.
You don't need outside validation.
You don't need to tell your side of the story
Even when you hear a dozen rumors
That tell an untrue version.
You used to guard your heart,
But, now you guard your peace
Because you know your peace
Is worth more than proving
Yourself to anyone.
Life has taught me I am not always in control.
Life is full of experiences, lessons, heartbreak and pain.
But it has also shown me love, beauty, possibility, and new beginnings.
Embrace it all. It makes us who we are.
After every storm comes a clear sky.
Destroy the idea that you have to be
Constantly working or grinding in
Order to be successful.
Embrace t the concept that
Rest, recovery, and reflection are
Essential parts of the progress toward
A successful and ultimately happy life.
I'm proud of the person I'm becoming.
My Mindset has changed
My Priorities have changed
My taste has changed
My tolerance has changed.
I'm evolving.
01:35 Feb 13 2023
02:38 Feb 15 2023
Well said!