xRosex's Journal

xRosex's Journal


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24 entries this month


20:09 Jun 30 2013
Times Read: 474



19:06 Jun 30 2013
Times Read: 477

On cam, yo'

In pigtails. :P

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave.



20:28 Jun 30 2013

A delightful sight :-)

13:09 Jul 01 2013

Why wasn't I here for this!?


20:51 Jun 29 2013
Times Read: 488

Sometimes I think I wish I was in college...




20:40 Jun 28 2013
Times Read: 500

Pretty funny when people don't know why they got an answer wrong on a test. An episiotomy is *not* a C-section. It's lol worthy. I love that word. >.>

Hell, I didn't even have to read the baby chapter to pass the test. In fact, I didn't read that chapter. :x Thank god for little sisters!

Passing all my tests with either 100 % right or one answer wrong. :)



03:08 Jun 29 2013

An episiotomy is a small incision made on the perineum, when the vaginal opening is too small to deliver and significant tearing is going to happen. It's not a fucking gigantic gash made in the abdomen that cuts through muscles and fat.

How the hell do you get that mixed up?


And I'd actually rather a c-section than a episiotomy. :x

I don't want stitches in my vagina, or the surrounding tissues. >.o

I don't know.

Episiotomy is so unappealing to me.


20:37 Jun 29 2013

Glad I could gross you out. ;) It's so unappealing; it's why I love the word. lol But hey, whatever works. xD

21:10 Jun 29 2013

^ in reference to Katie's comment I'd so rather have an episiotomy...I don't want all my stomach muscles cut through. Ugh.

Also, you're a badass, Rose!!


21:00 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 508

This time the girl moved her seat, which is good. I don't want to give up my front spot. I'm not here to make friends or foes, I'm only trying to keep on track. Found out that we'll need to be there 2 hours earlier when it comes to the hands on part with people. I study and never join in on conversations unless it pertains to a medical subject.

In my heart, I know I need this job and I aim to be a better person. A person like that girl will only get herself into trouble with her attitude. And people on their phones, hah, seriously? You're paying for the time they teach you, don't waste that money on a stupid game.

Today the guy didn't bother me again. I'm going to be friendly anyway.

People hated the new teacher. I liked her. They said she was strict but in reality, everyone should be on time. It reflects on how you would work in the future. Why be late to a class that's only 3 weeks?

They won't be teaching on the 4th of July so they want us to come in on another day to make it up.

I think I did well on today's test. I'm not sure. I just read and re-read and read again and again because well, I have nothing better to do. haha




22:37 Jun 25 2013
Times Read: 517

Ugh. Today was fine test wise but 2 of my classmates pissed me off. Started with our first break, which I was early to because I finished my tests first. This old man who doesn't speak English very well started talking to me. I thought "Why not?" but it wasn't friendship he was looking for, it seems. -.-

He said I was so beautiful and that he was all alone and started to tell me where he lived. o.O He asked if I was married, I said, "Basically". Then he said what they all say, "Your boyfriend better take care of you and pay for everything."

What. That's when I walked away. I don't want to be looked at as, so pretty that I need to be payed for like some whore. That's not how things work. I wish people gave me more respect. Then we went back to class, I tried to not get distracted by what happened and the classmate next to me pisses me off by handing me a nasty note saying she didn't want to be rude. :|

That was it, I couldn't help it, I was angry and distracted. So I started drawing. I drew and drew a hand giving the finger, then I moved my seat to the back. I drew the two people who pissed me off most, making them look silly and writing notes to myself. That helped calm me. I should re-read that chapter at home. They have gotten bigger and longer to read and I'd like to ace more tests. I'm straight A student quality, god damnit. ;)




22:07 Jun 24 2013
Times Read: 526

My classmates are ugly. >.>

That is all. Apparently I'm stuck working for this company after classes for 6 months. Nice! I hope I can take on as many cases as I can. Hell, I'd do nights and live-ins if they'd let me. (Man, I totally need a phone. So I can have contact with them. I'll borrow my sister's limited minute phone. But srsly, I can't wait to buy my own phone one day.)

Classroom was so cold, I thought I'd turn blue. In fact I'm pretty sure my fingernails were starting to turn blue. o.O I thought I was seeing things after washing my hands. lol Made me so glad it was hot outside. I love you summer.

They're pretty lax when it comes to a dress code. They want you to wear a scrubs top, that's all. Hid my piercings and such but I noticed that other people had other piercings so I don't think I'd worry much.

Got out early today. Not expecting that to happen every other day though. The nurse is nice. We learned how to wash our hands and read about legal issues. They said we'll have a test every day. Yikes. Better study.



14:25 Jun 25 2013

You'll do GREAT!


20:04 Jun 23 2013
Times Read: 533

I had such a fun time last night. I helped out at the parade as a marshal. They stuck me with the almost naked people. Pretty easy for me. There were some other boys but they looked nervous. -Shrug-

After that I helped out with the party list. There was a riverboat ball and I got in for free. That's 75 bucks worth of partying my ass off. :D

The party bus there had 2 coolers full of ice cold beers. I drank 3. Then when we got off we had to let out bags get checked. >:( They threw out my waterbottle.

I stuffed myself with pizza and veggie pies. They had fresh mozzarella slices and regular. They had different juices there, I picked a mango combo for myself. They also had meat pies and different meat pizzas. I had eaten beforehand though with free yogurt and the free lunches. Veggie wraps with chips. I ate so much that day that I couldn't stand it. xP

The boat was amazing. Between the gentle rocking and the booze, with the good live music, somethign made me dance. I mean, me, dance? Wow! LOL! I got hit in the face with a free give away shirt. xD Got a new button and some other cool things, stickers, chapstick, an armband... stole a cap from a dude who left it. lol Mine now.

A few guys were flirty but nothing that got me pissy. One dude signaled me to sit with him, so many times. I nodded, no and left to sit outside. xD Poor guy. Sorry, but this loyal cunt doesn't even want to harmlessly flirt, haha, I love my bf too much. Was funny to turn down the man. >_>

Another guy liked my company, he was a fellow volunteer but eh, I didn't want to dance with him. Guess I'm not much of a raver, I like my music loud, live and rocking.

I took thir party bus home, drank half a beer, but was too full. Took 3 beers for the trip home. :x But I didn't drink 'em. lol I actually don't like beer much but this had a light flavor.

I'd write more but my time at the library is up. Best party ever.



14:09 Jun 24 2013

Glad you had some fun, girl! You deserve it!


17:38 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 549

Not going on cam today. The next 3 weeks are going to be very busy. I might not even get the chance to make it to the library. I'll admit, I had a ton of fun yesterday on cam speaking to Katie. She even met my family. :P

My favorite line is still gonna be, "That's not a knife, now this, this is a knife" xD Even though that movie scares the shit out of me.



17:49 Jun 20 2013

Gotta love Mr. Connery!

One day I'll nail you on cam :-p


16:44 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 562

I hate when people tell me things that are hard to hear. I don't like living in reality. By that I mean, I don't enjoy dwelling in doom. I like laughing in it's face. Do not remind me that I'm totally fucked right now.

Life; it is a struggle. I'm not doing well. Not at all. Do I still find time for fun, no matter what or even if I'm all alone? Yes.

I don't need a TV or internet for that (Though I do dearly miss you guys.) I loathe when people say, "You'll break your back like that. You're 22 and doing so much."

My first response to that is, "Hey lady, don't jack up my age, I'm still 21 for one more month. Hmmph. Secondly, it's quite fun to wheel her. Third, I walk because I can. When did walking become so uncool? I walked all the way to Coney and back for the hell of it. That's 9 train stops. You should have seen my shoes. I'm wearing new ones today. Yesterday mine had such big holes I HAD to toss 'em. Wanted to get the last bang out of it. (Mother's friend had said my shoes were so fucked up, it looked as if I had been grabbing cars and hitching a ride on the back while dragging my feet.)"

Later I get another message. Not meant to me, yet closely related. Makes me think someone hates me and it hurts. How can someone who hardly wanted to know you, hurt so much? Ugh. Fuck it, I don't let disappointments sting. I'm actually a very positive person in the summer months.



16:52 Jun 20 2013

F-them! Your better then them any way!

17:52 Jun 20 2013

You do what you have to, Rose, for those that don't get that, fuck them. Keep that positivity close, you always rock!

04:32 Jun 24 2013

Walking is good for you and it helps with mood. Keep it up!


19:15 Jun 17 2013
Times Read: 575

I had such a fun time on cam earlier. Unfortunately, I can only load IE with it. (We all know IE sucks) So if you missed me, you'll have to see me some other time with copy pasting the link. Katie and sahahria saw me. haha I only got 2 hours on the library laptops.

Time to Catfish me, dun, dun, dun! LOL jk

I had a lot of fun yesterday. I helped paint banners for the mermaid parade. Numbers and some lettering. Then I was offered a free showing of the Freak Show and a small piece of artwork from the artist for helping out.

I can't wait for the parade on the 22nd. :) I'm going to try and help out as much as I can.



10:46 Jun 18 2013

I really hate these time differences!


16:02 Jun 17 2013
Times Read: 581

On Cam now! :D




16:29 Jun 17 2013


You're looking GREAT. :D

16:34 Jun 17 2013

Thanks! :P


21:26 Jun 15 2013
Times Read: 599

Who wants to set up a play date with me on cam? I don't wanna just get on for strangers. I'll be busy this week and next weekend. But I will see what I can do. I'll be at the library, so I can talk but not much. DOn't wanna get shhhhh'ed.

Would be New York time and depending on when the library opened. Shoot me a message in details so I can sort it out. :P



03:41 Jun 16 2013



18:04 Jun 14 2013
Times Read: 607

Yay! I have a library card. I owe almost 200 bucks and I haven't borrowed anything since 2008. Fuckn' hell. :x

But hey- good news is, I don't have to borrow a family member's card just to go onto the computers AND I can borrow a laptop for 2 hours at one branch if I make it there in time. I sorta traveled a few miles to the friendly library in order to get the card. I know they lecture me but they don't 'freak da fuck out' cause I owe crap. lol



19:41 Jun 14 2013

how the hell do you accrue $200 in library fees!? I thought they charged like a nickel a day. haha

03:42 Jun 16 2013

That's good! :D

I'm glad you'll be able to have more than an hour. ;P


16:29 Jun 14 2013
Times Read: 615

I could probably write a whole book starting with, "So today on the bus..."

You're probably against bullies, but fuck you, that's why. :x

The other day on the bus, I saw this chick I went to jr high with. Just so happens that years later, my little sister had went to the same school. The chick and I weren't friends by a long shot. She didn't even look like she aged a day, haha.

I started my sister up on being hyper and talking about how this girl had a poodle hair cut and had the most retarded friends.... went on and on about it... "and the ugliest one had the pink glasses! Ahahahaha!" By the time she got off the bus, lololol, let's just say, if looks could kill, lol; I'd be so dead.

(Makes the 'Loser' sign with my hand.) It's good being popular. >_>

:x I regret NOTHING. :x




20:50 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 619

Today was my last checkup on my knee. I was in and out of there. He said it healed up very well with the exception of the scar.

You can really feel the stitches. I have decided that after I wait a long time for the rest to heal up, I'd want to get an octopus tattoo on my knee. With a tentacle right where the stitches are, if possible. Would add a texture to it that way. :P




17:54 Jun 10 2013
Times Read: 630

Allergies have been bothering me. Getting hives in stupid places. I have medicine for it, thankfully. With all this rain, you'd think it'd wash off all the pollen, yet I wake up covered in redness.

Here's to hoping I don't end up in the ER for such nonsense. I've been keeping up on it. I can't bear the thought of using an epi-pen. I can't.. stab myself is the problem, lol. Never been into the self harm of it all.



20:29 Jun 10 2013

See now if you had an Emo body it would cut itself :-p


17:00 Jun 10 2013
Times Read: 634

Got myself into all sorts of crazy last night. Had a job interview which seemed shady. Made me have a horrible gut feeling about it all. Today I was going to be working for them but I didn't. I was calm and walked home like I'd take the job.

The old man was creepy as fuck and said some odd things. Last thing I need to get is abducted. That's seriously what I thought of it all. No amount of money is worth that. It's such a slimy feeling.

Mom was funny when she picked up the phone to them. Lied for me. xD "Got into an accident" Next week it'll probably be, "Oh she died" xD lmao I'm a ghost.

I just want to forget I even called up. Ugh.

I'm still looking for other classes. One place said I'd have to take out a loan of 550. Hell no. Why must the cost of education be so high? This sucks.



17:55 Jun 10 2013

I'm glad you didn't take that. I'd hate for something to happen to you :(

17:59 Jun 10 2013

Yeah. I know it'd suck. He was going on about a cleaning job. Then said I had to dress more feminine. Doesn't make sense, I was dressed pretty normal girly, not overly since it was a cleaning job.

Then asked me personal questions, like if I had a bf and if I could trust him and be his friend...

Yeah, no. For all I know he was hitting on me and wanted me to go to some pervert's house.


19:20 Jun 09 2013
Times Read: 637

I miss holding your hand. Mine is so tiny compared to yours. Makes me feel like a child, haha.




19:13 Jun 09 2013
Times Read: 638

Reasons why I now remember how much I hate going to the library:

Creepers- Fuck off, I don't want to talk.

"There's a Jazz concert playing..." Do I fucking look like I care? No. I'm here for the internet and when I'm ON the computer, who takes 5 minutes just to load a page; do not ask me stupid questions, and/or talk to me. I don't want to interact or converse with your liking. Shoe. Maybe if I pretend to be deaf, heh. Yup, that totally works.




23:57 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 651

In a way this isn't so bad. I'm so busy during the summer that I'm not on the computer much anyway, right?

I've been so busy, I hardly have time for myself. Went on that interview today. I hope it went well. If I get the office job, it'd still be in the medical field, I'd still be wearing scrubs and the pay would be good. But I'd have to keep on my toes with the training and make 'em like me.




18:35 Jun 05 2013
Times Read: 666

The 40 dollar classes said they had no room for me. This sucks. I wish the other place wouldn't be jerking my chains so much. It hurts to think about.

I am going on an interview tomorrow. Some sort of office job.

I went on an interview last week and I felt like I sold my soul to the devil. It's at a place I'd hate to work at. Eh.

Last week I finally got to read the graphic Novel, Ghost World. I loved it. When it was finally over, I felt kind of sad because there are no other adventures. That's it, no more Enid Coleslaw.

Funny enough, I have the movie on VHS. Been playing that tape to entertain me. Heh. yes, that's right, I watch movies on tape.



23:17 Jun 05 2013

Sorry about the classes hun but good luck tomorrow!


17:43 Jun 05 2013
Times Read: 668

Went to a wonderful BBQ yesterday. So stuffed from it. You had a choice to be on the kosher line or the other food. As a vegetarian for almost one year now, I am starting to love this "no dairy with meat" rule. Means that their salads won't have mayo. Score! I hate mayo :P




17:58 Jun 03 2013
Times Read: 680

The Israel parade was really fun! :D I went with my sister and mom. We got to march in it. I got a shirt. I made the mistake of wearing a small shirt under and tried to do this trick of pulling it off without stripping in public but I spent like 20 minutes failing and said forget it. lol Was hot out but it wasn't so bad wearing two shirts. I had asked for a large but it felt like an XL to me. O.o

I got a hat, a bracelet, these really awesome bagels with cream cheese and butter. I ate like 3 that morning cause I was hungry. lol Then they passed out water and snacks. I had Bamba! :D I LOVE those.

After the parade we went to this street fair. This company was giving out free yogurt and said we could take as much as we wanted. We took them up on the offer and came home with 3 huge bags full. You could either call me a pig or said I scored major. Fruit on the top and yogurt on the bottom. Hell yeah. I'mma eat that all day long.



22:59 Jun 03 2013

Sounds like you had a great time. No pictures?!! Glad the weather was good for you all too.

20:25 Jun 04 2013

Nice! I'm glad you had some fun, you deserve it!

and way to score on the yogurt. that's just less money you have to spend on food, I would've done the same thing lol

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