xRosex's Journal

xRosex's Journal


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19 entries this month

00:57 Sep 27 2013
Times Read: 515

So full. Ate in a sukkah for the first time in my life. Was invited cause, just cause. Lol They were too giving and hell yeah, I love free food. Ate different pies, including this awesome peanut butter ice cream pie with a ton of chocolate on the bottom and whole peanuts. So good. Ate bread with honey, bunches of salad, squash, grape juice and cookies. Had a few bites of pizza when I got home. But not much because I'm still so stuffed.

And here I return to a vr message. Yay!

Message To: MESPHITO

Sometimes I eat a whole box of bran flakes over the course of a few days just to take a shit. My asshole literally took three shits yesterday. The more you know! >.>

On 18:09:13 Sep 26 2013 (-0 GMT) MESPHITO wrote:




01:58 Sep 27 2013

what is with this person and wanting to be called an asshole, is it like a fetish thing?

02:24 Sep 27 2013

I have no idea. Lol It makes my day though. xD


12:19 Sep 26 2013
Times Read: 524

Its hard to argue over who gets to use this. I eventually give up and go to sleep after being so exhausted. Surprise 60 hour work week. Might as well do it since last week was only 20. Not feeling so good this morning. I don't know how much I can keep being cheery without the inevitable snapping. I apologize in advance for my behavior to people but enough is enough when I don't get the encouragement I need. When I make a snotty joke, I'm the bad guy, heh. Googling 'go fuck yourself' before I hand the phone back apparently isn't funny and I'll never hear the end of it for weeks.



13:05 Sep 26 2013


Let them know that YOU work, and not them. YOU are the only thing standing before them and disaster, so the least they can do is to stop being cockheads for a SINGLE DAY and let you do something enjoyable.


Slap some hoes. :|

14:29 Sep 26 2013

Actually Googling "Go fuck yourself' before handing the phone back is hilarious!


02:06 Sep 25 2013
Times Read: 543

I haven't gotten many messages on here in ages. I have something funny to share with you tonight. But I don't blame you guys for not paying attention to me since I seem non-existent. Truth is, I've been going through a lot. No internet, lots of work and probably about to become homeless. Not to mention i don't have any sort of relationship, I'm all alone and feeling depressed. >.> but enough about me. I'm still the same sad clown I'll always be. ;)

Profile for xRosex


Anarchist (88)

Vampire Rave Mentor


Sep 24 2013


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

Message To: MESPHITO

See, that's a bit low. I thought you were going for your doctor's degree in proctology. :/ You disappoint me, braaah.

On 01:49:32 Sep 25 2013 (-0 GMT) MESPHITO wrote:

my legacy is in being an asshole



Profile for xRosex


Anarchist (88)

Vampire Rave Mentor


Sep 24 2013


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

Message To: MESPHITO

How much fuck could an asshole fuck if a fucking asshole could? O.o

On 01:48:06 Sep 25 2013 (-0 GMT) MESPHITO wrote:

until the end of december i want you to call me the biggest fucking asshole on this planet

On 01:43:04 Sep 25 2013 (-0 GMT) xRosex wrote:

Oh holy gaping anus, how much tp does yee need?

On 01:39:50 Sep 25 2013 (-0 GMT) MESPHITO wrote:

hi im the biggest fucking asshole on this planet



02:14 Sep 25 2013

I've always loved your sarcasm! >:D

02:55 Sep 25 2013

That's so funny!

I hope you don't become homeless. I was really worried about that for a long time. The possibility still isn't far away.


11:51 Sep 24 2013
Times Read: 545

I don't know what I'm going to do these days. I wish things were better. :/




03:14 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 555

I can't wait for tomorrow. Going to the feast for the last time this year. Think we're gonna hit another street fair after. Its gotten so cold out. I hate it.

Gonna eat Chinese food. Vegetable low mein, rice and all sorts of junk.

Hell, I might even drink more coffee.




02:41 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 564

Your face makes me want to vomit. I couldn't put this comment on another site so I wrote it here. I really ought to toss you away. You're disgusting and a liar.

There, that made me feel better. :)




13:47 Sep 19 2013
Times Read: 572

Unwanted most of a week off but a good mental break. When I tell people how much I usually work they look very surprised. Its all nothing to me in the end anyway. Nothing is ever enough.

One thing I feel like quitting is coffee. Its tempting though, free coffee is practically everywhere these days. I had one cup yesterday morning and I felt like one of those cartoons where they try coffee for the first time and bounce off the walls. I was so energized that I could feel my heart beat faster and my anxiety. For no reason at all. Is a horrible feeling. xP

I never used to get like this from caffeine. Maybe be it's because I haven been drinking soda with it for months.




02:31 Sep 18 2013
Times Read: 580

I just want to be happy. Is that too much to ask for? I don't want pressure.



02:35 Sep 18 2013

Happiness eludes. I know this all to well.

18:53 Oct 13 2013

Focus on the happy. Leave the pressure behind. Life truly can be that simple (it's still hard work but don't over complicate it).


09:40 Sep 15 2013
Times Read: 593

I had such an adventure that I can't possibly write it all down. This tends to happen a lot. I can't sleep. I had so many expressos that for hours I thought I was going to die. XD I honestly thought I'd have a heart attack. Lol I'm fine now though. I just felt really horrible outside. I felt like crying for no reason at first. Which isn't like me. Then I found out that someone I got to know over my lovely summer had passed away this morning. :( So I had a reason to shead some tears after all along with my fellow punks.

The being of the day was swell. I have tons of pictures. Which are cute and plain wrong in a funny pervy way. Unfortunately I can't post them from this damn phone. Sorry.



09:41 Sep 15 2013

Beginning * stupid autocorrect.


Thats what happens when you let good people go. Poor you, not. I'm eating up all your negative status. Ha!

12:33 Sep 13 2013
Times Read: 602

U mad? Yea, u mad. Looolz.




12:17 Sep 12 2013
Times Read: 607

I'm time obsessed. I count hours, minutes, seconds. I count how much time I have to sleep, to how much time I've got left to stay up. I make the white rabbit look like he's on vacation. This morning I woke up screaming, "Oh my god, oh my god", because I had a nightmare that I was late for work. Which in turn made me wake up hours earlier than i needed to. I really need a break. I hope they let me have the weekend off.



23:03 Sep 15 2013

Hmm. Good luck!


05:51 Sep 09 2013
Times Read: 620

Feels good to finally catch up on sleep instead of goofing off on the internet or spending the rest of my time going outside on some crazy adventure. I haven't had a day off in a little over a month and I don't know for sure when I'll see such a day. Haha. I'm a workaholic.

I know one thing I love; being able to say I support my family. Its a nice feeling. If I can keep up the good work and I don't get switched, I might reward myself one month with a piercing. I know I want it soon but I might wait a while. Maybe in December, after all, I haven't had a holiday present in years, not that I deserve one anyway, I'm too old to expect anything.



06:03 Sep 09 2013

Oh I see how it is ;_;


I can't wait to be able to support myself. Hnghgnh.



01:42 Sep 06 2013
Times Read: 635

The vindictive troll is back and she's gonna kick your ass soon. Muhahaha. Next weekend though, I'm totally overworked this time around. >.> Just you wait, bitch.




02:27 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 643

I hope tomorrow works out for me. Starting full time again which means you'll be seeing less of me online. It all depends on if my patient likes me or not. I'll be busy for the rest of this week and next. If it goes as planned on average I'd be working 50 hours. Next week will be 62 hours because I gave up my weekend to do more on call work. Yay for having no life!! :D:D:D



03:31 Sep 05 2013

Wow that's a lot of work!


00:34 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 654

After over a year of being vegetarian and not being amused at the thought of fake meat, for the first time, I decided to buy myself some. It was on sale so why not. Since reading nutritional labels is an old hobbie of mine, I skimmed through the selection of fake beef or chicken and decided on the vegan burgers. They had more protein and tasted amazing. Not something I'd buy all the time, but yummy none the less.

Better than what my diet has been the past week of coffee and rolls of bread. Eh, sometimes you deal with what you got. I suppose eating six rolls yesterday was a bad idea but I was hungry, haha. Ate the burger on a slice of challa, with chips on the side.

This morning I feasted on apples with honey. Honey and apples are traditional around this time for new years. :)



15:17 Sep 06 2013

honey and rolls = amazing. that's my favorite. honey on fresh baked biscuits :)


03:01 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 675

I am totally exhausted. I'm always getting less sleep than I should be. Then working. I wake up in the morning, telling myself, I'm young, I can manage. I walk about two and a half to six miles depending on if I take the bus or not. I try not to unless my mother comes to pick me up and we hop on the train after to hang out.

My shoes, which were new at the end of June, are now almost dead with holes in their sole. I try not to complain because as long as my hip doesn't hurt then I'm okay. I'm here to improve myself, I'm a positive machine! Rawr!

Sleep I will catch up on tonight, though I do miss talking to people on here.




02:55 Sep 03 2013
Times Read: 677

You know what sucks about me? When people like me and they show me their artwork and I lie by telling them how nice it is. Not anyone on here, I mean relationship wise, lol, I am an ass for such lies. But what else can a person say, uhh, you are horrible as fuck? Lol



03:02 Sep 03 2013

Having a background in the arts and literature, I had to learn to take criticism and suggestions early on.

I always give people the option to back out, "what do I think?"

That typically gives me enough information of what they are looking for: compliment, ego stroking...

If they truly want to know my thoughts, I give it to them. I will say that as I've aged I've learned more graceful ways of implying what skills to work on. However, I'm no where near master level, so I'm always listening to others and how they give bitter truth with a spoonful of sugar. One day I hope to be as artful as they.

14:51 Sep 03 2013

Stephen started writing music shortly after we first met. I had been writing music for awhile, but he had only written lyrics and didn't play an instrument, so when he got FL Studio and started making music, his first songs were....well, not amazing. He'd ask what I thought so I'd say things like "I really liked the melody here" or "I like the rhythm here" and then say something like "It's a little erratic, it could go for some more structure" or "the section goes on a little too long" and then say "but I really liked the idea you conveyed"

the good ol' compliment sandwich. I didn't say "you're great!" or "you suck!" because neither was true. he was just beginning and I knew he'd learn and get better(and he's really amazing now). Sometimes it's best to just point out the good and the bad and then let them decide what to hear from it. haha


01:16 Sep 02 2013
Times Read: 696

I used to get jealous over such simple things. Video games for example, I never got to experience what most kids or young adults do these days. Then someone reminded me that I'm lucky in other ways. People would kill to live where I do. NYC is always full of fun. Or maybe I've turned into a hippie. Lol

The other day there was a woman with bunches of piercings and dyed hair, black lipstick who had a uke. She played us a song and it was awesome. xD I don't like all street performers but it was a uke! Yay! xD

Hey, on the train there were male pole dancers. That was like AwwwYeah! I mean, it was quite a show. >.>

This Tuesday in going to see a movie on the beach and in the middle of the month I'm going to another Italian feast. The big one in little Italy, which is right next to china town. Isn't that perfect? Chinese and Italian food? Get me a cannoli and I'm all set. Lol

I suppose my only regret is that I don't really have anyone to go places with, besides family. I'd love to meet new people but that's not always easy either. This summer has been fun, despite the bad ending. I went to parades, parties, crashed a few BBQs, went to a concert and other street fairs.

Hmmm, what else is on my mind? Thinking that this Halloween I want to dress up as a nurse. Lol Maybe.



19:08 Sep 03 2013

I wish I was there with you Rose, you do so many fun things, and that's a really cool thing about you, you aren't afraid to just get out there and enjoy life :)


05:12 Sep 01 2013
Times Read: 681

I've a sexy stalker. Haha, talking about real life, but that's all he'll ever be. Can't see anything good coming out of it other than the fact that it makes me laugh.

Anyway, up to date on my life. I broke up with my bf the other day. It just wasn't getting anywhere. How do I always manage to find the church going momma's boys and not any of the fat, cat loving, non-religious men that the internet says is real?



05:39 Sep 01 2013

Oh my gosh! I have the same problem!

05:40 Sep 01 2013

Not the stalker, the finding that kind of man problem. Lol! Clarity is good!

00:59 Sep 02 2013

I know a fat, cat-loving guy who is a Christian but isn't pushy about it...he lives here though. He's single and really nice though hahaha :)

01:47 Sep 02 2013

Lol! My stalker is a body builder with a shit ton of tattoos and I'd never go out with him cause he looks like a player. xP

The man problem I'll have to figure out one day. Lol

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