The Codes

← Mentorships

These are the Laws by which the Society shall follow*.

As Well as reading the rules on this page, we request you are familiar with these as well. The entire VR Manual, The Main FAQ, the Mentorship FAQand the Society FAQ.

1. The Lord's Word is LAW!

2. Members of the Society will be of all ages. Please respect that there will be members that are older and younger. (There may even be some of the little ones from the site.)

3. Be respectful of other memebers state of being and differences. We are all here to work together and to learn from one another.

4. You do have to play nice with the other members of VR. This site is one large commuinty.

5. Your Lord is the only one that can set rules. But I'm always open to new ideas. If you have one, please don't hesitate to message me with one.

6. Yes, we do want to have the strongest group. But we can only do that with everyone's help. Work on rating pages on VR. Also make sure that you spend time working on your profiles. When you up date, make sure that you make a post in the main forums about it.

7. At any point in time, if you would like out of the Society, all that you have to do is ask and I will let you go.

8. Please keep your quizes to only one or two on your profile. This is a personal thing. They clutter profiles up and they get rated down for them most of the time. I know they are fun to do, but post them in your journals. (That's what I do.)

9. Please read the manual for this site, I know that it takes a while, but it will help you in the long run. Also make sure to check the FAQs.

10. Anyone can post a tread in the forums.

11. You don't have to spell everything right. (I can't spell to save my life, so why would I make you do something that I can't.) But one must always strive to do better.

12. Soap boxes are encouraged.

13. I may be the head of the Society, but the Society is only as strong as the sum of it's parts. You all have value here.

14. We may have little ones in the Society, so keep it tasteful. I'm not saying to censor yourself at all. Just pick the right words.
(Anyone that actually knows me, knows that I have one hell of a mouth, but this goes even for me too. I have to play by the rules too.)

15. Try not to step on the betas/masters toes about things. They tend to get moody if you do.

16. If you are in need of help, be it from this site or in real life, you can talk to your Lord or put the problem to the whole Society. We are one family and we look out for one another.

17. The only crime in Soul Society is the taking of what is said in confidence in our group to the outside world. This is a show of lack of honor and will be taken care of severly.

18. NO FLAMING!!!!! I don't want to see flaming of admins, other VR Society masters or other members of this Society or of others.

If you wish to apply to join this Society please mesage me and we will talk.

*Public view

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