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This is the page I hate typing but someone has to do it! Here are the rules to this beautiful and awesome mentorship!
Mentorship Crest - If I have inducted you and i've sent you a message saying:
"can you please put the crest up in your profile, the code is in the banners section, please let me know if you need any help"
You basically have a week to stick the crest in your profile - if not I'm kicking you out! If you have asked for my help then you have read my messages =)
Posting - You must post 2 times a week in the forums. If I notice you haven't posted in the forums for 3 weeks BUT you have been active online - I'm kicking you out! I hate people not being active.
If Amanda or Myself catch you bad-mouthing the mentorship - I'm kicking you out! How effing dare you say that about the mentorship I WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR!
Remember while you are online on VR you are representing me and the mentorship