
Quote: So very little is truely known for certain, and even less is worth it~
71" (btw " means inches....) 165lbs Brown-hair Dark blue-eyes built like an ethiopian trackstar. I'm pale enough to get lost in the snow if it wasn't for my dark hair and penchant for bright colored clothing.
Typical days for me arent filled with being dedicated to the destruction of everyone I encounter. Infact, I could barely care less were most the faces I met to just melt away. Barely I say, simply because I live and die by interaction.
I've found myself in an invisible sphere from which I cannot escape. Nor do I think I want to for fear of not knowing what could devour me were I to go 'out there'.
Instead, I draw them in. To entertain them. To enjoy their company. To take what makes them interesting, and bring it into myself.
In return? I show them the truth they never cared to see; but which was blatant to the world.
I show them the will to bear the truth; provideing a path.
I withstand the storm of their anger when they admit innocence never was.
I give them strength to change it fore I am not heartless.
I embrace them to silence their trembleing; and when the vitality returns to their grasping, starved fingers... when they grip me like iron talons, I cast them back out from whence they came.
My kingdom is my own.
Member Since: | Feb 27, 2005 |
Last Login: | Nov 20, 2007 |
Times Viewed: | 5,730 |
Times Rated: | 650 |
Rating: | 8.662 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

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Enjoy the darkness..
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