
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Specter (43.45)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?

In Hell

Bite BloodShot

Stalk BloodShot


Death is just the begining!

Hi my name is Jake
Here are some things you need to know about me.
I am my self nothing more and nothing less.
I’ve loved vampires ever snits I was a child.
I love the taste of blood as well as the smell.
I sleep better in the day then I can at night.
My eyesight is by far better at night then it is in the day.
My colors are Black, Faded Black, and Blood Red.
I love the dark and I hate the day.
I live my life from day to day.
I go with the flow that’s my way.
I confuse a lot of people from day to day but that’s just my way
I change day by day but I’m still me and that’s my way.
I’ll never be something I’m not and that will stay.

I can be the nicest person you’ll ever meat but I can be mean if that is what you are to me.
I give my respect to those who show me respect.
I’m not a back stabber or a betrayer if you are not one to me.
I’m honest and loyal, trust worthy and friendly
I’m an asshole to those who are assholes to me.
Some people say I’m too nice to be me.
I always get betrayed by those I trust but now I trust no one not even me.
I’m deadly as can be but that’s only if you provoke me.
I’m wise as can be I know a lot but it’s just a little to me.
I spend my life alone and that is all there is to say about me.
Now you know a little about me. So I hope this was a good read.

Well here is some thing that happened to me in my life that has made me the way I am. When I was at the age of 5 my parents divorced. My mother, sister and I moved in with my grandmother. It is in this part of my life that something happened to me for the first time that would change my life forever. My older sister sexually molested me. She did this to me from the age of 6 to 10. Around that time we moved out of my grandmother’s house and moved in an apartment.

I enjoyed the move because it broth me closer to my friend. Everything was going good Crystal my sister stopped doing what she was doing to me but the abuse didn’t stop there. For then next 4 years that we lived there her and her friends would beat me and treat me like shit. I know what you’re thinking why didn’t I say something but the thing is that I did. I told my mom what her and her friends where doing but that didn’t help much. My mother took her side and neglected me. My mother ignored what was going on and she would put me down all the time.

As for my father he didn’t do much, he didn’t even care about us and if he did he didn’t act like it. For the most part I grow up with out a father. He just stopped spending time with his us. Every once in a while he would call us up to go do something here and there but for the most part he wasn’t in our lives. To this day he still isn’t. That’s all I have to say about him.

I will tell you some of the pain and abuse I went thru. First I have been beet many times. I have been light on fire more then once. Crystal tried to drone me on more then one action. I’ve been thrown down concrete stairs. I’ve been wiped a few times. I was dragged around like a rag doll. She hit me whit her truck last year. That wasn’t too fun. So just to sum it up I was torched most of my life.

A lot of what has happened to me has led me to many a pone many suicide attempts. I have survived every one of those thanks to two of my friends. I am proud to say that they have become my Blood brothers. Their names are Daniel and Johnny. Daniel has been apart of my life ever snits I was 4 years old. Johnny became apart of my life about 3 years ago. They both have saved my life more then they will ever know and for that I owe then my life. I want to say thanks to you both. They both have acc here on the rave. Daniel aKa Tripp and Johnny aKa Shi.

For the most part my life has been turning up for me I don’t have much problems but the memories will scar me for the rest of my life. This may sound weird but I’m glad to have gone thru the stuff I have in my life. I know the bad side of life and it’s made a better person and me stronger in the end. Well I hope you got an idea of who I am and what I have been thru. For those of you that took your time to read a brief summery of my life I thank you.


AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Cinderella, David Bowie, Orgy, White Zombie, Rob Zombie, ICP, Twisted, Queen, Poison, Pink Floyd, Scorpions, Cypress Hill, Cage, Led Zeppelin, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy, Bon Jovi, Depeche Mode, Guns’n’Roses, Billy Idol, Iron Maiden, Michael Jackson, Jackyl, Metallica, Motley Crue, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Skid Row, Korn, Evanesance, Coal Chamber, Tool, Babylon A.D., Black Sabbath, Dark Lotus, Necro, Creed, and many more!

Status: Single and Looking
Here for: Friends
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: Ogden
Body type: 5' 10" / Athletic
Ethnicity: Latino / Hispanic
Religion: None But Respects All
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Smoke / Drink: No / Yes
Children: Possibility
Education High School & College

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You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?


The Ultimate Anne Rice Vampire Character Selection
brought to you by Quizilla

VICTOR: You are victor!

1400-years-old, he is the supreme Vampire overlord
who has been sleepong to restore his power.
Selene trusts him as she trusts no one else and
daringly awkens him when no one else believes
her discovery of the Lycan plot to destroy the
Vampires. Viktor is tall, powerful, haught, and
ostentatious. And ruthless. He had his own
daughter, Sonja, executed when it was
discovered she was secretly involved with a
lycan leader. Many have elevated him to
celebrity status. Many others wish him dead.
But Viktor has his own secrets and a dark side
no other Vampire has ever known ... he may have
been the one who began the ancient battle
between Lycans and Vampires.

Which UNDERWORLD character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Member Since: Jan 02, 2006
Last Login: Dec 09, 2006
Times Viewed: 10,827

Times Rated:501

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Feb 27, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Jan 03, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Aug 25, 2023

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