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That, is a link to my original profile. I told you I've been here for some time now.
The time that has passed since my last visit, seems to have been far more than I seem to recollect. No matter, allow me to introduce myself. I, am Chrytaeral, but for those who knew me some years ago, you knew me as Vrushkaia or V.
I am known, by many names throughout the internet, and the places I have traveled, though Vrushkaia is most commonly known. Allow me now, to explain why I am here, and most importantly, who I actually am. First, I must say thank you, to all whom have taken the time to read what I have written here.
My birth name, is known only by a select few, for reasons only I can comprehend. Throughout my entire life, I have wanted nothing more, then to gain the wisdom, and knowledge of the ancients. Especially that of my own Irish ancestors. I am a lost man who, like my ancestors, prides in wisdom and philosophy, along with magick. There is no force more powerful than nature, aside from God/Jesus himself. Knowing this, I give love and respect to them both, but of course, more so to God for he created everything, to begin with.
You see, I have come here to share the wisdom that I have attained from various places, people, and my own thoughts, throughout my life. Ah, but there is a catch dear reader. Just as my Irish ancestors, you must come to me, to receive it's full reward. Though I will share some of my deepest sayings with you all, I truly wonder if they will help to guide you.
Wise Sayings From Myself And A Few Other Resources
"A silent masquerade, in which it's attendance twas only limited by those of whom may conceive the truest purpose. Within the blackened sea of shattering porcelain masks, I too withhold the sting." - Vrushkaia
"Moderately wise each one should be
Not over wise,
For a wise mans heart is seldom glad." - Elder Edda
"Only a blind man, may truly see the world around him." -Vrushkaia
"Those who overwhelmingly express their achievements, have actually achieved nothing at all." - Vrushkaia
"Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick the strong." - Number One of the Twenty One Satanic Points
"Knowledge is having the ability to understand. Wisdom is having the ability to explain to others what you understand."
- Vrushkaia
"Through control of self, comes control of your surroundings."
- Vrushkaia
"When pain becomes the only thing that feels real, you have left yourself open enough for even the slightest attack to destroy you." - Vrushkaia
"He who constantly watches his past, walks into the future backward and blind." - Vrushkaia
"I'd rather laugh at nothing, than have something to be pissed off about." - Vrushkaia
My Personal Expressions:
I suppose it really isn't necessary to portray my thoughts of the people, and the system of this website, but at least it may give you some insight. You see, I have not come here for ratings, love, or other such nonsense. But merely to examine, and to speak with intellectuals of similar interests. As far as the ratings are concerned, I will give what I see fit. No more, no less. If for some reason, this becomes an issue and is brought to my attention, your words will fall upon deaf ears. Now as far as the people that dwell here, there has been little to no interaction. Not of course, that I am complaining, but from what I can grasp so far, no friends nor enemies have yet been made.
Today was a day, I for whatever reason was happy. Throughout the morning and until around a half an hour or so ago, nothing could have brought my joy to the endless pit that I have now fallen into once more. At this very moment, I feel completely empty. As if my very soul were to have been ripped from my body...
I awoke today quite a lot. Due to these endless visions in my dreams I suppose. I feel neutral. No hatred, nor love, just quiet.
Let us see what the day later brings forth.
This was a day to be remembered. Nothing of spectacular interest had happened, although, twas a special day in my eyes, for you see, I was able to relax this day. No dreading thoughts, or pressuring decisions. Ignorance once again has shown its face in the form of another christian swine, but none the less, a good day overall.
Tis been quite a while since I have found myself here. I see not much has changed, hence, bringing me closer to believing the lack of my presence isn't so..damaging, if you will. Much work has been done since my last visit however. Soon enough, a dream will become reality, and in turn, reality, into bliss. Or at least this is how I hope for it.
Though most of this night had been a bore to me, it seems something of worth has shown it's face unto me. Therefore, I pose something for all of you to take into consideration. "Knowledge is not measured by spelling, nor use of more complicated terms, but is measured by the practice of what it is you actually know." - Vrushkaia
It does truly seem that the lack of anything remotely interesting, keeps me from this place for a time, just to come back and find nothing new. A few new ratings, possibly a new design to this website, but outside of that, nothing to really keep me here. I have taken notice once again to the outside world, and found that sadly, ignorance is flourishing more and more with each passing day. Though I would guess, being completely against the existence of the human race doesn't necessarily help me to delude this problem. Just more to think about I suppose. - Vrushkaia
At one point, I thought the ignorance of mankind was severe enough to last until the end of time. Sadly I was mistaken. I have listened to things tonight, from regular people, that have simply made me want to destroy the whole damn planet. I could never have guessed how foolish and ignorant humans can really be. The only thing that COULD save them is death. But alas, they still exist. - Vrushkaia
It seems within the past few days or so, I have received a few "bites" and a few things come to mind. What are these "bites" supposed to represent? Are they a means for starting communication? A sign of interest in another soul? Or, are they merely just handed out, per say? I would suppose that to each, it may hold numerous values. - Vrushkaia
I awoke this morn to find my heart feels quite heavy today. Once again, my dreams are my worst enemy. As expected, very little sleep was attained, though I cannot say that I feel it's effects. We shall see what this day brings forth. - Vrushkaia
Well, the past few days have been quite overwhelming, I must admit. Much information has been gained and new ideas to be formulated. It seems that the path of which I am to belong is unclear to me now. I must take some time to consider all factors, and re-evaluate the very foundations. I was however greeted in a way that was so pleasant, I had almost forgotten that I have yet to sleep. As a misanthrope, even I am surprised by this. There is much to know, and even more to do this day. I do surely hope that all turns out well. - Vrushkaia
This world...it sickens me at every passing glance. Regardless of the people, or the actions in which they choose, the ending is the only constant. Lies, deceit, and corruption. These are the things in which mankind know best. Filthy, disgusting creatures with only one goal in mind. Self gratification. Only the foolish are those whom cannot see why my hatred for humanity is ever growing. - Vrushkaia
It seems as of late, all that befalls me is despair. As in to say that every emotion I put forward with kindness, is only returned back to me sour. Depression once again becomes my only existence, leaving me cold to this world. I grow more and more uncertain about this life every passing moment. Not if it is worth living, but if I can feel comfortable in my own flesh. Loneliness is also a factor....it does seem odd that I would say such a thing no? Well, in all honesty, it really is not so odd after all. Though humanity sickens me, there is no reason that I cannot enjoy companionship whilst it is available. I knew true love, and how it empowers...and destroys...but I do seek it once again, even if it is for the last time. One day I suppose, one day. - Vrushkaia
Though this day was to be one of celebration, I find myself dwelling within the realm of displeasure and annoyance. Once again, I've gone against my misanthropic way and "dated" only to have it end nearly as quickly as it began. My surprise is minuscule. My thoughts are empty on this day, and feeling is minimal though not due to her at all. I suppose knowing that the beginning of a new day is approaching, isn't much of a help at the current moment. - Vrushkaia
Indeed, this is the newest addition to a collection of thoughts over a scattered course of time. I suppose for a moment, I have sat, being reminded of the days in which I had found conversation worth having. Ideas and philosophies, were spread as though they were a wild fire. Alas, this is a new profile, so unless contact can be reached with those whom I shared being a Proud Member of The Coven Of The Whispering Forest and The Dark Kindred Alliance. Time will reveal what is necessary. - Vrushkaia
I am unfathomably lost in my mind.
Tragedy strikes me, a burning wound to the heart, yet I must carry forth. Twas not written in the stars, and must surely be accepted as defeat. It seems it's been some time, yet again, since I visited last.
Enlightenment. Something most spectacular, and heart warming. Oh this night I feel warmth, and though so warm, I am comfortable. I expect none to understand anything I am writing honestly, I just write for myself. Thank you Jesus.
Tonight, is a night I find a good reason to smile. The reason behind this, is excellent conversation, and...an odd form of.. comfort.. perhaps is the word. It is pleasant to know, that someone, somewhere, can understand. You do know who you are, don't you? Indeed, I am grateful.
Member Since: | Nov 09, 2013 |
Last Login: | Mar 21, 2014 |
Times Viewed: | 1,848 |
Times Rated: | 148 |
Rating: | 7.618 |