
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Ghoul (21.08)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Omaha Ne


Bite DarkVampirePrincess

Stalk DarkVampirePrincess


love to get bitten

I have a job now so i won't be able to get now that othen.
I hope you all like my profile

Full Name:: Sara Schumack

Seductress Administering Rapturous Affection

Get Your Sexy Name

Your Sexy Brazilian Name is:

Carolina Coelho

What Sara Means

S is for Sassy

A is for Arty

R is for Refined

A is for Abstract

Nicknames:: Vampire, Slimgirl, Princess

Vixen Adeptly Made for Pleasure and Intense, Rapturous Embraces

Your Sexy Brazilian Name is:

Taís Fagundes

What Vampire Means

V is for Visionary

A is for Adventurous

M is for Magnificent

P is for Proud

I is for Important

R is for Rich

E is for Expressive

Get Your Sexy Name

Sexy Lover Incomparably Made for Gratification and Intense, Rapturous Loving

Your Sexy Brazilian Name is:

Rafaela Santos

What Slimgirl Means

S is for Striking

L is for Legendary

I is for Intense

M is for Mysterious

G is for Giddy

I is for Irresistible

R is for Relaxing

L is for Likeable

Get Your Sexy Name

Playful Ravishing Individual Needing Caresses and Erotic, Sensual Stimulation

Get Your Sexy Name

Your Sexy Brazilian Name is:

Adaiane Nanini

What Princess Means

P is for Pleasant

R is for Relaxing

I is for Ideal

N is for Normal

C is for Cheesy

E is for Enlightened

S is for Sappy

S is for Shocking

Gender:: female
Age:: 16
Birthdate:: 11/19/1991
Current Location: Omaha NE
Zodiac Sign:: Scorpio

Scorpio - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You're red hot passion makes anyone you date feel extremely wanted

Loyalty, to the point of doing anything to protect your lover

You are mysterious and charismatic - and you easily draw people in

Your negative traits:

You tend to be paranoid and think that the worst is going on with your lover

You turn cold and mean at the first sign of conflict in relationship

You sometimes become obsessed with dates - so much so that you develop jealousy early on

Your ideal partner:

Someone who will take the time to win you over. Not an easy task!

Is able to keep up with your carnal appetite... lots of stamina needed.

Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis.

Your dating style:

Intense. You prefer to stay in with take out and conversation - so that no one else is distracting you and your date.

Your seduction style:

Hot. New partners have trouble believing that your libido is for real.

You have incredible sexual intuition - you always know what your lover craves

A bit bossy. You know what you want, and you certainly aren't afraid to ask for it.

Tips for the future:

Don't be so secretive with your love - they want you the way you are

Let go of your jealousy. Your partner has chosen *you*

Spend more time alone, doing things you love. It will help you be less obsessive.

Best color to attract mate: Dark red

Best day for a date: Tuesday

Height:: 5"6
Shoe size:: 7 1/2
Eye color:: brown
Hair color:: brown
How long is your hair:: to the middle of me back(growing it longer)
Straight/Bisexual/Lez/Gay: Bisexual

Your Passion is Yellow

You're a total sexual shape shifter.

You possess a complex sex drive and are very adaptable.

Of all the colors, you are the most likely to be bisexual.

While you the most passionate, you are very open minded.

Piercing:: ears
Tattoos:: getting one on my 18th b-day
Grade:: 10th
Wear contacts or glasses:: no
Braces or retainer:: no
Have any Siblings:: 4half sisters and 4half brothers
Are you loving and caring? yes =^.^=
Do you like biting? yes ;)
Are you evil? sometimes (cus i have a darkside)
Single or Taken: Single
Have any pets: a cat and dog
Your Fears: being alone, thunderstorms
Do you get along with your Parents: only when i'm not being a pain in the ass
Do you ever get jealous? sometimes
Are you religious? sometimes
Do you like meeting new people? yes (but i'm shy when i first meet them)
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
Guessing things-good or bad: i'm bad at it :P
Your Most Missed Memory: roughhouseing with my brother and father
Have you Been in Love: yes
Ever been called a Tease: hell yes. all the time. ;)

You Are a Tiny Tease

You like to flirt and show off your body, but what confident woman doesn't.

You enjoy male attention, and you're usually pretty good at not leading men on.

However, there are times when you get carried away with your sexy behavior.

It's okay to use your amazing flirting powers for good - but never for evil!

How do you want to Die: with my lover

.::Are you a...::.
Class clown:: no
Goth:: yes
Metal-head:: sometimes
Rocker:: sometimes
Gansta:: no
Prep:: hell no
Idiot:: sometimes
Freak:: sometimes
Nerd:: no
Bookworm:: yes. I love to read
Dork:: no

.::Do You..::.
Sleep with stuff animals: yes. i sleep with a teddy bear that my dad gave me.
Take walks in the rain:: sometimes
Talk to people who you hate:: no
Read the newspaper:: no
Pray:: only to my daddy who i miss so much. and i wish he was still here(i know he will always be with me. (R.I.P. daddy)

.::Friends::. (friends from my school)
Nicest:: me
Funniest:: chad
Tallest:: chad
Shortest:: sandy
Prettiest:: jessica
gothist:: All
Newest:: none
Shyest:: me
Sweetest:: me
Closest:: chad
Weirdest:: all of us
Smartest:: don't know
Craziest:: all of us
Loudest:: sometimes me
Quietest:: me must of the time
Dumbest:: none
Happiest:: all
Most hyper:: me :)
Hottest:: chad
Skinniest:: sandy
Best friend:: dani (aka dani101 on here)
Most outgoing:: Me
Most talented:: amanda
Most athletic:: don't know
Best singer:: me
Best guy friend:: chad
Best girl friends:: jessica, dani, sandy
Known the longest:: chad
Known the shortest:: dani
Last person you talked to online:: everyone lol
Who u talks too most online:: everyone
On the phone with most:: chad
Trust most:: chad
Who listens to your problems?: chad and dani
Second family:: all my friends
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: chad, dani, april, amanda
Always has a bf/gf:: don't like being single. but i deal with it when i don't feel like having one
Who knows the most about you?: chad, dani, april, DJ
Which 5 people do u care about the most:: chad, dani, april, sandy, jessica

.::Last Person::.
Person you hugged:: chad
Person you kissed:: dani (we are weird)
Thing you said: don't know
Thing you ate: corn
you called:: chad
person you saw:: chad

movie:: Resident Evil (all of them)
band:: don't know
song:: Everytime we touch
web site:: this one, dragon-soldier.net, myspace.com, animeblogz.com, anime6.org
sport:: football
room in your house:: my room
subject in school:: math
word:: dork and weirdo
month:: november
season:: summer and fall
day of week:: saturday
time of day:: night
color:: black, red, silver (sometimes purple)
number:: 666
animal:: cats
food:: pizza
ice cream flavor:: bubble gum
Girl Perfume:: hate girl perfume, so none
Guy cologne:: all
candy:: don't eat candy that much so i don't know
fruit:: bananas
store:: book stores
girl's name:: sandy
guy's name:: chad

.::Love, Life, Etc...::.
single:: yes
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?:: hair and eyes
Do you want to get married?:: someday
do u want kids?:: yes
Have you ever been in love?:: yes
Have you ever cheated?:: no and never will
what do u want in a relationship?:: --------
first kiss:: when i was 8 or 9
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?:: yes
is it right to flirt if you're taken?:: no

.::Have you Ever::.
been hurt emotionally:: Yes alot
gone skinny dipping:: no
Danced when there wasn't any music?:: no
Broken/fractured a bone?:: no
Skipped school?:: yes
Cried during a movie?:: yes
Been onstage?:: no
Cut your own hair?:: no
cried yourself to sleep:: yes alot
said I love you:: yes

.::This or That::.
Music/TV:: Music
Rock/Rap:: both
Black/White:: both
Winter/Summer:: summer
Fall/Spring:: Fall
Night/Day:: Night
Funny Movies/Scary Movies: both
Sun/Rain:: both
Cats/Dogs:: cats
bracelet or necklace:: Neclace
gold/silver:: both
sun/moon:: moon
Love or Lust?:: both
Hugs or Kisses?:: both


6 Things you hate...
1:: Preps
2:: ppl who cheat on others
3:: mom, when she is mad at me
4:: any guy that would hit a girl or has
5:: being alone
6:: being bored

5 things you love...
1:: the night
2:: music
3:: my friends
4:: cats
5:: reading

4 things you take to a desserted island...
1:: my cat
2:: books
3:: --------
4:: --------

3 of your favorites stores...
1:: book stores
2:: hot topic
3:: spencers

2 things you're wearing right now
1:: black t-shirt
2:: black tripps

1 person you miss right now...
1:: chad

--Be Honest--
*Would you ever date a guy for his money or for his social status?: no and no
*Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?: no
*Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better?: no
*Have you called a girl a whore?: no (unless i'm just joking around)
*Do looks matter?: alittle, personality is what i look at the most
*Are you honestly scared of being dumped?: yes
*Does size matter?: alittle
*Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?: no
*Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?: no
*Are you ashamed for being ashamed?: no
*Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?: no
*Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?: no
*Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?: yes
*Are you disappointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?: no
*Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it?: yes
*Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?: sometimes
*Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?: no

Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls)

--Your Favorite--
*Hair Color: doesn't matter
*Eye Color: blue
*(Their)Music Genre Preference: doesn't matter
*Height(estimate): 6'0 tallest- 5'7 shortest
*Age: 17-20
*Personality Type: honest,caring,loveing,funny,sweet

--This or That--
*Older or Younger: same or older
*Romantic or Horndog: romantic
*Smart or Stupid: smart
*Fat or Skinny: skinny
*Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular: skinny-muscular
*Punk or Preppy: punk (hate preps)
*The Big Picture or the Little Things: both
*Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present: Flowers/candys
*Mixtape or Burned CD: Burned CD
*Emotional or Just Not: alittle Emotional
*Sincere or Jokester: both
*Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet: how about hot and sweet
*Sexy or Just Cute: both
*Arse or Abs: abs
*Hair or Hands: hair
*Dimples or Eyes: eyes
*Biceps or Calves/Thighs: both
*Clean Shaven or Scruffy: clean shave
*Rugged or Prim and Proper: both
*Countryboy or Cityboy: both
*Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause: rebel

--Have You Ever--
*Dumped a guy because he liked you too much: no
*Loved a guy because he stalked you: no
*Loved a guy because he hated you: no
*Asked your friend's crush out: no
*Asked a guy out purely because he was hott: no
*Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend: only if *they started it and i know their just playing around
*Lied about not having a boyfriend: yes (but only to my mom)
*Lied about having one: no
*Cheated: no (never ever will)
*Been Cheated on: yes (many times)

--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
*Boxers?: yes
*Briefs?: yes
*Hat?: doesn't matter
*Skater Shoes?: yes
*Pimp Shoes?: no
*Band Shirts?: yes
*Vintage shirts?: ------
*Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?: southpole
*Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?: ------
*Independent/DC?: ------
*S&M/Little Devil?: little devil
*Fox/Thor?: ------
*Jeans or Shorts?: both

Can yuo raed tihs? Olny 153 plepoe on mepysca can so far. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs rpsoet it.

This is Bunny.
Put him on
your Vampire
Rave Page
and help him
on his way to
world domination
maybe when he rules the world youll get a cookie

thnx for stoping by at my pro. have a nice day.

Member Since: Mar 03, 2008
Last Login: Mar 23, 2009
Times Viewed: 3,737

Times Rated:325

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