
Hell (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Firebrand (79.76)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

in the arms of an angel...


Bite Kallisti

Stalk Kallisti



She Put That Bottle To Her Head, And Pulled The Trigger....

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To talk about oneself is never easy. Especially when you are a person of my calibur and experience. I am a very private person and prefer not to talk about the specifics of my life. I dont get close to people easily, so for those of you who know me, you must be very special indeed. I care about my friends on this site more than I do most of the people that I grew up with and went to school with.

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About Me? Well, lets see... I am old enough to be an adult and old enough to take responsibility for my own actions. However, that does not make me an old 'fuddy-duddy'. I am still young enough to go out and have a good time, and I enjoy doing that. I have been graduated for several years now, but cancelled my college career about 3 years ago. I started attending University when I was 15. I attended three of them before I even left high school. I used to be a fairly intelligent person, until I developed a drug addiction and did a lot of really stupid things. That included getting arrested for assaulting a police officer. I have nothing against officers or that one in particular now. I was simply a different person then.

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I have a LOT of brothers.. I am the only girl. I have two older brothers, and an older cousin that my mother helped to raise that I am fairly close to. My brothers also grew up with a friend that lived at our house when I was younger. He died in 1993. He often came on family vacations with us, and was as much of a brother to me as anyone ever could be. Rest In Peace JP. I also have a younger brother that I love to bits and pieces! He is like the little light in my life. If anyone in this crazy world knows me, it is him. If it were possible for twins to be born eleven years apart, it would be us! Scary really how we read each other's minds and understand each other so well... Here's to you Twinkie!
(I'll trade you a doughnut for a twinkie!) LMAO!

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I refuse to post pictures of myself. Mostly because I want people to like me for my personality, and not for my less than attractive body. Yes, I am a female, and yes, I have boobs. But no, you cant see them. I know that I am not a super model, and I know that I am not the 'last call' kind of girl. But I refuse to be part of society's superficial label community. I will however tell you a little about how I look. My hair is naturally curly.. what my family refers to as nappy. It is a reddish brown color, but I have died it black for so long that people think that is my natural hair color. My eyebrows are black, so that helps too. I have a greenish-grayish-blue color to my eyes. They are fairly unique, and the only other person that I have seen with eyes like mine is my Twinkie. I am four foot twelve. Yes, 4'12". I wear a size three shoe. Yes, a size 3. In small childrens. Twinkie also wears a size 3 shoe. We steal each others sneakers. Actually, it is more like I steal his. HeHeHe. So, in short.. dont ask for pictures, I wont give them to you. If you persist, you will be blocked.

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The people that appear on my profile, I consider family, or very dear friends. I dont like drama, and I dont start unreasonable disputes. I finish it. For someone my size, it is funny that people in my home town are afraid of me. But, it is also true. I have made grown men twice my size piss blood. I am fearless. It is something that I was not raised to feel. I was raised with boys, and like a boy. So, I am not afraid to put you in your place should events warrant that. I would also prefer if you didnt hurt or insult my friends. That makes me more angry than anything you could ever say to me personally.

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I do not label myself. I am more of an ecclectic person. (That means a little bit of everything, in case you didnt know.) I am eccentric ~old fashioned~ and a free spirit. I dont dress any specific way, I wear what I like. I dont do things to draw attention to myself, I simply do things that I enjoy doing. I am a firm believer in being who you want to be. It doesnt matter how you were brought into this world, it is about what you make in it. It takes more than genetics to make a person. And it takes more than genetics to be a parent. I should know. My birth parents know as much about me as they do about children on the other side of the world.

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I had a daughter once. That seems like a strange thing to say, but I will explain it. I was pregnant, and her father did not want her. He claimed that she wasnt his, even though it was SO obvious that she was. I found out that I was a pregnant, unwed mother in the county jail. Not what I had invisioned in my dreams. I planned on keeping her, but sadly, I miscarried. I suppose that was nature's way of keeping her safe. I dont like to talk about how or why I lost her, just know that it was not my fault, or her fathers. I am sure that she is safe, where ever she may be. I named her after her father. I love you Riann Marie Enderby.

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I have a slight obsession with Mythology. Mostly Greek. I worship the Goddess Eris, the Goddess of Chaos. Yes, that is where my name came from. What does it mean? The word Kallisti is translated as 'to the most fair'. Yes, to the victor go the spoils, and to the persistant go the prize. If you work for it, you will eventually get your just desserts. I do not believe that Eris was a bad person for starting the Chaos that she did. I think that without Chaos, there would be no compassion, no understanding, and no appreciation for things that are beautiful. Without Chaos, there would be no world. I am also a huge believer in Karma. What goes around, comes around. If you are a trashy person, you are treated like trash. If you are a sweetheart, you will be rewarded sooner or later. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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I have several other little quirks about me, that most people find interesting. I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I like things to be turned certain ways and Alphabetized. I am fascinated with heights. I love the idea of flying, and I am an Adrenaline Junkie. If it causes a thrill, I'm in. I like to do the unexpected and I like to be spontaneous. I dont like normalcy. I am repulsed by saliva. I hate it. If someone spits, I bitch. Keep that shit to yourself. I get very upset by it. DO NOT, under ANY circumstances lick me, slober on me, or otherwise touch me with your saliva. Sorry, I had to rant about that.

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I also like the moon, thunderstorms, lightening, stars, torture devices, blood, being dominated, making others submit to me, music, and dancing. I listen to all kinds of music and I love to sing. I also enjoy going out into storms and dancing in the rain. My greatest passion in life is dancing. I LOVE TO DANCE! I am not saying that I am the best ever at it. But in my small hometown, I am the best. Not trying to brag, but there isnt much competition here for a girl that has been to New York City and lived in Chicago. I also dance a lot here at home with Twinkie. He is actually a really good dancer and I taught him some things. He does a little break dancing also.

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I attended Alcoholics Anonymous and Substance Abuse Classes twice, Anger Management, and I was on probation for over two years, back when I had just turned 18. I am generally friendly, but trust me, you dont know me. If you werent on my friends list before, you probably wont be on it now that I changed my name. I am not looking for friends, family, or to date. I have all of the friends and family that I could ever want or need.

As for dating, you arent my type. I promise. So please dont ask.

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My Protection Stamps

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These Are Some People
That I Am Particularly Close To...
I Love Them To Death!

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How To Make A Kallisti

5 parts competitiveness
5 parts craziness
5 parts ego
Add to a cocktail shaker
and mix vigorously. Top
it off with a sprinkle of
curiosity and enjoy!

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This was created for me
by a wonderful friend of mine!
Please stop by and rate his profile!


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You Are the Ace of Hearts

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Youthful and playful, you love life and the world.
You have a kind spirit, and you bring happiness to everyone you know.
Artistic and bold, you see the world in bright colors.
And you certainly aren't afraid to express everything you see and feel.
You are sentimental, and your emotions are very deep.
You are easily swept away and easily hurt.
A gamble you should take: Blackjack
Your friends would describe you as: Unique
If you lived in Vegas, you would be: An up and coming chef or fashion designer

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I thought that perhaps it was time to add a little more to my page. I'm very private, I dont let too many people in. I am used to getting hurt, one way or another, and have found that it is just easier to keep that wall up. I am very good at that. I pretend that I dont have feelings, but the fact is that I do. And, to be perfectly honest, it hurts me just as much when you step all over me and ignore me as it would if you hit me. I've come to a point in my life where honesty is my number one priority. It is really too bad that it isnt anyone else's. I've always been an open and understanding person. But, I cant understand why anyone would chose to lie to me. Much less to treat me the way that most of you have, even after I open up and let you know my story. All of you self righteous hypocrites that come on here with your sob stories.. that is LIFE. I'm sorry that those things happened to you, but there is more to being alive than dwelling in the past. LIVE, that is the biggest portion of alive anyway. You think that it was easy knowing that my own father tried to kill me before I was born because he didnt want me? You think it was easy getting molested all of those years? What about getting ignored, told I was a liar, and dealing with a mother that had more faith in a dust pan than she did in me? I'm not looking for pity, because I am here, and I am NOT dead. (Much to the dismay of several of you.)

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I'm Broken, yes, Beautifully so. But I can live with it, can you?

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These are the lyrics to "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?" ~ A Song That Is So True...

To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know it deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
And give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
That she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- Really really ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
Til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
And when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman
You tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really
- Really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...

Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- Really really ever loved a woman?

Just tell me have you ever really,
Really, really, ever loved a woman?
You got to tell me
Just tell me have you ever really,
Really, really, ever loved a woman?

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This is my Bitch Box.
It is not meant to offend, it is merely funny things that are true about
'The Classic Bitch' that I am.

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Member Since: Oct 12, 2006
Last Login: Dec 06, 2009
Times Viewed: 17,230

Times Rated:689

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Jun 21, 2024

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Dec 20, 2023
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Nov 09, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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