
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Serpent (52.16)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  April 19, 1987
Age:  37




Bite LaStAtxxx666

Stalk LaStAtxxx666


Sticks And Stone Will Brake My Bones,But Chains And whips Excite MeSo Tie Me Up And Throw Me Down,And Show Me That You Like Me


Likes: watching scary movies, dancing around like an idiot, sitting in the rain, skatboarding, my friends and family

Dislikes: people who ruin(spelling) a movie before I even see it, fake ass people, preps, being single


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FAKE FRiENDS: Never ask for food.
REAl FRiENDS: are the reason you have no food.

FAKE FRiENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
REAl FRiENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM

FAKE FRiENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
REAl FRiENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we fucked up ... but that shit was fun!"

FAKE FRiENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
REAl FRiENDS: keep your shit so long they forget its yours.

FAKE FRiENDS: know a few things about you.
REAl FRiENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.

FAKE FRiENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
REAl FRiENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.

FAKE FRiENDS: Would knock on your front door.
REAl FRiENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"

FAKE FRiENDS: Are for awhile.
REAl FRiENDS: Are for life.

FAKE FRiENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
REAl FRiENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "Bitch drink the rest of that you know we don't waste shit."

FAKE FRiENDS: will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you.
REAl FRiENDS: Will knock them the fuck out

About Me Personality Quiz

What is your name?: robbie

How old are you?: depends whats today

When is your Birthday?: 04|19|1987

What is your zodiac sign?: Aries

Where were you born?: ?, hell

Where do you live now?: clovis CA

What color eyes do you have?: blue green deppends on my mood

What color hair do you have?: brown with red streaks

How tall are you?: 5'9

How much do you weigh? 123

What is your race?: white

What is your worst fear?: lonelyness

Do you smoke?: no

Do you drink?: no

Do you cuss?: FUCK ya

Do you use drugs?: no

Have you ever or will you ever steal?: possibly

Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?: yes

Do you play in a band or play an instrument?: yes, guitar

Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?: had some but there healed

If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?: Jack the Ripper........I don't know

Do you suffer from depression disorder?: yes

If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?: hanging myself

Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: once

Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?: yes

What subculture do you belong too?: ......

Are you evil?: maybe *looks evily and attackes for you asking that question

Do you believe that you can be possesed?: do evil ducks taking over my mind count?!

Are you a paranoid person?: ......

Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?: sometimes

Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?: .....

Are you a violent person?: when i have to be

Do you take your anger out on other people?: no

Do you blame other people for your mistakes?: no

What is your favorite game?: resident evil

What is your favorite movie?: stay alive

Who is your favorite band?: PORCELAIN and the tramps

What is your favorite song?: my left overs

What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: I don't like to read

What is your favorite color?: black & white

What is your favorite food?: pizza!!!

What is your favorite drink?: monster

Do you own a pari of converse?: yes 2 pair

Do you own a pair of dickies?: yes

Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?: me yes, another person no

Are you a virgin?: no and sad i lost it to the wrong girl
Are you kinky?: sometimes

Do you like biting?: sure let's go with that

Do you masturbate?: yes ...hey im being honest dont judge me

Do you watch pornography?: FUCK NO!!!

Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?: yes PINK!!!

Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?: no

Are you hyper active person?: YES!!! wwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol i love sugar

Are you religious?: wiccan counts

Do you have any self inflicted scars?: 1, 2, 3 yes

Does pain turn you on?: sometimes

Do you stand for originality and creativity?: yes

Do you like meeting new people?: YES!

What do you like most about life?: the people I care about

What do you dislike most about life?: lonelyness

Do you believe in love at first fright?: yes

Have you ever pierced a body part yourself?: no

Have you ever had to beg for dinner money?: no..but it sounds fun!

Do you own a car?: maybe........

Have you been to jail, yet?: yes it sucked

Are your clothes held together with safety pins?: some

Do you have actual scars from punk rock shows?: yes

Have you ever vomit while making out?:eeeww no! why have you

Have you held a job for less than a day?: yes

Do you own more than two pair of jeans?: yes

Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?: yes, and it was fun!

Have you ever been kicked out of your parents house?: no, and I don't want to be kicked out!

Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?: no

Does the world piss you off?: yes!


Member Since: Mar 31, 2007
Last Login: Jul 03, 2024
Times Viewed: 8,153

Times Rated:541

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Sep 28, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Dec 18, 2023
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Jan 20, 2023


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