
Vampire Rave member for 15 years.

Status:  Shadow (10.71)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  EternalXRage
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?


Bite LadyNeferai

Stalk LadyNeferai



Morbius Pricipium Est ~ Death is only the beginning.

I consider myself a Priest caste type- i work with the Gods of Egypt, primarly Anubis (although His role is more Guardian) and Bastet and I welcome anyone with interest or knowledge of Egyptian Myths and Mythos to add me as a friend! :-)

Your clan is a dysfunctional one. That is because you are a Malkavian. Something is poisonous about this clan's blood that drives all those embraced to madness. However, in this madness, you tend to have great insight. Unfortunately, people just take it as senseless ramblings. In every family there is an insane one. You're it.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

I am interested in talking with vampires and shifters, and anyone with an interest in the occult. My interests in the worlds between worlds are myriad and highly varied. as far as I am concerned any knowledge of the Otherworld is good to have.

What mythical creature are you?

You have a fire with you that will never die. Your need to be immortal and vibrant drives you more than the air you breathe. You love life and hope to be remembered forever with the things you contribute to others. You are able to regenerate with hurt by friend or foe.
How do you compare?
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Photobucket Image Hosting

This is me... one of the best pics ever taken of me. Sure, I am no Angelina, but I have my own inner beauty. If you look, you will fiind it.....

what type of vampyre are you? *pics*

you are the seductive vampyre!
you are the seductive vampyre!
With becoming a vampyre comes a natural beauty, and you take full advantage of it. You use your looks to attract your victims (usually good looking humans) and lure them into the bedroom. You have your way with them (or vise versa if you'd prefer) and then you claim them as you daily/weekly/monthly/yearly meal. People (mostly of the oppisite sex) are very much attracted to you and many wish to become a close friend of yours.
How do you compare?
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***A Note on titles and their usage***
Titles (IMHO) are there simply as a signpost to the young and uneducated, to show them who can be trusted for leadership. My titles are very important to me. They are marks of my hard work and sacrifice since I began my pagan path in 1982. Titles should never be used to belittle or oppress, rather, those who have the abilities and training- more should be required of them!

Any good clergy will tell you, being High Priest makes you a Servant of the Circle, not Master of it.

It is this opnion I wish to share so those who read this will not misunderstad the recitation of titles to be boasting or bragging. I earned them. They are my right and my obligation to bear.

I am humble. I seek more knowledge, but since ALL knowledge is a goal to never be attained, I strive for the knowledges I CAN grasp with both hands. The more I learn, the more that is required of me.

***End Note***

I sincerely hope I am not making a larger muddle of this profile or angering anyone else further. Having received a message of some ambiguity, I am adrift and unsure of how to best procede among you. I am reading the manal and the forums, but unfortunately, there is no roadmap of the human heart or soul, and so I wander aimless. If you see any thing that offfends thee, alert me and I will pluck it out!

Praying to find solace witin your borders, I wish you

Darkest Blessings
Eternal Nox

Kher Heb Neferai (She who speaks the spells and liturges)
Secondus, House Dragomir
1st degree Ramkht, Ordo Sekhemu
Master Chief (educator), Temple Akhkharu
Certified Ordained Minser through:
Church of Spiritual Humanism
Church of the Seven Planes
Church of the IronDragon
Ordained Pagan Clergy, Pandoran Society
Egyptian Evolutionism Degrees:
5th degree priestess of Bastet, 4th of Osiris, Hathor, Isis, 3rd of Set, Ra, Thoth.

What is your demon type?

Formally a servant in the kingdom of heaven, your search for answers beyond your conventional teachings has brought onto you a loss of innocence. enlightened, you strike back and defect, turning your white wings black in exchange for moral freedom. your thirst for individuality and power is what drives you most. your motto: "better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven". remember, black is not a color of evil,but a color of protection...you are probably hard to get close to.
How do you compare?
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***A note to those who rate me***
Profile rating is a sketchy art at best. How do you rate a person's heart and integity? How can you judge a person, weigh their soul by the few wyrds they jot here? How can a person be expected to use a handful of wyrds as a fair and equitable represetation?

We value wyrds like Honor, Truth, Equality. But they are just stings of letters. NO, the true measure of a man cannot be in found in what he says or even in what is said of him. Wyrds have power, but they CAN be corrupted. The true treasure of a man is what actions he takes when all is lost. How he comports himself at the end of a long travail. The paths he chose to bring him to the man he is. THAT is how you judge him, assuming we can ever really JUDGE anyone at all.

~Know that unless your profile is full of pointless profanities, you will recieve a 10 from me. It is not in me to judge you. And for those who have been kind enough to rate me- I am returning the favor as fast as my internet connection will allow.~

And so I throw my meager art with the written wyrd at your feet and ask for mercy. If there be a cause for offense, you have but to TELL me what it is and I will strip it from these pages. (and please, leave an idea or two on how to fix it?)

And in time, perhaps you will come to know me as knowledgable priest and friend. If not, it was pleasant to idyll a while beneath your banner.

***End Note***

~~My Protectors (Thanx guys, you really make me feel welcome!)~~

Juan/stamp Pictures, Images and Photos

Racheal's stamp Pictures, Images and Photos

Alas, Vanity Edit

Sep 18, 2008, 5:46 am

I have succumbed to vanity.

I considered myself of a different species, and therefore not subject to Man's follies, but alas, I am fallen regardless.

I looked down my nose at you, you simple folk, with your simple ways.

Didn't I know so much more? Am I not a Daughter of Tamera?

I thought so.

Then I was reminded that the Mysteries unveil themselves to the Worthy. Only the Pure in Heart find the Grail, et cetera.

I considered my complex ways better because they wre learned at great cost. I valued them for their complexity, and forgot that the simplest things are ALWAYS the hardest to learn.

How you must have laughed at me, a twisted sycophant in her Ivory Tower built on "knowledge" of the Mysteries.

How you and your Crone (and your unholy children) must have enjoyed the spectacle I made, feeling pity for you, in your simple rites... Poor wee ones, with no understanding. So sad. Their ways are so simple, how can they ever hope to acheive Oneness?

How bitterly I now face my sins and realize just how much my soul is stained by the desolaton of not being recognized for the Gift I was.


But see- in my arrogance I forgot that ALL gifts are blessings of the Goddess to dispense with as She will. That we work HER will not our own here. I forgot it and now look at me.

A shattered shadow of my former self. Always afraid, teetering on a crisis of faith I have not felt since my teens.

Now I envy you.

Had I learned your ways with humility (as I did try to do before I was rebuffed) perhaps I would not have had to fall so low to remember.

Oh how I remember.

I am frail

I am human (as much as I can be)

I have fallen.

But I remember.

I rememer that I am still a gift.

And I will try to embrace that.


The pagan formerly known as Ravyn

Member Since: Aug 26, 2008
Last Login: Nov 18, 2008
Times Viewed: 2,851

Times Rated:274

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