
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Phantom (28.92)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

North Queensland, Australia


Bite LegitimateMadness

Stalk LegitimateMadness


There's a perfectly good explanation...

Yes. For those who care, my avatar is MY eye. I like that picture. It took us forever to get us a half decent eye shot too.

Name: Steph. (put simply)... people call me strange things though... So I pretty much answer to anything.

Where do I live?: I live in Australia. The other side of the world compared to most of you guys. The top part on the Eastern side... if you want me to get more specifimic.

Yes, thats right, I have one of those AWESOME Aussie accents.

Here are some stereotypes the rest of the world seem to think possible:

Kangaroos - DO NOT live in our backyards, unless you live in the country, and even then you'd have to be on a property to fully appreciate they're wildness... They make good targets as road kill, but often dent the crap out of your car... and some of them can get BIG and NASTY... (namely the ones found in the desert - yes, Australia has a desert).

It is possible to eat kangaroo... and yes, it tastes bloody good.

Koala's - Are NOT bears... they dont make good pets, they're stinky, noisy, violent little craps what WILL piss on you.

WE DO NOT - all speak like Steve Irwin. No joke, some Australian's actually have common sense and the ability to lower they're voice and reduce constant emphasis of words via extreme facial movements.

NO - we dont drink beer all the time, only when we watch our footy, cause Australia is naturally a competitive country... of course, you'll never actually catch us playing footy, we're too lazy for that, we sit back and watch all the talented guys play it for us on the square box with pretty moving pictures... and yes, we have colour TV over here.

YES - Australia is an awesome place to live, and visit on holiday... of course it all depends on where you live and where you go for a holiday... but generally speaking, Australia is an incredibly culturally diverse country, and most of our coastal towns rely heavily on your tourism... So come over, and spend up, I'll be your tour guide ;)

NO - for those who have Home and Away, we do not all live our lives by such crappy plot lines. Heaven help anyone who has to marry Alf.

Feel like getting involved in a bit of Australian history? - Watch the State of Origin matches, its the best of three... Its NRL (National Rugby League) NSW vs. QLD... the only time of year its okay to be a divided country.

Hmm... Don't think there are anymore...

Oh wait...

NOT - all of us say G'day, mate, and 'put another shrimp on the barbie'.

That is all.

And if your not in Australia, 'Where the bloody hell are ya?' (Courtesy of THE most controversial Australian advertisment we've ever released Internationally.)

Courtest of Kat: Drop bears do exist. They fall from the trees, onto your back, and according to my uncle... will devour you. The only way to keep them away, as I've learned in all my years of naive youth... is to put toothpaste on the back of your neck... As of yet, I haven't been jumped by 'drop bear'. Honest.

My current... relationship status: Single... I'm predicting another three years of solitude... which isn't really that bad... honest. (But... I'm all for breaking the drought ;) )

I'm also bi-sexual (not that it matters, it doesn't change me as a person)... because I think the female form is too gorgeous, sensual and alluring to go un-noticed... Everyone's amazing in their own right... and I give everyone their chance to show me their true nature... Male or female.

This fact may actually freak out the people who know me personally... but trust me, you guys have nothing to fear :P Well, maybe my girl on the coast has something to fear, but she's the one that promotes my madness *blinks* Silly woman.

What bugs me most about me: I give too easy. If I'm with someone, they'll have all of me... heart, mind, and body... I guess I do this, because of the above reason... everyone deserves a chance... and I want someone to love me, and like me, for being me... as I really am... (fucking crazy)

What I do...: I'm at Uni. Studying Accounting. My advice: Dont take a boring degree like I am... it drains all your creativeness... saps it right outta ya!

My jobs...: I have 3 jobs. Yep.... 3 *claps* I work in a shoe store... selling shoes. I also work for a lecturer at my Uni, and work in the Science Department as well (which equals 3 separate avenues of income... yet I always manage to have no money.... and I'm studying Accounting... go figure... lol)

I enjoy...: Roleplaying... writing stores with other people online... its the best way to build ones writing skills (and I'm not talking the kinky kind of roleplaying... although, roleplaying 'sex' scenes is quite fun :P )

Me... in a nutshell: I love to talk, love to make people smile... and love hearing people laugh, because of something I've written or said... its fulfilling to me.

My mind runs at a million miles an hour... several people have tried, and failed, to keep up with my train of thought... I type faster than I think... and my memory is that of a goldfish... I'll write something one night, come back the next morning... and laugh myself stupid, cause I won't remember forming the words.

I'm still discovering things about myself... for example... I've only recently discovered I'm a hopeless romantic...

:) I'm more than willing to try new things... although at times I seem a little sceptical... but yes, I like to think of myself as open-minded.

Additional shit... for your enjoyment: Feel free to add me to your friends lists, bite me, or stalk me...

Want some more... entertaining shit... about me?

You know how people have phobia's?... Well, I was reading through a book of philia's... things people enjoy... or things that stimulate them... (it was in reference to sex...) and so... just cause I thought it'd be fun... I'll give you a list of philia's that I'm attracted to... I don't know if I can say they're my actual philia's though... cause there's so many....

- Acousticophilia -- Sounds... (other than music) for me... this is generally around genuine noises made during sex... moans, sighs... nothing fake... please.

- Agrexophilia -- Being seen, or heard, while having sex... Although I've never actually done this (hence the reason why most of these can't be my actual paraphilia's...) the 'thought' of this is attracting... although, I'm not sure I'd actually do it.

- Albutophilia -- Water... I've always wanted to get a little frisky in the pool...

- Algophilia -- Receiving pain... Nothing violent, and nothing that draws blood... but sensual biting is okay... things like that...

Amaurophilia -- Blind or blindfolded... Either them, or me... theres something about the 'vulnerability'' that makes me want to do it...

Choreaphilia -- Dancing... Putting on one of your fav songs and grinding up next to your sex buddy is hot... anyone who doesnt think so, seriously needs their head checked.

Chronophilia -- Great age difference between partner... No I'm not about to bump uglies with an 80 year old (thats a separate paraphilia altogether... honestly)... but, the idea of being with someone 15-20 years older than me, is attractive... just because I'd expect them to have more experience... more exciting...

Lingeriephilia -- Well this speaks for itself.

Melolagniaphilia -- Music... Occasionally, not all the time... I'll turn on a song... and get incredibly turned on... need I say more?

Narratophilia -- Porno Texts... Fun to read, and even more fun to write...

Pictophilia -- Porno in pictures/movies... Same as reading porno... Not sure why I like it... I just kinda do... plus the storylines are shit... lol...

Stigmatophilia -- Body modifications, tattoos/piercings... This one's always been a big one of mine... I love piercings and tattoos... an attraction I'm yet to find an excuse for.

And that... for those who read through it all... are some of the things that generally make me 'happy'...

And its also... more pointless shit about me...

NOTE: Just because I typed that shit, doesnt mean I want to have full-on kinky conversations with you... it was merely something to make you smile.... and make you wonder about yourself.. and how many paraphilia's you might have too...

So... that's kinda like a warning... I won't reply to messages that are obviously 'cyber-sex/pervert' oriented....

Thankyou for flying Planet Snuffles airways, I hope you had a pleasant flight, please enjoy your stay, and refrain from "getting off"... thankyou.

By the way...: Check out my portfolio, theres a lot more stuff in there... More shit about my likes and dislikes...

Final Thought...: The monkeys are coming! The penguins WILL take over... and the pulp in orange juice is actually pumpkin pulp... honestly.

Member Since: Feb 23, 2006
Last Login: Oct 05, 2007
Times Viewed: 4,246

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Oct 18, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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Dec 22, 2023
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Nov 19, 2023

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Enjoy the darkness..

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