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05:38 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 05:38 Jan 27 - Lethargy was in Profiles. 05:38 Jan 27 - Lethargy was in Profiles. 05:38 Jan 27 - Lethargy was looking at their Friends List. 05:38 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 05:36 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 05:36 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 05:36 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 05:36 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 05:36 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 05:36 Jan 27 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 08:23 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 08:23 Jan 26 - Lethargy was in Profiles. 08:23 Jan 26 - Lethargy was in Profiles. 08:23 Jan 26 - Lethargy was looking at their Friends List. 08:23 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious. 03:55 Jan 26 - Lethargy was doing something Mysterious.
Let's start off by stating that I am not the original owner of this account, and therefore the name is not one I would have chosen for myself. However, I am choosing to keep it so that, should the original owner request this account back, I can give it to them and there would be no need for name changes. This account was gifted to me for the sole purpose of being able to take part in my House. That is all I shall be using it for. I see no reason to rate or journal or get personal on this profile, I have other accounts for all of that. This is merely a way for me to participate in my House, nothing more