
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Unregenerate (63.50)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?




Bite Maverick

Stalk Maverick


With the greatest rewards come with the greatest risk...

Under Construction
Where to begin... hmmmmmm.. well, I WAS a paramedic for some time, but thanks to an accident that totalled the motorcycle in my portfolio I'm no longer able to do that; I broke both wrists back in 2004. I can honestly say that it hurts not being able to do this job anymore, but I understand and am ok with it. I had my time there and it will stay with me forever, both in how I grew and what I learned. I was lost for a long time after this and wandered from job to job; owning/operating a bar, bartending, recieving, never really finding my niche.
Then some asshats stepped in and did their best to ruin my life. Oddly, I almost need to thank them, as their attempt, which cost me a job, led me to another that I may have otherwise not taken. That 'other' job has centered me again. made me whole, and re-opened a part of my life I thought was only there for fun; I'm back as a professional paintball player (that's ok, you can laugh, I get to shoot people and get paid for it)!

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What do I hate? That's easy, let's begin with morons.. no NOT mormons (altho they bug me too).. morons, u know, people that refuse to think before they speak, or actually use their brain in any capacity. Next? People that refuse to grow up. You know, the people that can't seem to stop pretending they're in high school, or younger. BE AN ADULT ALREADY!!! Take responsibility for your own actions/words will you!?!?!

I'm open-minded, don't get me wrong, but if you're going to close yours, don't talk to me, you'll just annoy me. I'll put up with you for a while, but you'll end up being tossed off the balcony, and I'll find a really high one so you bounce lots..

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What do I like? Wow, lots there! I love techno-industrial music.. stuff you can listen to OR dance to.. check out LYE, a great up and coming band from Toronto!

I love playing paintball especially outdoors.. gives me a rush sneaking about the woods like that! I'm team captain for the Adrenaline A-Team, currently ranked 1st in Canada and 3rd in the World in tournament scenario paintball. Woot!

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If I had to pick a sport, I'd pick hockey (after all, we DID invent the game), altho as I said above, i'm REALLY enjoying paintball! Started playing hockey when I was 5 and kept it up till a few years ago. I must get back out on skates one of these days.. been playing paintball since '85 and haven't stopped yet!

I'm terribly loyal to my friends, and as a result keep only a few people close to me.. Starr, Freek, Sapphire, Sahahria, Images are the vr ones, Sahahria, Starr, Freek, and a few others in 'real life'.lol True friends are few and far between, when you find one, keep them close, they'll help you go places and do things you never thought possible! Those that pretend to be your friend, you know, the ones that are nice to your face but stab you in the back as soon as it's turned? Yeah, get rid of those. I've been hurt too many times by those. Maybe I'm just too nice for my own good, or too trusting, or too willing to forgive past mistakes. Not really sure, but I am trying to correct that!

There is one woman in my life (well actually there are more than one, but.. well read on...) that means more to me than I ever thought any one person could. Distance means nothing when I hear her voice or read her words.
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Ok, found something else that drives me nuts! I try, I really try, to rate profiles on here, I really do! Unfortuantely (this is the part that bugs me) too many people have lame profiles! By lame, I mean barely anything there. And the spelling! Oh god the spelling!! OR should I say the lack thereof? People, listen in school, okay? The last few profiles I looked at all said the owners were bi/lesbian.. good for you, except that you're all under 16!!! good lord girls, how can you possibly know what you are when you can barely spell what you think you are?!?!

Back to a bit about me.. cause I know you're all dying to know me better!
(ok, maybe not)

Favorite movies - I'm big into action and sci-fi movies, when they're done right. Star Wars has to be one of the best movies of all time! Not only was it a cool movie, but it revolutionized the way movies are made today! The LOTR trilogy; about time someone could do justice to the books! Top Gun, Chariots of Fire, James Bond movies, Grosse Pointe Blank, Poolhall Junkies (don't know this one? go rent it!!!), Men with Brooms, Spiderman, X Men (all of them), Pirates of the Carribean, Superman, Batman Begins (not that the first bunch weren't ok, but this one kicked ass!), Firefly (Joss Whedon's a genius), ummm. I should stop here for now.. lol

As for tv, I don't watch a lot, but when I do, I prefer shows that make you think. The CSI family, House (absolutely amazing!), NCIS (Abby rocks!), Bones, Battlestar Galactica (hey, it's Battlestar Galactica, enough said!)

Trucks, muscle cars, motorcycles.. anything that's got an engine and has been worked on to make it look/perform better.... coolness...

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Paintball and anything to do with Scenario Paintball.. not the inflated bunker speedball stuff(altho I'm insanely good at this too), but out in the woods where it belongs. I think I've mentionned this a few times already, haven't I? lol My addiction to this sport has rubbed off on a good number of my friends recently, and all of a sudden we're all playing paintball!

I prefer Rye as a drink, with Coke. this is because I can no longer drink beer (yes, this is sad). Crown and coke or Crown on ice and i'm yours!

I'm an odd one I can say that much.. don't beleive me? Ask Saharia or Starr, they'll tell ya!

Member Since: Oct 24, 2005
Last Login: Feb 22, 2011
Times Viewed: 8,476

Times Rated:751

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Mar 27, 2024

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Jan 04, 2024
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