
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Balance is only kept when all sides ask for nothing
Set at 09:01 on November 26, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Bloodsucker (50.95)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  June 24, 1992
Age:  31

The Thunders of Heaven


Bite Rayden

Stalk Rayden


Fear the Ocean for it is all I rule along with the thunder of the night for I am Rayden, The Lord Goth.

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"The gem was born of evils fire,

the gem shall be his portal,

he comes to claim,

he comes to sire,

the end of all things mortal.."

-The Prophecy

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I am Rayden, son of Trigon and Apprentice of Crimson. I am of Coven Yōkai Ka. I am of Clan Termere.Above all I serve the Dove of the Vampire. Never betray my Father.

Vengeful soul
Your soul is vengeful.
That is the driving feeling you have in your

life right now. Someone fooled/betrayed you

really bad and now you are after them to make

them pay. Your heart and mind has been

blackened by your hate for this person and

it's on the line obsession. You need to let

go, but that is something you just are

incapable of doing. Betrayal is something you

don't take very lightly and you can easily

make new enemies. People often see you as a

cold and harsh person who may be in need of

anger management, but they don't know what

you're going through and can't understand. On

the bright side; you don't give up that easy

when you've decided to do something.

Hopefully you will have your revenge, if it

is within reason, and get your honour and

dignity back.

How is your soul? [pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

I will not stop untill I am 'The Sire of Lightning!'

What type of weather are you?


You are lighting. Bright, dangerous, and always on the move. People like to watch you.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

Wolves...creatures of pure beuty are they not? I've looked in the soul of every wolf. They all know a true warriors death. Unfortunately they are the last of there kindren. I remember a time where all warriors could live in peace for the true peace keepers they were. Now they are exucuted like criminals.Wolves are my only mortal family now....
Black Wolf: Mystical and wise. A symbol of darkness

and strength.

As for my imortal brotheren they take there place with me in the land of Gods.

Mysterious and a scholar, you are a member of the Tremere clan. You are pretty loyal to your clan, well, you sort of have to...especially since you are blood-bonded to most of them. You are the intelligentsia of the Camarilla and are fascinated with the occult. Possessing the ability to use blood for magic, many clans don't like to approach you. However, that is fine with you. You tend not to trust the other clans anyway.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

you are a..MODERN vampire. you are pretty much in

the middle of good and evil. you dont mind

humans, but you like going along with your

insticts as well. you show your opposite

sides at very different times. you can be

kind and merciful, but suddenly harsh and

cold. you sometimes make a game of it. are

you kidding? are you serious? one wrong step

and who knows! you love tranquill water,

going with the flow. you are pretty nutral

what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

In egypt I am known as Horus. My Father Trigon is the mighty Osiris. And my mother Lilith is Isis.
Take the quiz:
Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)

Horus, Son of Isis
Horus was one of the most important gods of Egypt. His 'earthly embodiment' was meant to be the first Pharaoh, and kings would eventually take his name for their own. Horus was very powerful and strong, and became associated with the son as Ra was. He is known as a 'solar deity'.

You are a very strong person, almost to a frightening point. People may be scared of you for your unbelievable strength. If you use your power to protect instead of for show or for evil, than your personality is one of the best.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My children, the birds of fire make there home on the planet earth as Gaurdains.
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.

"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached

zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He

emerged from his own ashes, to be forever


Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl

(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum

The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,

the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.

As a member of Form 0, you are a determined

individual. You tend to keep your sense of

optomism, even through tough times and have a

positive outlook on most situations. You

have a way of looking at going through life

as a journey that you can constantly learn

from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have

because they cheer people up easily.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What ever is left of my soul I wonder if I am truley worth anything.

Your soul is Black! (yay?) You're a loner by nature

and love it. You might have a couple VERY

LOYAL friends, but mostly your biting sarcasm

keeps them away. You like your alone-time and

dispise the times you have to be in a group.

You're not evil, but you like to act like it.

People are drawn to:
your weird sense of humor

People are pushed away by:

Quotes: "Heaven didn't want me and Hell thinks

I'll take over."

"Never knock on Death's door, ring the

doorbell and run away.... he hates


What colour is your soul? - anime pics (now w/ new result)
brought to you by Quizilla

My sins are many but my fight for justice is greater then anytihng that I have done.

Your Deadly Sins

Lust: 80%

Envy: 40%

Pride: 20%

Gluttony: 0%

Greed: 0%

Sloth: 0%

Wrath: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 20%

You'll die while in the throws of passion - the best way to go.

I am a Spiritual Warrior and as such I am a Guardian to all I see fit. Beware for I protect all those who bare this symbol on thier profiles.
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Now I'm done with my introduction I am going to talk about the real me now. I am Rayden Angelus, but I am also called Belur Midnight. Humans call me Matthew Sampson(my nick name among them is 'Prince of Jews' as I descend from, among many things, Polish Jews.). I am a ordained Ramkht(Priest) of both Greek and Norse Gods, with a more personal connection to the Norse. I am more deeply spiritual then truly religious with the belief that all gods worshiped by man are in some way true. I am a PSI Vampire, though I'll never admit it to those outside of the Vampire Culture. I a young therefor busy but I try to keep up with vampire rave as much as I can. I try my best to rate back those who take their time to rate me, though if I don't don't be mad. My goal in VR is to reach the rank of Sire, and hopefully one day create my own Coven.

Member Since: Jan 26, 2006
Last Login: Aug 19, 2020
Times Viewed: 9,732

Times Rated:573

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Feb 11, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Jan 02, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Aug 25, 2023

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