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Je suis excité à être ici et attends avec impatience rencontrant les gens de cette communauté. Hello Vampire Rave, I am excited to be here and looking forward to meeting the people of this community. I have traveled all my life, I am a free spirit, interested in different cultures different places and different ideas. I have always been fascinated with Vampires and the Super Natural. I am now living in Alaska and 24/7 darkness is fast approaching, soon there will be no daylight. They say Alaska has Vampires and Werewolves...I believe it! I have since moved back to Texas where I have lived for the past 4 years now.
I can remember how I viewed the world when I was a child, this keeps me sane and makes me dangerous. I have many different types of blood running through my veins, I don't mind, I like the spice in my life. I have a huge family and I am Loved and well protected. I am not married but have been, that was just one experience in my life, I have many. I am not searching for love or looking for a relationship. I am completely peaceful and happy being single. I do have young adult children and five grandchildren, they are my life and my reason for everything that I do and don't do. Nothing is more important to me.
I don't believe anything I hear and only half of what I see. Most of the time the story has been changed so much there is no truth to it any more, and only half of what I see simply because I don't know for sure what happened a minute before I walked into any given situation.
I grew up in a very tight family atmosphere in the 60's and 70's. I know all too well about Trust, Honor and Respect. Please don't ask me any personal questions about things I haven't mentioned on my profile, especially if we are not friends or at least have gotten to know each other a little better. If I haven't written about it and made it public it's because it's not something I want to share, I am 62 you cannot manipulate me. I am not volunteering information about myself to strangers I make no exceptions...hello have you ever heard of Stranger Danger?
Don't let this scare you, I'm friendly I like a good sense of humor and love to chat with just about anyone and just about anything. I am who I want to be and happy with my life, I have traveled near and far, have had many life experiences and adventures. I believe in living one's life as though there is no tomorrow and leaving no stone unturned. Sometimes I can be a bit shy. I am easy to get along with and I don't sweat the small stuff. Drama Free!
I have great respect for the military but I am a peaceful person. There are other wars happening not seen by the human eye but by the hearts of man. Such is life from the beginning to the end. On 9/11 I was sleeping it was a hot day in Texas, I was told we were getting bombed. I got up not really knowing what to feel I was asleep! I watched the television in disbelief, but I did not feel anger, I was asleep trying to wake up! My heart goes out to all the victims and their families that's all I have to say about that. I support our Troops
I would have to say that I am spiritual. I am into Buddhism, like I am into anything that interests me and many things do.
I love watching movies with friends and family and occasionally by myself. I don't watch television, my life is too busy to sit for too long. However, I do enjoy relaxing and meditating. I don't walk around alone to much here in Alaska, it's too dark too cold and there are strange things lurking in the woods. Bears, Moose, Vampires and Wolves oh my.
Unknown Callers
The Sun
Some Of My Favorite Things
The Rain
The Moon
Ice Skating
Dog Sledding
The Holidays
Happy People
When other little girls wanted to be Ballet Dancers I wanted to be a Vampire
All the idols made by man, however terrifying they may be, are in point of fact subordinate to him, and that is why he will always have it in his power to destroy them. - Simone de Beauvoir