
Quote: I am bound by and to eternal darkness !

"Da mihi quaeso corporis animique vires ad diutius durandum!"

Welcome to my humble abode. I decided to write some new things about myself since I erased all the other by mistake. Ever have those days where no matter what you do it turns out like shit. Well today was my day. My name is ShroudesOfMist and I choose this name because of several reasons. I like mist, rain and the night. So I was thinking one night and came up with this name. My real name is Beth and I have two children. Jessica Renee' who is 19 and Jonathon Kane' who is 16. They are the light of my very existence. I have learned to embrace the horror of my life which made me realize nothing is ever as it seems, nor can anything ever be made right that was wronged. We are given the choice to either endure and learn from it or cease to exist. As for me right now I am enduring, waiting for something that I cannot explain. I look for it at night when all is calm and peaceful. I come from a long line of family who are physic. Many are vampires some are lycan. We then have those who practice magic black and white. I prefer black magic myself. I ask all to respect me and my family as my daughter has a page here also. Her name is TearsOfNight. I can not be responsible for what may happen if you disrespect what is mine. I will show all respect if it is given. I think that is only fair don't you? I love anything that has to do with Egypt I hope to one day visit again. I believe in reincarnation and incarnation and yes they are different in case some don't know. My life is hard to tell in detail so I want try. If you are curious you may ask. I have always had dreams and 95% of them come true, not always right away but eventually they have a way of showing up. I then say OMG I already knew this was coming. This can be weird at times because I never know what will trigger that memory. I have this gift of knowing things that people think but if asked to do this I can't always do it. Why I don't have a clue. My daughter has this ability also. We read each others mind and never have to say a word.This is cool also we can finish each others sentences excatly at the same time with the same words. Well enough said I must go and try to put back all I erased which will take forever. Please stop back by for a visit and may darkness always keep you safe !!!!

Vampire name

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Iolanthe Vigée-Lebrun
Known in some parts of the world as:
Leto of Delhi
The Great Archives Record:
In India this name strikes fear into the hearts of mortals.

Member Since: | Sep 27, 2006 |
Last Login: | Jan 10, 2008 |
Times Viewed: | 7,378 |
Times Rated: | 498 |
Rating: | 9.287 |
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