Note to all who come to rate me and my profile...
-I AM 24 YRS. OLD! I do NOT want to be hit on by minors! UNDER 18 is a MINOR!
-I can't stand flashy, I can't stand sparkly, and my number one pet peeve is being unable to read a profile due to an overly complex backround and too many colors. My favorite colors are silver and Black, therefore my profile is done in those colors. If your idea of a great profile is one which was done by the lollipop kids you will not like mine.
I am a VERY proud member of House Eternal! The people, the written word, the art... everything that contributes to my house makes it absolutely amazing!

Rhiakath is your Vampire name.
You are an image of the Vampire Lestat. You love yourself, and rightly so, because you are clever, witty, sexy, and very cunning.
-For random quiz results and Q&A check out my Journal-
Petite. Curvy. Dark.
I'm a Leo, which frankly explains so much... I'm wild, but deeply faithful to those who belong to me. I am very passionate and artistic. I love history... I love Magick... I feel a hypnotic pull where both are concerned... I love to dance, especially when the music takes hold and I enter in to a trance like state. The natural high I recieve from dancing is intoxic. My favorite style is belly dancing... it is the most ancient form of dance... the simple movement of the body to glorify and revel in it's mysteries....
I love the night... I feel at home in it's embrace...
My Nationality: It never ceases to amaze people that I am predominately Norweigen... down to my extremely Norweigen last name. That is closely followed by my Irish and German ancestry. I also have a little Cherokee and there has recently been evidence that I more than likely have some Indian thrown in there since I have a genetic form of Anemia only found in the people of India.
Outside my computer: I am currently going to school to recieve an associates degree so I may transfer to a four year institution. My concentration at the moment is history and at the University I hope to study Foreign Relations. I recently recieved a medical discharge from the military after recieving a back injury that resulted in surgery. Which means I'm trained to kill... Be afraid very afraid!... =) While in the military I learned to speak the fascinating Korean language, although maintaining that ability is proving more difficult than learning the language in the first place! I hope to start learning Japanese this fall... I also took 4 years of German and 2 years of Spanish in High School, but I barely remember it.... Blah! I am currently looking in to volunteer oppurtunities to teach English in Asia. I am hoping to go over there within the next couple of years...unfortunately I am too poor to do it at the moment...
My interests:
Photography! And anything artsy...
My favorite photographer: Phillipe Halsman
Examples of his work:

On occasion I draw and write. I prefer writing peotry because I don't have the patience for anything else.
My favorite Poem:
Ten rings there are, and nine gold torcs
On the battlechiefs of old;
Eight priincely virtues, and seven sins
For which a soul is sold;
Six is the sum of earth and sky
Of all things meek and bold;
Five is the number of ships
that sailed from Atlantis lost and cold;
Four Kings of the Westerlands were saved,
Three Kingdoms now behold;
Two came together in love and fear
in Llyonesse stronghold,
One world there is, one God,
and one birth
the Druid stars foretold.
Oxford, England
I like movies and music but then who doesn't? When I read I lean towards fantasy and historical novels, which I suppose makes me a bit of a geek... oh well. I prefer going out dancing, Yoga, and Belly dancing to the typical workouts. They are a lot more fun and you would be amazed what belly dancing can do for your abs and hips! Give it try. I love camping... although it usually ends up being me, a bunch of friends, some alchohol and Swimming!!!!! To the chagrin of my wallet I also like to shop, mostly for CD's, DVD's, and Books! Sometimes it is just fun to run around town, pretend your a tourist and randomly meet new people and see new things.
Everything except Trance, Random Screaming, and early R&B boy bands... Bands I am currently listening to include but are not limited to (if you hate lists please fast forward... just know my taste is highly ecclectic):
Nickel Creek
My chemical Romance,
Jayce Everett
The Forgery (my friends band and I can truly say they are great... I don't just say I like them because they are my friends)
Jane Monheit
Josh Groban
Loreena McKennet
Linkin Park
Some Eminem
Gustava Santaoalla
the Queen of the Damned soundtrack
Ella Fitzgerald
the Garden State soundtrack
the Velvet Underground
the Doors
the Eagles
the Clash
Pearl Jam
Fall out Boy,
The Killers
Marilyn Manson
Soul Assylum
White Stripes
Norah Jones
Various Korean artists you have probably never heard of....
System of a Down
Natural Born Killers soundtrack
Tori Amos
The Living End
Various classical and Celtic...
and you are probably not even reading this anymore so I will stop.
I was reading a biography on Alfred Kinsey, but the writer was not very talanted and managed to make even Kinsey's life dull and monotonous.
The Kushiel Trilogy By Jaqueline Carey
The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned
The Vampire Chronicles
and the Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice in that order. The Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
Various works by the Marquis De Sade
The World's Shortest stories of Love and Death 1984
Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
The World Encyclopedia of Ancient times
Sex with Kings
Royal Scandals
Japan; the Life, the Language, the Culture
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Elderado by Edgar Allen Poe
The Lady of Shallot
Stan Rice
Various works of Rumi
The Highway Man
and various works of close friends.
I also have a book of Japanese Death Poems I am in love with, written by monks and Haiku poets within moments of their death.
Quizzes and such:
Which Vampire: The Masquerade clan do you belong in?
The scintillating, complicated unlives of the Kindred of Clan Toreador are an incomprehensible mess of pleasure-seeking and subterfuge to many others of their kind. Most Toreador are creatures of passion and feeling, embracing art, literature, or even outright hedonism in search of something that truely gives unlife beauty and meaning. Many of them become great creators, with all eternity to hone their arts, but most of them learn to appreciate, even envy, the tragically fleeting works of the mortal masters. Cultivating some of the best (and sometimes worst) aspects of humanity, they wield powers of great social and physical grace. However, many fall prey to their own quest for beauty, their senses growing so easily ensnared as to make them easy marks for more "practical" Kindred.