
The Coven Of Mystical Blood Moon

Dark Kindred Alliance Proud!! Join Us!!
Set at 00:24 on August 03, 2021

Vampire Rave member for 7 years.

Status:  Obtruder (51.04)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven Of Mystical Blood Moon
Mentorship Pupil of The Kindred Path.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  DarkMother
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  June 17, 1974
Age:  50

Under The BloodMoon



Bite TheDarkKindred

Stalk TheDarkKindred



Seek And Ye Shall Find.. ~ I Am My Father's Daughter~ Hail Sabertooth Noctem Aeternus!!!!

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We are the Dark Kindred. Reborn many times, our souls do walk. Taking pieces and
life lessons from each life before. We are Immortal. We are looked at as evil, seen as dark and souless. In fact it couldnt be further from the truth.
We are a balance of light and dark. Day and Night. We feel things more intense and than mundane. It is both a blessing and a curse.We are gifted in the things that we can do.
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We are Warrior (Mradu) - Guardians, protectors, sources of energy and keepers of the traditions, Mradu are physically and spiritually tough.
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Path of the Guardian
Guardians are bodyguards, protectors of allies and healers and keepers of sacred places. They are responsible for keeping the peace and keeping Artifacts and holy places sacred and undefiled. Guardians are expected to be calm, level headed and impervious to insult, yet ready to defend others physically or astrally if required. Guardians should NEVER initiate combat under any circumstances, and should always try to peacefully diffuse tense situations. That said, all Guardians must be in some type of ongoing martial art or other self-defense training. Guardians must be bound by the dictates of personal honor and uphold the Black Veil and Covenant of the house. Guardians are traditionally linked to a location, person or Temple and usually only offer their services in that direction. A Guardian may choose to move from one person or place to another where they feel they are more needed or more comfortable.
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Path of the Avenger
All of the above holds true for avengers and more besides. Avengers actively investigate tales of wrongdoings and rending of the Veil. All avengers should be trained in self-defense and investigation. Avengers also answer challenges to the House. If an Avenger uncovers solid evidence of a serious crime committed by a House member, it is their duty first to notify the house Council of their findings, then the offender(s). The offender(s) is brought before the Council to give their account which is recorded, at which time the Avenger must provide tangible evidence and convince the Council that the offender is guilty. The Council decides whether the situation should be brought to a vote before the house, and any emergency decisions are made by the Council present until a full meeting is called.. In the case of illegal activity, the evidence and name of the offender is anonymously submitted to the local law enforcement officials. All Avengers must maintain a trustworthy police contact just in case of such an event.
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Path of the Wolfwalker
These are practitioners of astral shapeshifitng and deeply attuned to nature. Their protectorate or territory is a predominantly wooded area (such as a park), and they are responsible for keeping it clean and keeping an eye on mundane activities within. Wolf walkers try to develop the instinctive link between themselves and certain animals and do research in that direction. They are often practitioners of shamanism, Wicca, druidism or other earth-centered religions. Wolf walkers are expected to aid local environmental groups if possible and keep up with such issues in their community. Wolf walkers are often solitary wanderers and welcome in any Temple or Haven allied with our House.
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Path of the Death speaker
These are warriors of the spirit and astral realm. They investigate cases of haunted or possessed places and specialize in dealing with the spirits of the dead. Death speakers are expected to study parapsychology as a science and spiritual path and be equipped both physically and intellectually to investigate using both approaches at once. Death speakers should be historians, able to unearth the history of a location of a place or individual. They also maintain a database of historical Vampyric encounters and people for use by Aspirants. Death speakers are expected to be accomplished magicians of their chosen tradition.

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We are Ramkht - Road of the Priest (Cenoquodi, Ramkht, Sen.)
Priests are the leaders, mystics and guides of community. They collect, write and perform Rituals, Rites and Initiations, form Covens and Circles and keep traditions sacred and accessible. Priests are also expected to initiate new members and seek out those on the verge of Awakening or in need. Priests are almost always practitioners of some type of magic.

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Path of the Blood priest
A blood priest is a literal priest and devotee of a Vampyric or other dark deity. These include but are not limited to Anubis, Osiris, Nephethys, Morrigu, Kali, Anwyn, Hades, Hecate, Sekhmet, Lilith, Tlatzolteotl, Tzcatlipoca, Hel or Hephaestus. Blood priests may take a confession of a Vampyre if they wish to give one, pass along the prayers of the community, bless havens or Temples or initiate Acolytes. Blood priests give spiritual council to Vampyres in need of such and are expected to have training in at least peer counseling and basic psychology. They are also expected to be knowledgeable about their patron deity and other dark deities and devote time and effort to creating Rites for the community. Blood priests often search out and investigate rumors of the Ageless or Undead. If an ageless or undead is ever found they trade services similar to a Companion to them. Others research means of magically or artificially extending their lifespan or developing powers similar to vampires of legend.
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Path of the Sangomancer
Sangomancers are Vampyre magicians, sorcerers and witches. A Sangomancer spends a great deal of time on studying magical lore and history. They are a resource for Vampyres who wish to study the occult or simply have a talisman made for any purpose. They do spells for and within the community and maintain the House's library as well as their personal libraries. Sangomancers are asked to create new spells for the House Grimoire as they are able or contribute articles and research to our database. No Sangomancer is permitted to do spells involving spirits of decay or demons. Such practice is absolutely forbidden in this house. We accept Satanists as members but reserve the right not to bestow upon them the rank or title of Sangomancer if their spells or rites involve demons or other infernal spirits. All Sangomancers are subject to spiritual examination to prove they do not use such magic to harm others. Those who break this law will be asked to submit to a penance (usually an amount of community service and a purification ritual or fine). Those who refuse or consistently repeat the offense will be cast from the House, shunned and have their names and records expunged from our rosters and our hearts.
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Path of the Keeper of the Scrolls
Keeper of the Scrolls are our record keepers, lore researchers, website runners and document creators. The head Keeper of the Scrolls of the House is our formal Record Keeper, and is allowed a vote at House meetings. Keepers of the Scrolls are expected to remain completely neutral in all disputes within or without the house. Keepers of the Scrolls tend to be bookworms and are required to have a basic understanding of human laws. They are also expected to have a large amount of knowledge available about modern Vampyre culture, houses and beliefs. Scribes keep a record of all House members, their names, Paths, affiliations, etc. If a Vampyre is ever cast from the House, it is the Keeper of the Scrolls who destroys all references to their name in the records and burns their House Oath in the expulsion ritual. Keepers of the Scrolls are expected to be able to recognize and translate most commonly used magical scripts, and to be knowledgeable in the areas of calligraphy, formal document layout, paper making, manuscript preparation and the like. No House member may attack a Keeper of the Scrolls for any reason as long as they stick to their oath of neutrality and un-involvement, and all are expected to protect them. Keepers of the Scrolls are usually unarmed and commonly travel with a Guardian as a protector. Keepers of the Scrolls often function as our ambassadors to other Houses.
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Death speaker
A death speaker is literally a speaker for our Ancestors. They are the truest historians of our kind and often spend most of their time buried in old books of legend. Death speakers try to correct mistakes in our histories and, like scribes, keep records of lore. Many Death speakers pick a particular historical person to research and devote most of their research to that being or person. Death speakers may also research and compile mythology dealing with Vampyres from ancient cultures, and studying how such myths impact our society today. Death speakers usually are not involved in Vampyre culture on a day-to-day basis, and many are mostly solitary. Like Keepers of the Scrolls, death speakers are mostly neutral lore keepers who one treats with respect, goes to for information and otherwise leaves to pursue their studies. Many Death speakers travel to sites involved in historical vampire lore and do research in the field as well, as quite a few are amateur archeologists.

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We are Kitra - Road of the Counselor (Kitra)
Companions, Counselors and Concubines are the gentlest and often the most understanding. As a rule, they are devoted to the welfare of others. They are a lover who understands your needs, a friend who does not mind you crying on their shoulder and someone you can rant to when you are fed up with life. Counselors are sacred and cherished and anyone is very lucky who has one for a coven member or friend.

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Path of the Companion

A companion or concubine is exactly that- a person who is the perfect aid to a Vampyre (or other creature) in a position of power or leadership. They are well versed in the arts of love, the practice of massage and herbalism, the mysteries of healing and the manipulation of energy. They can also be a true power in their own right as information gatherers, spies, social manipulators and organizers of gatherings. Woe to anyone who offends a Companion, as their bond mate will often ostracize the rude fellow or madam for the offense. Companions often offer comfort of different kinds to allies of their blood bond mates, including all of the aforementioned. Many companions wield true power due to these skills, while others are content to work from the shadows of their more public bond mates. These Vampyres are content in the knowledge that without their support and selfless devotion, our House would not be capable of holding itself together. Most Companions are formally Blood bound to a follower of one of the other greater Roads. This bond may be renewed or separated annually.
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Path of the Healer

The Vampyre who undertakes this path is a rare and cherished individual indeed. Like Keeper of the Scrolls, no house member may ever harm a healer unless they physically are attacked by the Healer first. Healers are neutral, and expected not to take a side in any dispute. They are also expected to help any Vampyre who comes to them in need. Healers are expected to at the very least be certified in Infant, Child and Adult CPR yearly. They are also required to take basic first aid at a minimum, as well as peer counseling classes. Many Healers are EMT's or Paramedics with local Fire Departments, and this is strongly encouraged. Many also learn energy healing, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, herbalism, reiki or other alternative healing skills. Healers are welcome in any haven or Temple at any time, and must be helped and protected by other House members. This is the only Vampyric path that may be followed by Black Swans, who will be equally honored as long as they continue to offer aid to those in need, both inside and outside the House
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Path of the Neferai

Neferai is an Ancient Egyptian word that means “beautiful one ". These Vampyres devote themselves to the arts and to preserving and promoting beauty within the Vampyre culture. All must practice some kind of art, and should seek out new and upcoming artists to make others aware of them. Many are art or antiques dealers, some are appraisers and others just love pretty things of all kinds. All kinds of art and artists are revered, from classic painting and sculpting to the cutting edge of body modification and performance art. Neferai often use themselves as a canvas, decorating their bodies with clothing, jewelry, makeup and tattoos. Neferai are expected to be knowledgeable about different artists, both famous and obscure and to devote at least a little time to the study of art history. Like all those on the Counselor path, Neferai are usually very beautiful, alluring and sensual creatures.
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Path of the Seer

Seers are exactly that, vampyric rune casters, tarot readers and psychics. Many are at least semi-professional and should be experienced in several methods of divination. Most Seers excel at a truly Vampyric form of scrying known as blood scrying. This is creating an artificial "blood" medium (usually a red liquid such as rosehip tea, cranberry juice or wine) with a few drops of their blood or some of their energy added and placed in a ritual vessel. This is used exactly as with water or oil scrying, but many Seers say it makes their visions stronger and clearer. Other Vampyres specialize in dowsing for water or other substances. Some simply study the history of divination and its connections to the Vampyre culture, while others try and create new divining tools for our kind. All Seers are expected to keep their clients information and readings in total confidence, similar to a priest in a counseling session. All Seers are welcome to practice their craft at havens and Temples. Seers are often asked to do readings before the House undertakes a venture so that the members of the House may know some of the possible outcomes.

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We are Valkyrie - Road of the Valkyrie (Kitra/Mradu) Counselor and Warrior

Valkyrie are best fitted to be bodyguard lovers. They are responsible for keeping the peace and taking care of an elder. They are expected to be calm, level headed and impervious to insult, yet ready to defend others physically or astrally if required. Valkyrie should NEVER initiate combat under any circumstances, and should always try to peacefully diffuse tense situations. That said, all Valkyrie must be in some type of ongoing martial art or other self-defense training as well as a companion or concubine - a person who is the perfect aid to a Vampyre in a position of power or leadership. They are well versed in the arts of love, the practice of massage and herbalism, the mysteries of healing and the manipulation of energy Valkyrie must be bound by the dictates of personal honor and uphold the Black Veil and Covenant of the house. Valkyrie are traditionally linked to a elder. A Valkyrie may choose to move from one elder to another where they feel they are more needed or more comfortable.

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I am a Regent of the Court Of Mystical Mounatins. In East Tennesse.

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We are building and working on Vampyre Evocatus Halo. We know that stepping out of the shadows can be a hard thing to do, especially in a rural area. We are here and you will be welcome to those whom live in East Tennesse. Come join us in building the structure that this state needs.

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Eternal Night is a group of family of like minds. We come together to support each other and to celebrate each others personal growth and enlightment. We know that awakening and personal growth can sometimes be lonely and painful, and overwhelming. We are a group that studies Vampyrism and Paganism.

For those whom ask about lineage. My sire is Lord Ryu. From The Sabertooth Clan Omega Family.

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The Kindred Path

The Coven Of Mystical Blood Moon

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The Dark Kindred

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Blessed Be To You

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Member Since: Jan 06, 2018
Last Login: Jan 10, 2023
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Dec 13, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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