".....to be ourselves causes us to be exiled by many others, and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves."
~ Quote Taken From, WOMAN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES~ By Clarissa Pinkola Estes*
We Are Known In Many Parts As WolfSpirits, Wolf and Silver Are Our Names. Married,Shaman/Witch ~ eclectic pagans- Shaman Witch. polyamorous, Nudist,True Hedonist, Gourmet cooks. M/s, D/s, Biker Swinger's. We are very spiritual people,though not religious. Wolf Is German/welsh. An Electrician, Tattoo Artist , meeting others to ride with. Retired Booze Fighters ~ 1992, Warlocks Retired 1995 ~ Winchester Va. Member Of The Society Of Fight Directors,Master Swordsman. He Is Learning How To Make Mead At Home .Loves His Motorcycle. We are Both Healers Of Several Healing Arts And Modalities. Silver, is Taino /Arawak Indian. Certified Usui/ Tibetan Reiki Grand Master/Teacher IX. Ordained In The Melchizedek Order. ORB Of Life Master Healer, Imara Master, Karuna Ki Master, Kundalini Master , Buddha Palm Master, Huna Master/Shaman.Sacred Breath , OneSpirit Master/Shaman, Lifepath facilitator/healer, Ama Deus Shamanic Healing, Meridian Flush, Devic Templates, DNA Reiki Master, Starlight Master,Tempaii Master,Varja Aruna Master,Stone Reiki Master, MariEl Master, Tacyon Master, Gauaranga Healer and many others. Always learning and seeking! Holistic Medicine/Healing and Nutritional Healing. Certified Herbalist, Reflexologist and Iridologist, Aromatherapist & Sweat Lodge Pour-er. Loves To Ride "Bitch" On The Back Of Wolf's Motorcycle And Go Riding And Touring. Silver now has her own bike, 650cc Kawasaki. ~ We ride all year long except when it's icy LOL! We go to PowWows, visit Wineries And Go To Wine Festivals. Drum circles, Healing Circles, learning to play the Didgeridoo at festivals, Absinthe, Absintheurs , Fetish Clothing, Pirates, House Parties, and Play Parties, Hookahs , Swingers Clubs. South Beach Miami, South Street Philadelphia, Camping, Travel, Hiking. Food network, discovery channel, History buff's Together we Like To Collect Wolves, Bat's, Dragon's, Items related to Absinthe such as Pictures- spoons- antiques-all things Absinthe, we love the green fairy! Swords, Daggers. Renaissance clothing (garb) And Related Accessories, Everything related to Renaissance Faires, music, food. Pirates, Rum, pirate garb, crew members to The Polly Dodger at MDRF. Guild members to The Privateers Guild. Wolf belongs to International Brotherhood of The Rogues,and International Fight Dirctors Guild and is a Master Swordsman. Brotherhood Of The GreenMan. Silver belongs to The International Wenches Guild local #42. We Love To Go To Renaissance Faires And Dress In Garb. Have Worked At Maryland Ren. Faire, Virginia Ren. Faire, Georgia Ren Faire, Pennsylvania Ren. Faire, Pittsburg Ren. Faire. and New York Ren. Faire. In The Last 4 years We Have Resided Mostly At Md & Pa. Ren. Faire. We attend yearly The Starwood Festival in Sherman NY. Free Spirit Alliance, FSG. Free Spirit Beltane, Body Tribal at 4 Quarters Farm in Pa. Belong to, 4Quarters Farm, Haven, Black Rose, The Crucible, Bess-Md.org. Free spirit.org. We are both Ordained In The Universal Life Church. Handfastings, Wiccanings, Weddings For People Of All Walks of Life of Life. AHO! )0(
Wolf Dreams
The Leaves Crackle Under Foot
The Crickets Are Silenced
In The Moonlight A Shadow Falls On A Mouse
The Owl, The Ghost In The Night
Swoops On It's Unsuspecting Prey
I Raise My Head, But Not In Fear
My Brothers Are Close By
I Can Feel Them
I Can See The Eyes Of The Pack
Two Come Foward And Lay Their Heads On Either Side Of Me
A Young Pup Pulls Itself Onto My Lap
The Alpha Wolf, Pure Silver, Steps Forward
His Mate, Pewter, Beside Him
I Whisper To Him, His Ears Perked At The Sound
They Curl Up Around Me In The Chill Of The Night
In The Morning, They Are Gone
Were They Really There?
The Only Sign Is A Paw Print In The Mud
Toltec Wisdom For Living In Balance :
Adapted from Toltec Dreaming, by Ken Eagle Feather (Inner Traditions, 2007).
A main Toltec worldview is to align your energies in a balanced way between Spirit and the world, so that you develop a path that reflects the deepest aspects of yourself. This is the way where you will find harmony. You’ll be able to handle daily problems more easily, and by following your path with heart you will avoid entanglements with the energy of others. Here are 10 tips that will help you develop this stance:
1. Use death as an advisor. In the face of death, why waste your last moments with worry?
2. Listen to your inner thoughts and feelings.
3. Accept yourself.
4. Don’t force yourself on the world. Try not to force your views on others.
5. Sense the difference between the directions of others and yourself.
6. Assess situations as they are, not as you want them to be.
7. Speak freely yet thoughtfully.
8. Aim to align yourself with Spirit, not with the thoughts and desires of others.
9. Direct your life toward strong, purposeful goals. Work to achieve them without bending them, yourself, or others out of shape.
10. Take only what you need and leave the rest. Use the world; don’t abuse it.
When the westward wind begins to blow
and the midnight moon is hanging low
then lightning streaks across the sky
You will hear Thunder Wolf, asti, it is I
From the mountains I come charging down
and you will hear my crashing sound
Your hearts will fill with awe and wonder
as you hear my wisdom's mighty thunder ...
My Thunder message is for all colors and creed
whether you are full blood or breed ...
It's a message of love and peace
that all hatred and prejudice should cease
As my thunder shakes the mountain tops
you will hear me ... the hatred must STOP
Across the world you are killing each other
and your greed is killing our Earth Mother
Embrace the Light, come out of the shadowy dark
let mercy and kindness fill your hearts ...
Learn from wolf the gift of love and loyalty
stop hate's treachery and let this message soar free
Hate has no wisdom, vision nor power
it comes from the fearful hearts of cowards
Thunder wolf's message is to bring you together
and know the power of Creator's love is forever ...
From Thunder Wolf, my message is clear
Learn to love and let your hearts be sincere ...
For with all power or miracles ever dreamt of ...
There is no power greater than the miracle of love
My message is for all countries across the land
for we are all sisters and brothers in the Tribe of Man
Let Creator's Light guide you to peace and harmony
Walk softly in the Light and set your spirit free
Barbara LaBarbera
~ My Wolf Soul ~
Thru valleys, across mountains and forests of pine,
Roams the wolf and his pack who's soul is mine.
The howl that carries thru the moonlit night,
My soul deep within him feels so right.
He wisely smells for any scent in the air,
As he never knows who might be there.
His strength of body and mind keeps the pack from harm,
The influence he carries to keep them all calm.
A defender of his cubs & protector of his pack,
So fearless but gentle as he leads a track.
It is an honor to hold his soul of present and past,
To feel his heart in my chest that beats so fast.
I love the wolf who's soul I bear,
Just like him I give respect and care.
Always look for the brother within your heart and mind,
Look into your soul and your brother you will find.
Wolf Spirits forever wild and free
Blessed by the Creator to let be
They run on the wind
With spirits unwilling to bend.
Natural wild spirits to sate
They take only one mate
Running in a pack together
Their hearts loyal forever.
Wolf spirits very soul
The Creator Blesses bold
But what therein mystery
about wolves there be?
When wolf spirits howl at night
by the moon's full light
What do they seek
And secrets therein keep?
Wild untamed beauty, this creature
Great hunters their main feature
But they only feed
When hunger strikes need.
One smelled scent in the air
And of their bounty, they're made aware
Without cruelty, using great skill
It's wolf spirit's nature to make a quick kill.
Watch through wolf spirit's eyes
Your heart grows wise
With his spirit to guide
Your heart's path is wide
With wolf spirit's guide
Loyalty is to abide
A spirit's deepest emotion
Of a heart's pure loyal devotion
Wolves forever avoiding man
They run always free on the land
They will always run in a pack
By their nature, never look back
Great Spirit's wolves will survive
By His Blessing, they will thrive
Wolf spirits to let be ...
Always to run wild and free ...
Barbara LaBarbera

Here is everything you need to enjoy absinthe in the traditional manner: fine absinthe, a glass, an absinthe spoon, sugar, and a carafe full of ice-cold water.
Note: Under no circumstances should fire have any part in the absinthe ritual, ever. This is a pointless innovation created in the 1990's by the purveyors of fraudulent "absinth" to make their products seem more interesting.
Likewise, absinthe, being in the 106 to 148 proof range, is not intended to be drunk neat or in shots, but should be diluted with water, making it about as strong as the average cocktail.
The spoon is perhaps the most unique bit of absinthe paraphernalia. It consists of a flat, perforated trowel-like tool with a small indented area in the handle to hold it in place on the edge of the glass. The perforations allow the water and melting sugar to pass into the glass of absinthe below.
During the Belle Epoque, there were quite a variety of styles available, many of which can be seen at Oxygénée's Virtual Absinthe Museum.
There are several nice reproductions available today at reasonable prices. If you do not have a proper absinthe spoon yet, a common fork will do!
Sugar is entirely a matter of individual taste. Sugar cubes are not as commonly used in the US today, but are fortunately still available in many places. Some sugar cubes are rather small and you may choose to use two. Or, if you prefer, you may choose not to use it at all.
The earliest absinthe glasses were ordinary water glasses of the type in which water, wine, lemonade or iced tea were served in bistros. Later, glasses were made with reservoirs or markings which helped the servers pour the correct amount of absinthe.
In a pinch, a large wine glass will suffice.
Start by pouring a quantity of absinthe into the glass equal to about one fifth of its capacity. About an ounce to an ounce and a half is common. With experience, you will determine the best absinthe-to-water ratio for your taste.
Place the spoon across the rim of the glass, with the notch of the spoon resting on the rim and place a sugar cube upon the spoon.
If you are using a carafe, begin by pouring a small amount of water onto the sugar, saturating it. Allow it to sit for a minute or two so that the sugar begins to dissolve on its own. Then begin slowly dripping a very slender stream of water onto the sugar cube. You may want to practice for a while in an empty glass to develop a pouring technique that suits your carafe or pitcher. Also, there are fountains made especially for absinthe which can be used to drip the water very, very slowly.
As you pour, watch the water as it mixes with the absinthe. When the water-to-absinthe ratio reaches a certain level, the essential oils which are dissolved in the absinthe during distillation will emulsify with the water and create the marvelous, opalescent, cloudy effect known as the "louche."
A proper louche is among the characteristics used to judge a premium absinthe. It should be neither too thick nor too thin, indicating either too much or not enough anise. Absinthe is above all, an anise drink, but it should not be overpowering and candy-like.
A good louche should be opalescent and translucent in good light, neither transparent nor opaque. It is best observed in full sunlight, and is appreciated even more with the second glass!
As the glass slowly fills and the louche develops, the bouquet of the absinthe is more fully released and you may detect fragrance notes which were only barely perceptible in the undiluted absinthe.
Continue slowly pouring until the sugar cube is completely dissolved.
Coordinating the speed of the pour so that the sugar cube is dissolved at about the same time the glass is nearly full is the essence of the absinthe ritual. Most absinthe drinkers use a water-to-absinthe ratio of between 3:1 and 5:1.
When you are done dripping and the louche has developed to the proper degree, stir any remaining, un-dissolved sugar in the bottom of the glass.
Although some purists might frown upon it, you may want to leave room for a couple ice cubes. If you choose to use ice, you should take that into account when deciding how strong to pour your drink as the melting ice will dilute the drink further.
Now, sit back and sip your absinthe slowly.
While anise or fennel is usually the predominant flavor and aroma in absinthe, and some of the finest absinthes use only six herbs, there can be a number of other herbs used, many of which are easily discernable while others are more subtle and elusive.
Roll the absinthe around in your mouth and pay close attention to the flavors and sensations on various part of your mouth and tongue.
***First of all, absinthe is a sipping drink. DRINK IT SLOWLY!. This isn't just to be cool. You will not enjoy anything other than drunkenness if you drink it too fast.
There are many wonderful herbs in absinthe that have a very special effects on humans. Some of them have a stimulating effect. Some have a relaxing effect. Some even have a sexual aspect to them. It's the synergistic combination that makes it special. You will notice this even before the alcohol kicks in. If you drink it slowly, you can carry this effect all the way through your whole experience without the alcohol overpowering it. If you drink it too quickly, all you will feel is very drunk, with a bit of a clear head.
More Antiques
Antique Fountains, used at Parties and Gatherings.
Antique Absinthe Water Pitcher- Water comes in slow drops.