bare with me friends i am haveing issues geting on :)
Set at 14:37 on February 21, 2013

Quote: if im dyin i dontvwant to know

This is my wolf form ^^

My favorite poem
Through the heavy fog on a dark winters night, peered haunting blue eyes with their soft glowing light.
The powerful stare with it's brilliance and majesty, brought on a shivering response full of caution and mystery.
They seemed to float through the air with great charm, in an effort to tell you "they meant you no harm."
Yet as ghostly as the movements had tried to be, an eerie feeling abruptly overtook me.
As I fell to the frozen, unforgiving forest floor, I noticed two eyes had been accompanied by two more!
Soon there were three enchanting pairs upon me, watching and listening, hiding in the trees. With one final shiver the dark night became black, I knew as I slept, I would not be coming back. The bright morning sun was the next thing I saw, which was followed by the touch of a rather large paw! and after providing a wet kiss on the nose, the wolf disappeared and I arose, In the snow at my feet, there were paw prints all about, and the surrounding outlines of the bodies, which helped keep the cold out. The howl that followed never seemed to end, conveying the message

All about me
Hey im gabi Im a very opinionated person,I won't come out and tell you wats wrong if I don't know you well, but if your my close friend I'll tell you how I really feel. I am a very layed back, i dont usually get upset easy, I go with the flow whatever comes my way I'll deal with it but if it's not importent at the time you better believe I don't care, im very kind hearted. Dont mistake my kindness for weakness, i know when im being taken advantage of. I am overly obsessed with twilight. I love Alice and Jasper. I think they are the cutest Couple ever i wish one day to have the same relationship and to see my sagnificant other the way the Cullens see eachother. I am inlove with the way Edward and Bella have this special kind of love. I love the wolf pack alot. My favorite is Sam and quill. Oh yeah I am super obsessed with wolves, just ask my family and friends, they'll be the first to tell ya. Im like the least sporty person ever i have really bad eye hand quordination. Anyhing that involves balls im bound to either injore myself or someone else. I found the sport that i am most passionate about when i was in 6th grade. It was our first track and field meeting of the year an i was new. That day was one of the best days of my life. I fell inlove with running and i absulutly loved hurddles. It has been my passion ever since, i quite my team back in 10th grade though. I felt that my team wasnt a team. So i decided not to do it no more. Though i miss it SO much! I was born Sept. 8, 1993, for all of you people who just really don't want to do the math, like me ugh I hate math. I'm 19 now. I will graduate high school in the summer of 2013 may,24 to be exact. I want to attend glen oaks community college in the fall,to become a photographer. I am a huge fan of huskies i think they are the most beautiful dog ever. I love marco del rossi from degrassi the next generation. i think he is the cutest thing ever. In real life an on the show his personality is amazing I love his carcasume. I am gay! I am very open to my sexuallity with the thanks of my mom. There's only like a few guys that I would actually consider dating. I have a hard time trusting and opening up to new people i have been through a lot in my lifetime and come to the conclusion u cant trust anyone. I am working on that though. I was born in michigan. I lived there for 8 years then moved to florida for 6 yrs. and now i currently live in indiana.:) I have 3 sisters and 1 brother, I'm closest with my younger sister and would take a bullet for her any day. She's like freaking amazing, I don't know what I would do without her.
Okay truth, -she looks down- this is really hard for me to talk about but I'm going to do my best... So if your still reading pleas have an open mind an a heart as I am about to tell you something very hard for me to tell.! I was born 4 months premature my lungs didn't develop all the way and I have no vision in my left eye, only 40% in my right ... I can do anything anyone else can.. I can drive but have to wear theses stupid glasses so I decided that I want going to drive. I have a raspy voice like I have a cold.... That one was very hard for me to tell you... So if your still here and reading this..and still have my approval.. Then thank you!.... I have been made fun of because I have to be really close to the tv or computer or a paper..-she stops talking and wipes her face-.......
I have been made fun of because of my voice... I think the worst thing in the world is when they stand right in front of you and laugh and make jokes about if.. Like really have the heart to at least do it behind my back.. That's why I'm scared to get close to people...

Music is a big part of my life I love Falling in reverse and Avenged Seven fold but I'm a big country fan... I love Josh turner and Thompson Square... Eminem is my idol i don't know how many times I sat down and just cried or vibes of an Eminem song. He's what got me through the hard hit in my life.
Edge of evoluion*
The ready set*
Avenged sevenfold*
Falling in reverse*
Josh turner
Tompson square*
Carrie underwood*
Sixx A.M*
Motley crew
To pac
George streight
Little big town
Marlin Manson
Guns 'N roses
Good charlett
Fall out boys
Green day
Escape the fate ( with Ronnie )
love and theft
Clasical music (piano / accusic guitar)
Areo smith
Three days grace
Three doors down*
Maroon five
The frey*
The used
The almost
Maranda lambert*
Adam lambert*
Florida gearga line
My darkest days*
A day to remember*
Metro station*
Tokyo hotel
Owl city*
papa roach*
30seconds to mars
We are Leo
Lee Ann rimes
Lil Wayne
Lil Jon
Trio cruz
Jordan sparks
Foo fighters
Walk the moon
Jack white
Of monsters and men
The donnas
Saint motel
Hot Chelle Rae
Secondhand serenade

law and order
Catfish the tv show
Ghost whisper
Rob & big
Fantasy factory
Bam margara
Drugs Inc
True life
Obanbstar racers
Little house on the prarrie
Walker Texas ranger
Primevil tv show with the dinosaur
I watch a lot of movies Im like the biggest kid at heart and I love to have fun...
The lion king
Project X
Underworld series
8 mile
The vow
Dear John
P.S I love you
The notebook
The Lake house
Twilight series
....And much more

My protective

Member Since: | Dec 25, 2012 |
Last Login: | Feb 21, 2013 |
Times Viewed: | 5,164 |
Times Rated: | 237 |
Rating: | 9.588 |
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