x.Cross my heart && hope you die.x

I know it's been a while and I've really missed the rave So I decided to come back for good.. but I DO have a life.. that's out side of the computer.. it's a small one but it is there so I can't be on all the time.. if you like feel free to add me to yahoo or myspace.. and if you want ask for my number I hand it out like free candy a sometimes. psychmajor_18@yahoo.com
or on myspace my url is http://www.myspace.com/ramborox
Who am I?
I am a lover and a fighter.. I am a friend and a enemy.. I'm a teacher and a student... I'm a daughter, a sister, a learner.
I can be your best friend.. I can be your lover I can be your enemy I can be your teacher I can be your student.. I can be all yours
I have many different names.. there's Kitty, Snow, Sarah, Kuni, Luna, Ren, and Bam
You can call me what ever you like.. although Snow and Sarah are my favorite names
My Truth
First thing first... I am a true psychopath.. I do not live in everyones pathatic world of lies and alibies. Truth is truth. My truth is.. I don't give a fuck about anyone or anything. My truth is.. I will slice and dice then spit on your grave with out even knowing your name. My truth is.. You don't want to fuck with me. So what I'm a girl.. but I'm a girl who loath men and there attiude that women are below them.. that women are week and fetal people. This girl will shove a 22G shot gun between your legs and blow your balls out your brain.
My truth is... Death, blood, killing, screaming... they are all what makes life intersing.. I'm only lookin for a certain type of people.. those who wish for death..
I'll give you your death.. and have you beging for more..
My truth is... I'm a psychopath... Trust the doctors.. you don't want to fuck with me
What a bad little girl:
My bad habits
&♥;Chewing my nails although I’m working on stopping
&♥;Cutting.. once again stopping
&♥;Cussing... uh no comment
&♥;Talking to loud
&♥;Putting my self down ALL the time
&♥;Being clumsy... not sure if that's a habit
&♥;Picking the wrong people
&♥;Forgetting what I'm saying
&♥;Or not thinking before I speak
&♥;Being a smart ass
&♥;And being a pain
I LOVE Pricings’ and tats... I don't have any tats YET
BUT I do have both my ears pierced
my left has 9 my right has 8
all are gauged to an 16 or a 14 except my bottom hole
and it's gauged to a 0
AND I have my nose pierced.. it's very new.. as soon as I get the money I'm geting my lip pierced
When I turn 19 I want to get my tongue pierced
and probably when I turn 20.. I might get a back corset... I'm not sure bout that one though
Into her mind
First off I'm a major pervert... but that doesn't make me a whore.. I'm a tease but the chances of me every doing anything with anyone on here is so small..
There's nothing better out there then teasing a guy until he begs.. the point were you know he would do anything.. and you walk away moving your hips from side to side..
Some girls are to shy
Some girls are to nice
Some girls aren't teases there whores
I'm the
Perfect girl..
But yet again I'm full of imperfections that I love
Her perfect girl
I am a lesbian.. I loath men.. the only good guy is a dead guy. My perfect girl is just her self though.. someone who's fun and knows who she is. My perfect girl isn' perfect at all, she is full of flaws that make her unique.
As for looks.. looks are nothing but an ilusion of shallowness. I do not care for looks. No I'm not shallow at all
One thing about me… I loath cheating.. and lieing for that matter
I am proud to say I have never cheated.. and I have only told maybe a handful of white lies…
I'm also very submissive... although around girls I'm a little bit more dominate.. but I'm still such a good little pet
That’s all I can really think of for now at least..
I will add more at a later time.. I promise.. I'm just really not sure what to say.. feel free to send me a message or rate me or even a small bite.
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Ooohh do You have a crush on me?
If so leave me a crush and make me smile

Crush this person!