I'd call you a cunt but you lack both the depth and the warmth.
Set at 05:13 on October 09, 2010

Quote: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind. - Theodor Seuss Geisel

Juny also has given me permission to place her copywritten logo on my page. It is at the very bottom so it's the last thing in your memory before you leave my page.

If you click on each stamp, it will take you to that person's profile.

My super awesome friend, OrionPax made this bitchin' Bumblebee stamp for me. Thank you, PAX!

The Happy Family!
Erin88, is the Other Mother

And I, MoonLitBlood83, am the Other Mother

To our son, Humphrey, age 2

And our daughter, Ella, age 2 months.

OrionPax is our "donor!" The best donor out there!

I'm a dark and twisted artist. I paint dark seductions. I am also an artist in word form. I am currently writing a book that consumes every free moment of my time. I fill my life with passion for everything around me, success or fail. I'm a fighter, so I fight for everything that is mine. I'm very open about pretty much everything. I love to paint dark and erotic scenes. Only few have seen my work. I don't care what people think of me, I am who I am and I don't change for anybody. I'm brutally honest, sarcastic, and tend to be a smart ass. I am not religious, but I am spiritual. There is a difference. I am very anamalistic and tend to bow to my baser instincts. Don't be afraid of me, for I may bite and you may like it. I tend to have smile on my face, usually cause I'm not listening to you and thinking about something else. I respect my elders, but if they give me a reason not to respect them, that respect is lost forever. If you don't respect me, I will not respect you. Chances are, I can't stand you. And chances are, you'd be better of just walking away now.
Let me just say this, if you put me on your friends list, talk to me. I do not add people I don't know, but we can talk and get to know each other. Don't just add me to your friends list, not talk to me, and take me off a few weeks later. Kinda lame. If you expect me to talk first, you are out of your mind. You added me, you talk, OK? If you don't talk to me, I won't talk to you.
I am a proud member of The Coven of
Mercury's Lair.

I am from

I am 59" short, curly dark brown hair, purple eyes, about 180lbs.

I don't put up with any


This is my loving husband

And this is for him.

A 'lil about me ...
What is your name?: LeiLoni Sykoraa
How old are you?: 28
When is your Birthday?: May
What is your zodiac sign?: Taurus
Where were you born?: Arizona
Where do you live now?: The butthole of the United States, Missouri
What color are your eyes?: Violet, blue, green, brown... they change color with the weather
What color is your hair?: Dark brown, almost black
How tall are you?: 59"
How much do you weigh?: 180
What is your race?: neon white
What is your worst fear?: Being alone
Do you smoke?: Yessss
Do you drink?: eh, depends on alot. but Jose and Rum are the best!
Do you cuss?: fuck no
Do you use drugs?: Been clean for 5 years as of August 2nd 2011
Have you or will you ever steal?: Who hasn't?
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?: If you are one of those important people in my life, you have my friendship and in turn, you can count on me. :)
Do you play in a band or play an instrument?: Drum set for sale *I suck at the drums*
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?: Piercings: Ears, right eyebrow, tongue, labret, nipples, 2 surface anchor implants on my nape. Tattoos: Outline of tiger stripes on my upper right arm. From my shoulder to my elbow. Getting the Killjoy symbols on the inside of my right arm from wrist to elbow.
Do you suffer from depression disorder?: NOPE! I have figured out how to stay happy! :)
Do you believe that you can be possesed?: I believe that anything is possible.
Are you a paranoid?: Laid back at times, very paranoid at different times. Depends on what you are talking about. I am horribly OCD with ADD and I don't mean OCD about simple things like germs, though I am. I am OCD about a great many things.
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?: Why get jealous of others, when you can make your life better than theirs, if you try?
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?: refer to 2 answers above this one.
Are you a violent person?: Try me
Do you take your anger out on other people?: I tend to on my brother. Though, I am always at the butt of his retaliation, no matter who it is meant for. It's a two way street.
Do you blame other people for your mistakes?: I know when I'm wrong and I always admit it.
What is your favorite game?: The one where you are the looser and I am the winner.
What is your favorite movie?: The Boondock Saints *drools* AND The Boondock Saints ll: All Saint's Day
Who is your favorite band?: I listen to everything except country and polka music. My FAVORITE band is

Member Since: | Mar 15, 2005 |
Last Login: | Jan 24, 2014 |
Times Viewed: | 30,744 |
Times Rated: | 1,748 |
Rating: | 9.752 |
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No pictures. Just a simple rate and a hello. :)
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