Come on Blob , cross over to 20
Set at 01:37 on November 27, 2014

Last Updated: Nov 04, 2014 |
Last Updated: Jul 09, 2014 |
Last Updated: Jul 06, 2014 |
Last Updated: Apr 13, 2014 |
Quote: Every rose has a thorn

Teacher by day and night is a different story. I love online video games(COH/COV), EQ2, Star Wars and LOTR. As of late I've been playing the DC online and Vindictus. We role play Vampires and Star Wars twice a month. My son is the evil GM. I have 3 characters in Vampires. Andrea is a Gangrel who runs a mission in the White Chapel district of London. Our game takes place in 1888, around the time of Jack the Ripper. Lacey is a Tremere who has the Lore of the Flames. She is the assistant of the world famous magician Tomas Mandrake. My last character is Bettany, a singer.She is involved in a love triangle. In love with a werewolve and his(a vampire) brother is in love with her.
I play with my family and friends. I love creating my story lines. My son likes messing with my characters. When I'm not playing, I'm really like Mr. Rogers with my pre-k class. I love my little demons.
Meet my children-

Whose to say what's "normal" anyway?

I have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a family of lovebirds. I do alot of family bonding. A family that plays together stays together. My dark side comes out when I play games or role play. I have a huge collection of dead dolls, vampire and zombie dolls.

Check out the artwork! My son and hubby are the artists, and the kindergarten art is totally mine. I have no talent but I'm determined to learn. The rave and family bring out my creative nature. So I keep trying. We design our own tattoes too! I'm happy to be me even down to my Frankenstein foot. What makes me different, is what makes me special. No matter how dark I am though, I'm a big fan of Scooby Doo.

Yes, I have a thing about feet because mine are so hidious,
but we are working on the new and improved model

This is my new bionic Frankenfoot
A little nail polish can do wonders!

I am just happy to be a member of such a great family, the Coven of Inari

Proud Member

Mentored by imagesinwords 

I love to role play and dress up. I feel very comfortable in period clothing and poodle skirts. I must be a reincarinated spirit in the wrong time.

Scoobydoo Forever

Scooby's wings

I always knew Scooby was special. Scoobyanubis!


Favorites cheesey movies-

Married to the Cheese! Hubby reviews cheesey movies on Twitter. Love monster and horror movies. Saw my first one when I was 4 years old. Hooked ever since. I'm probably the only one who loves vampires but faints at the sight of blood.

Life's like a movie, write your own ending
Keep believing, keep pretending
We've done just what we set out to do
Thanks to the lovers, the dreamers, and you.
-----Kermit and the Muppets

Favorite cartoons- Scooby Doo(of course)
Josie and the Pussycats and loved Rosemary from Hong Kong Phooey

I am a great fan of Salvador Dali

My tattoo- a yellow rose is forever

Those that watch over me!

Besides all that , some other things I like
1. snowglobes
2. goth dolls
3. pink
4. weiner dogs

By the way, did I mention I love pirates!

I adopted a cute lil' pirate fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

And bad boys!

1. balloons
2. up tight people
3. plastic people, I like them real and down to earth
4. trolls that lived under the bridge that now live in the downstairs apartment
5. that miserable little Saw puppet

Dark is good-
Time to Play
Some things are better off dead!

The rim of the star-light
My love
Is wand'ring in star-flight
I know
He'll find star-clustered reaches
Strange love a star woman teaches.
I know
His journey ends never
His star trek
Will go on forever.
But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me.
lyrics from Star Trek

Create Your Own Lava Lamp


Member Since: | May 26, 2007 |
Last Login: | Jul 08, 2022 |
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