
Quote: they say a picture says a thousand words...they dont just speak.... THEY KILL


haha nikita i told you i was haveing a shit but lookie at what i did haha i love you hunni but i so hacked your profile haha sexes i love you and your so gosh darn pretty i just want to be with you right now and forever kisses u mean the world to me hunni i cant stress that enough
♥♥♥ This is Rancidmeat or Steven... He is the Dweetest, funest awesomest, sexiest, greatest guy anyone will ever meet... And he is MINE!!!!!!!:P Te he... You mean soo much too me Steven... Te he.... And I fucking love you Sooooooo much ... I love you like a fox * le gasp* te he forever and always hunni *kisses*♥♥♥

hi... i am Nikita commenly known as nikki........I have black hair and bright blue eyes.....I come from a small town in BC.... I swear this is a town of preps.. If you wanna know more about me message me

Name: Nikita
Nicknames: Skittlez, Joe, Nik, Ky, Nikki, Nikita Fajita FattyMcHugeAss ... more but i am too lazy too type them
School: Timberline .. BOO!!!
Star Sign: Virgo
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Newfy Blue ( woot )
Sports: Horsebackriding, Kickboxing & Gymnastics
Fav place to be/ Place you wanna go: I WANNA GO TO AUSTRILIA!!!!! NO ARGUMENTS THAT IS WHERE I WANT TO BE!
Fav band(s): dont really have one have many

Yay fucking banana's in pajama's rule!

I absolutly love tinkerbell!!

And this is the tattoo i shall soon be getting 

I love music my life revolves around music ...
i also play the guitar and bass... guitar is my fave though!!! i love playing guitar !
This is my playing my guitar
and this is what my bass looks like 
this is my Acoustic te hehe 

Ok WHen you stick two complete idoits togehter with waayyy too much spare time you end up with something like Mi and Ni's Grand Adventures .... These are just a couple .. they are still in the makeing ... lol but we got too lazy soo lol we are always making more though lmao ..enjoy... O ya these are me and one of my Best freinds michelle ... her screenname on VR is mishiepants!

This is Natalia my Idol…. Lol It scares my Mother and even her wife Lucky but I am her protégé….. Everyone should check out her profile and journal especially everyone should read her poetry… It is really really awesome!!!

My three Awesome Parents
My first Mother tammy .... or should i say WONDER WOMEN lmao.... I live with This mom in Campbell River....I have an awesome mom ... sure she gets on nerves sometimes but hey whos mom doesn't.... my mother does all she can for me and any of her friends... and she has all the same interests as us..... she also is on this site ( her username is: Tammy) actually she was the one who origanally started me on this site.....love you lots mother dear

And this is my VR daddy Dave... or on here Renshai..... he is the most super de duper guy ever lmao lol i love you lots dave lol... and dont mess with me or he will stab you in the neck with a penicil *smiles* heheh

hehehe last but of course not least Karolina .. or Bloodose..... hehe shes the greatest..... i just wish she didn't have to live soo far away.... so i could see her and... wouldn't get in trouble for calling her lol heheheheheh i love you lots. you my mommmy and my partner enthusiaum master te hehe your ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!

Member Since: | Jun 22, 2005 |
Last Login: | Nov 17, 2015 |
Times Viewed: | 21,812 |
Times Rated: | 1,389 |
Rating: | 9.782 |
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Enjoy the darkness..
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