Now the wine has run out do I make coffee and ruin the whole experience?
Like why it's always choosing to rain before I have to go to work lately
Never do
Vacation at beach. Way to go much cooler weather
If I started using the bus, no gas money needed no car repairs.Id save tons every year.
It's time to get off of here for now so I can do a few things
I hate when people say they'll do something then disappear. At least have the backbone to say you don't want to anymore
The moon has a red hue because of the wildfires and so have our sunsets. It's pretty but I'm sad it's because of the wildfires that's out of control.
Why some people on here seem to use other forms to talk to people instead of just directly.
Can't wait to be done with all the stuff I need to do today
I have stuff to do but I want to finish this song first lol
Ahh i burned my mouth because I didn't want to keep waiting to eat my noodles
I was thinking how mundane my life is right now. It's like "The Ballad of Lucy Jordan."
I'm thinking how much I want someone to buy my house so I can move
I'm also thinking what a turd Wes Craven's "The People Under the Stairs" is. Plot holes so large you could drive a buick through them.
I'm thinking my obsession with Mariska Hargitay on Law & Order may be unhealthy.
Mariska wootwoot!!!
Sunday is a none day. Relax and worry none:)
Thinking I'll be glad when the election is over. Sick of the news b.s and tv ads
Getting 2000 forum posts and getting out of Purgatory a.s.a.f.p.
Why is it the only time I'm "not" having anxiety attacks is while I'm AT work?
I hope i make some scratch today at the flea market. I wonder if my tarot readings will be popular.
I need to do some back to school shoppin' get me some 25 cent notebooks while they are cheap. It's totally worth it to stock up because they are only that cheap once a year and that's now till Labor Day:) I get pens and pencils too since I still write everything rather than digital print my letters/notes etc. Post it notes are also on sale now too wootwoot!
If they would've just slowed down, Titanic would not have sank
hit it straight on titanic would not have sank
shakes head loss for words
I always picture Dicaprio in: "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"
How is it I'm working so much lately but have no money, lol
Omg right?@Phantasmic seriously gotta be a better way sheesh lol
I'm thinkn' I deserve a break taday. With ice cream lol