Post your best quotes here. (only text please, no images)
All for one, one for all, that is our device. - Alexandre Dumas
You can dance in the storm. Don't wait for the rain to be over before because it might take too long. You can can do it now. Wherever you are, right now, you can start, right now; this very moment.
― Israelmore Ayivor
And the mind of guilt... is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. – quote from tv mini series “The Fall the House of Usher”
If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes. - George Soros
“... a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.”
― George R.R. Martin
It is vain for the coward to flee; death follows close behind; it is only by defying it that the brave escape. – Voltaire
“We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.”
― Marilyn Monroe
“Make your mistakes, take your chances, look silly, but keep on going. Don’t freeze up.”
― Thomas Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again
Those who can make you believe absurdities, Can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire
“You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.”
― Ray Bradbury
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” ― H.P. Lovecraft
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. Søren Kierkegaard
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself. - Mark Twain
We learn from failure, not from success! Dracula by Bram Stoker
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” — Mark Twain, writer
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. - Washington Irving
Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another. Aleister Crowley
It's always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile. — Garry Marshall
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. - Winston Churchill.
The grass is always greener over the septic tank. - Erma Bombeck
"When times get rough, you can fall back on us. Don't give up. Please, don't give up." Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. - Albert Einstein
“You do not write your life with words...You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.”
― Patrick Ness
The world outside existed in a kind of darkness; and we inquired about nothing. – V.S. Naipaul
“Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.”
― Langston Hughes