Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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24 entries this month

a chaotic lifestyle...

18:02 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 796

Went to the doctors on Thursday afternoon, having made the appointment in the morning, well as soon after nine as was humanly possible. And yes, I pressed option two, which as it happened, had the consequence of eventually leading me a walk onna pleasant afternoon, a prescription, for a third course of antibiotics and, an inhaler. Uhuh, after all this time, an inhaler: with the idea being, get read of the wheezing, get rid of the coughing, while the antibiotics work. That was the good thing, then there’d been voluntary work, while I still felt run-down. As it was, a sunset and good company in the foreground of a photograph, after a pretty good night had me feeling good. My only downer on the night had been the fellow, who had been beaten then dumped, by his pregnant girlfriend, sporting two really black eyes. And, what do you say: “You have a chaotic lifestyle”, like ‘yeah.’ I just tried, tried to listen and, later very much appreciated the sunset, as I walked down the hill, to toward the station.




THRONE UP ... **Giggles**

01:19 Apr 28 2011
Times Read: 792

I went to Karl’s on Wednesday morning and, as the sky was overcast, my chest felt great. Carrying on with my preparation’s made to avoid the royal wedding, I’d been pleased to obtain some ‘Stargate Universe’ and a ScyFy cheapie to amuse from Karl and, give him some ‘No Ordinary Family’. Then come the afternoon, as the sun came out, my chest started to get bad again About fifteen minutes before we left his, the kids collared him, to get rid of ‘poopie Neil’, which amused me. As it was, we’d had to leave, as he was off to visit his Mum at Fazakerly. On the way to the station, two ladies sitting by a gated alleyway in the sun, both normally inebriated called to me, asking if I were Marlon Brando, because of the style of my leather, the shades and the black cap. And, sitting with them, was a fellow I normally see on a Thursday; he’d come over to shake my hand and say, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Whilst I was out I had called at a friends shop in Birkenhead and, talking about the royal wedding, I was given a red and white paper bag, similar to those you get on an airline. On the front, beneath a crown, are the words ‘THRONE UP’ with the words beneath, ‘Royal Wedding Sick bag. Keep this handy on April 29th 2011’

I got home to begin cooking: I cooked some egg paglia fieno, in a pan the right way, the old way, then made a rich cheese and onion sauce and, made up some spinach.

As I’d served it to Dad, I watched him open a cupboard, then cried out in pain, “Please, no tomato ketchup.”




Royalty loyalty?

16:28 Apr 25 2011
Times Read: 802

Having spent the last few days avoiding the oncoming royal wedding on television, I finally had to turn it on, long enough to watch ‘Doctor Who’. Other than that, I’ve been watching my shows on disc. I don’t wish them harm, but there’s a presumption, like the Olympics, that we’ll be interested. The Olympics is for ‘the South’, whilst the ryal wedding is about a bunch of very well paid people getting a rich service being paid for by the tax-payer, who is being hammered, at all turns. Besides which, the Queen is one of the richest women in the world and Charles and, his Duchee Of Cornwall one of the largest landowners. Like they couldn’t afford to pay for this damned wedding them? Anyway, I enjoyed Fringe 3:19 and 3:20 … man, that show is good. Then I got to watch episodes three and four of ‘No Ordinary Family’, which stars Michael Chiklas, formerly The Thing. And, I’ve enjoyed my walks and, got some writing finished. That was good. But boy, I do-so want to try and avoid this waste of time, which is to the working classes, a real waste of coin. Heck, the only good thing we’ve got from it, is one long-weekend after another.



16:31 Apr 25 2011

I am now just getting into the show no ordinary family. it has got me hooked all ready


The Crystal Hand and The X-Box... thoughful thoughts.

16:06 Apr 23 2011
Times Read: 816

All those who were good enough to read and give feedback to The Crystal Hand and The X-Box were very kind with their comments.

The piece was, as much of my writing, an experiment ~ and, such feedback is my pay and I am indeed rich.



16:26 Apr 25 2011

It's very easy to compliment you, you're a very good writer~NAP


most refreshing…

15:01 Apr 23 2011
Times Read: 822

I awoke with my friends Mum on my mind. She went into hospital awhile back and, I’d phoned him after the project, to see how he was; an she was. And, she’d got he answer she’d been waiting for, though not the one she wanted. She has Cancer.

That’d left me speechless.

It had been forgotten that Friday was a Bank Holiday and the cheque for the back had been written. But, with no banks open, Dad had wondered whether he’d have enough coin for the shopping.

And, the previous shop had cost nearly as much as it had for awhile, just for a basic shop. Yet, this week we got more in, in part, as my Dad had defrosted the new freezer, for the first time… AND… the shop had only cost a couple of quid more… SO.. that had confused us, both…

Spent much of Goodfriday: considering my chest sounds like I have a death rattle, it was good to be out and about... An, someone said, ‘its mind over matter’.

Well, I don't mind. It doesn't matter.

And, at the end of my moving plants and weeding and… my legs ached, badstyle.

SO… I took them for a walk to Raby Mere, to teach them a lesson.

I got to the Mere and, sat on the wall for a smoke and, it rained, that kinda light, cooling rain on a summers day sort of rain: most refreshing…



16:29 Apr 25 2011

really man deathrattles and cigerettes are one and the same. you should seriously consider quiting~(-:


my dreams come true. <3

23:48 Apr 21 2011
Times Read: 839

I got in more than a tad hyper from the project, so watched a show, or two, then went on Yahoo.

Elizabeth Blake is typing...

Elizabeth Blake (20/4/11 23:06):

I added you already.


this thing is weird


Elizabeth Blake:

Agreed. It still says add request pending. :/


I finished chapter five is going up tonight.

stupid yahoo

just seen csi 11:15


Nate Haskell fee

and Justin Bieber dead.

Elizabeth Blake:

Bieber dead..

my dreams come true.



00:12 Apr 22 2011


00:20 Apr 23 2011

lol adding you too... :P oh wait.. did that already! hehehe

05:37 Apr 23 2011

Hahahahhaa yeah its my wet dream lol

07:27 Apr 23 2011


why am I lost here?

*eyes dart back and forth*


flamin sinusitis

13:57 Apr 21 2011
Times Read: 841

a long walk awaits me, with voluntary work later.

wish I had more energy... flamin sinusitis.



07:28 Apr 23 2011


Aint it fun?! :P


John Wayne, again!

22:50 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 848

By the end of the Tuesday I was walking like John Wayne again. Then again I had been up in a tree, sawing branches off and, went a walk to the village to see about my pennies and, cooked tea; then watered the lawn, before watching a documentary with Dad, ‘Dirt Cities’, this one the last in a series of three and, being about New York. All in all, it had been a long day, made a tad annoying by the fact that that I’m not kept paying early by the dole, as I’d been led to expect, by the literature I’d been give, so I’d be without pennies for the coming Bank Holiday.



13:09 Apr 20 2011

Yikes...Im sorry.

I was walking like that too. Then I tried Lyrica...

and no more John Wayne walking for me again lol. :P



... and damn strange times.

00:24 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 851

I went to bed early Sunday night, as I have the last few nights, after a short while on VR, where it seemed that many I knew where going through strange times, emotional strife, or just plain hassle.

As I’d put the milk bottle out I’d looked up into the royal blue, star free sky, to see the biggest, brightest full moon I’ve seen in ages.

And, as far as I’m concerned, that explained so much, about all I’ve seen, heard and read of late: emotional strife, hassle and damn strange times.




almost a distraction...

23:15 Apr 17 2011
Times Read: 857

.. had some good feedback on chapter two of my new 'short' story. am very pleased with that. almost a good distraction from a hot face due to sinusitis.




should’ve stayed in bed

12:56 Apr 15 2011
Times Read: 871

I awoke at 6:00 a.m. to the sound of pigeons on the roof, using megaphones and wearing hobnail boots and, it was very sunny.

It had taken ages to fall asleep again and when I’d finally woken the second time, it was quarter past nine and there was issuing forth from a grey laden sky and light persistent drizzle.

When I saw the weather, I’d found myself thinking, ‘I should’ve stayed in bed.’

On my travels, as I’d coin in my pocket I went travelling. So choosing the black woollen overcoat type jacket, collar up, over a brown leather jacket; with my black leather cap, blue-jeans and a pair of black Doc Martens, themselves a replacement for the pair that I’d had. But, I digress. I got a whiskey and enjoying the whiskey buzz, I made my way through the small precinct and the shoppers, to where I thought I could get my bus I’d forgotten the busstop to use was back the way I’d come from. So, that’d been where I’d gone. Finding the stop I’d not long to wait, when a bus arrived until a bus turned up, which unfortunately hadn’t been the one I wanted, although it’d take me in the right direction.

With time on my hands and a pleasant walk to be had, I ended up at a friend, where I’d imbibed rather too much and, had a case of the shakes, which I haven’t done for quite awhile. The trouble was that when I got them, I spilt the bong and, bong water smells bad. Needless to say, before I left my friends flat I’d made a point of cleaning up as much as I were able.

On the train, on the way home, I wondered if I’d write about having a form of petit-mal, albeit I’ve learnt to control somewhat.

Come the Thursday, I went walkies after doing the housework, to pick up my Fathers prescription, then goto see if I could get Coff-Mate cheaper than the Azda. It had seemed not.

Then it was off to Liverpool, after a short visit to VR, to visit the QE11 courts and probate.

Going through security was fun, as besides going through the metal detector and emptying your pockets, they hold your camera. Fine. But, they don’t take moibile phones and, they can phot, film and do audio recordings.

I’d wanted to know, for Dad and myself, whether I could act, as executer for my Fathers will, without any form of formal ID.

As it transpires, I can.

Come the evening, I went on the project, as I do, even though my sinus and lower back ached like hell and back. And, for the first-time in a long-time, I had an early night, after I’d eaten and written.



23:23 Apr 16 2011

your life is very inspirational


A virtual headache...

00:21 Apr 13 2011
Times Read: 886

I've been proofing someone’s work on 'the cloud' for the last two hours across the Internet, using VM and, my eyes are burning… I only have three more pages to finish, thankfully.

My friend, who is at Uni and doing his BA, has dyslexia, so does need help.

I am selfish, as I feel good from doing such things.



14:06 Apr 14 2011

helping another is never selfish


Dear Mr Cameron read out...

23:58 Apr 11 2011
Times Read: 894

Before I went to the doctors on Monday, to take my Father’s prescription in, I listened to Roger Phillips awhile and, within the first fifteen minutes, I heard my ‘poem’ Dear Mr Cameron read out on Radio Merseyside…

And, on the News, I heard that Keisha Wall, 20 who hit and killed a sixty years old woman with her car, while using her mobile phone got two years jail. It’s not as long as I’d have wanted, but I was overjoyed to hear at least one of the mobile phone users of a one-ton killing machine has been jailed, as so many of them seem to get away with literal murder, nowadays.

Considering how highly I think of Len Richards, who buck passed my last letter, to the dept he had, as I questioned the styandards of nursing care at Arrowe Park, I found it funny .. [[funny?]]that there was just a program on tv tonight, secretly filmed, showing life today in a cut-threatened hospital.. driven by targets, managers on good pay and the threat of redundancies over the staffs heads.. and, my Fathers remark, "That's how Mum died."



16:57 Apr 12 2011

poetic justice tastes like vengence, sometimes it leaves a bitter taste.

again, I am sorry for your mum. I refuse to leave the house with my cell phone. it has caused loads of accidents all over the world


‘War Of The Worlds’ & 'CSI: Miami'

00:39 Apr 11 2011
Times Read: 902

I was watching 'CSI: Miami' and watching the title sequence noticed the name Sam Strangis, as an Executive Director. This was one of the two Strangis brothers, responsible for bringing the tv series ‘War Of The Worlds’, a show I had liked. Well then… just, well then…



05:18 Apr 13 2011

I liked it too if you are talking about the 1988 series with Jared Martin. I met Richard Chavez at a scifi convention in Orange County, I believe it was Anaheim. He had gotten cut from the show and was trying to get people to write to the studio. Someone from the series Alien Nation was supposed to be added to the show but that didn't happen and the show got cancelled but not sure why. Doesn't say on wikipedia as far as I saw. I didn't read the article fully. I really haven't seen much of him around since then or I haven't noticed anyway. Prior to that he had been in the first Predator movie but he sure was vocal about being upset with his character being cut from the series.

05:41 Apr 13 2011

Sorry for multiple comments. I saw his name spelled two ways and frankly I don't remember even though I have his autograph on a cast photo somewhere in some dark safe place I don't remember. It is spelled Chaves and I read he had a stalker and went lowkey. It must have happened after that convention because I was talking to him up close and personal. He seemed nice. He had the Sonny Landham that played the Native American in Predator with him. He sat in the audience about two rows up and they talked about that movie and all the crazy things Arnold did. Although Landham stayed in the audience and they talked back and forth. There weren't that many people at this convention. Sometimes he (Arnold) is not very nice to his fans from incidents they were describing.


Help The Aged?

00:35 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 913

I woke up tired, after being wired most of the early morning writing. And, I did get my poem ‘Mr Cameron’ sent off, as I’d wanted. And, Help The Aged, who were supposed to pick up the bag with my Mums things in, didn’t. So, I decided to take them to the village and one of the second-hand shops she would’ve used. When I got there, after taking lots of photo’s on the way, I explained what they were and, why they were in the bag. When I opened it up, to assure them of the quality of the clothing, I found that my Dad had retained her woolly hat. Much as he’d been able to finally part with the relaxation suit and her last handbag, he hadn’t been able to part with the woolly hat. I spent the day in the garden, after preparing tea, watering the hedge, as Dad resurfaced parts of the drive that had suffered through the heavy frost of winter.



14:12 Apr 10 2011

one of the hardest things a person in love to do is let go. Let your dad keep her wooly hat. :)


“Protect skin from sunlight”

18:00 Apr 09 2011
Times Read: 919

It seems the Doxycycline I’ve been prescribed has some side-effects and, for some reason, the label on the small bottle says “Protect skin from sunlight.”

Now, I’m already photosensitive, hence the glasses I wear and, I’m on Goth-themed website. Duh, does anyone note a kinda symmetry here, ‘coz I do.




some of my favourite authors...

01:25 Apr 09 2011
Times Read: 933

I got talking of some of my favourite authors; Anais Anin, Henry Miller, Hunter S. Thompson, Dickens Salmon Rushtie and Joli.

"And finally, Im getting tired! Sheesh.

Thank Frell!"




...typing google quickly.

00:31 Apr 09 2011
Times Read: 936

someone I like asked me a question that brought a smile to my face.

"what is macho?"


that had me typing google quickly.




Quality Assurance…!?!

00:26 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 949

I got home from the dole to find someone had phoned from Arrowe Park Hospital, believing I had a complaint to make.

“Where are you from?” I’d asked.

“Quality Assurance…” I’d been told.

“Ah,” I laughed, “that’s where my letter got buck-passed to!”

I then explained my surprise that what had intended to be ‘private’ correspondence to Len Richards had arrived on her desk.

And, as she had prattled on, I’ll concede to thinking, ‘Len Richards, you’re a coward.’

But, I wanted to be polite, so had explained there was nothing to say, ‘My Mother is dead and my opinion of the nursing care she received is not a good one. It was an observation. It was an observation, by no means a complaint.’

As I’d said the last bit, I recalled that the lady I’d spoken to originally had been more concerned that I wouldn’t be going to the media…

Come mid-afternoon, my Father decided to finally put my Mum’s relaxation-suit and woollen hat in a charity-bag, to be picked up first thing Friday morning.

As he packed her things away, I wept quietly; and, we chatted awhile about Mum.

Once I’d eaten my stewed pears and ice-cream I went on V.R. awhile, before getting changed, to go to the project.

I’ll swear blind, come the end of the night, I got more ‘thank-you’s’ than I have in almost fifteen years on the project.’

I told Amy on the back into the city centre was ‘the luckiest man alive.’

So, she had asked ‘why?’

“Because after Mothers Day I was depressed and, now here I am, feeling pretty good about all I’ve done tonight.”



16:51 Apr 08 2011

I am sorry you cried and I reach through cyberspace to hold you while you wept. Big big hugs.

21:27 Apr 08 2011

Aww, Neil...

*tight hugs*

It hurts me to the core when you cry.

Im so sorry :(


...you should be committed.

17:15 Apr 07 2011
Times Read: 956

I woke up Thursday morning, a hacking cough the reason I woke. It seemed I’m run down again, already; so I phoned my Doctor and made an appointment, then listened to the rainfall from the backdoor, the small porch above it shielding me from the rain, as the smell of sweet blossom caught my nose and, nearby birdsong brought delight to my ear.

I helped Dad with the housework, before phoning the dole, to let them know I’d be late, as I had the appointment, with the doctor.

As it happens, the doctor said I only had a rattle to the right side of my chest, so knew that the left side was clear: and, I’d been given some stronger antibiotics, though just a seven day course.

Then, it was off on my walk to the dole, which was good, except that I’d felt knackered before I began. When I got seen, the young man suggested to me that I felt as I had, I shouldn’t go to voluntary work.

I just reminded him with a smile, that to be a committed volunteer, some would say, you should be committed.




reason to smile?

15:37 Apr 06 2011
Times Read: 970

right Now... am lookin for a reason to smile...

what with general aches and pains...

money hassles and, the results on my psyche from Mothers Day... and a tit or two on VR, am feeling a tad low... and, lookin for a reason to smile.



06:29 Apr 07 2011

you have probably seen this, it's pretty popular, I think. But it always makes me laugh:


09:17 Apr 07 2011

Neil, I am so very sorry that your body hurts you as much as it does. It hurts me to know that you suffer from chronic pain. :(

Im also very sorry that your psyche hurts too.

VR can be a very happy place and yes, it has a lot of people who can make you feel low......BUT...it also has a lot of people who care about you and your feelings AND truly want to make you smile.



Ward M2

00:11 Apr 05 2011
Times Read: 983

I had two jobs, for myself after Monday’s housework; one was stitch the leather waistcoat with black nylon/satin feel back… and, the other… clean the silver, for my Mum…

As I began to stich the tears in the back, on the back stitching, Roger Phillips on local Radio Merseyside, read my email out in full… which had been a surprise… as all I’d intended was to give credit to Ward M2, which is due closure.

This is what he read out, in whole...

Len Richards

Chief Executive

Clatterbridge Hospital

Dear Sir,

When I heard of the closure of Ward M2 I had asked, “Who is the right man to talk to” after doing some research. And from all I heard, you were that person to contact.

I try to be objective and fair; hence writing to you in the first place.

But, to read that one line in your last letter left me with feeling oh-so dismayed and fretful for the future; and my own future, when I’ll require my next operation.

So I went a walk after reading your letter. I had to, for my own sanity and, so as not to be offensive with this reply.

You see, whereas we are in agreement over the sheer excellence of the surgical team attended Ward M2 at Clatterbridge Hospital, I must take exception to the line you had written about nursing care.

‘I can only assure you that the same standards of patient care are implemented across all the sites managed by the trust.’ This is what you wrote in your letter and, so in context with all I know I found this remark so inflammatory. So in order to remain dispassionate with this letter, I left some time pass, before writing once more.

I wrote my first letter to you to voice my disappointment at the closure of Ward M2 at Clatterbridge Hospital, where the surgeons gave me use of my arms once more, when they removed, shaved down then replaced bones. It is also where I received the highest nursing care I believe is available in the country, while my late-Mother’s experience had not been the same.

My little Mother slept and ate when ill, with two, three or sometimes even more pillows when in bed.

She had a bad arm and, the other had the break, so if she were not given help to sit or eat, I am not at all surprised that she might lose more weight, get weaker and develop pneumonia; all of which happened and probably helped precipitate her heart attack.

In effect, I’m suggesting that if she’d her wrist attended to and then and sent home she might still be alive.

As a care assistant I took eight little old ladies to Arrowe Park, all bar one died and, include my Mum, that’s eight out of nine.

As it was, my Father had to watch the ‘drunks and the skunks’ seen to before her.

She had waited twenty-six hours, to be attended to: such was the standard of ‘care’ she had received at Arrowe Park. And, for that reason you can see why I took so much offence at the line, of intended reassurance.

To finish, all I can say that after reading that one line, in context with all my own experience I reiterate, I am fretful for the future; and my own future, when I’ll require my next operation.


Neil Kendrick



00:58 Apr 05 2011

And well you should be concerned if that is the standard of care you are to receive at the other hospital.

09:06 Apr 07 2011

My god...I don't even know what to say after reading that. *shaking head*

I would be more than fretful for the future as well.


it ended with Grissom..

23:37 Apr 03 2011
Times Read: 1,004

I had read a load of crap on VR kismets, from people I had thought well of and treated well, so had retreated to the gloom of my room, this Mothers Day...

..still missing my Mother, as if she passed away just yesterday.

Yet, it ended with Grissom.. well 'The Two Mrs Grissoms', one being his Mother: it had been a good way for the day to end.



07:41 Apr 04 2011

Sometimes the gloom and doom of one's room is needed to get you through days like that.

Im so very sorry that you miss your mother.

*sends you a warm hug*


‘Outcasts’ before bed...

15:08 Apr 01 2011
Times Read: 1,013

Come the afternoon I dragged Dad outside into the back garden, to get some fresh-air.

“Too cold!” He’d insisted.

Well, it may have been down the driveway, but it wasn’t in the back, or front come to that… And, once out in the back garden, beneath a blue-sky, I’d looked around at my cuttings and plantings from last year and smiled. They’d survived that long wet winter far better than I’d imagined. And, the Peony that was dead in the front and, was dumped in the back [[well, planted in ‘spare’ ground]] has flourished. And… a Peony bulb’s growing through, one that had looked dry & gnarly. And, it’s coming through! So, I weeded a little, propped up some daffodils, then put three that had fallen in the wind, into a tall blue glass vase and the on the window in the living-room. All this before I went out to get washed and dressed, to go out and poison.

After I’d got home and eaten, then watched some really good ‘Stargate Universe’ and then, the last two episodes of ‘Outcasts’ before bed.



23:26 Apr 01 2011

this is sure a very interesting one Neil :)

04:41 Apr 04 2011

We did a ton of gardening today and we never miss Stargate Universe! Great taste :)

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