Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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24 entries this month

come the morning, followed by...

00:04 Aug 30 2011
Times Read: 772

And, come the morning, after the housework, we had sat and chatted awhile as we drank our tea, debating as to why man has two eyes and was it an illustration that there was a grand design. That thought, needless to say, had led to a most thoughtful conversation indeed.

The macular damage Dad had suffered in one eyes, thus providing a distinct ‘floater’, had been joined by a second, in his other eye on Saturday. Come Monday morning though, irritating eye or not, the housekeeping had to be done. The washing had to go on and then, he had helped prepare the main meal with me, much later.

A documentary on 9/11 did my own sense of personal safety no good, put into context with a very interesting couple of dead line phone calls I’d received earlier…

Twice today I had funny phone-calls, during which time I speak and no-one answered. Now, I’ve had these before and, tend to blame an ex-fiancee, even after seventeen years. BUT… and, there is a but, the reason I’m now suspicious and writing, is that on the end of second call, made at 20:26 which lasted a minute or so, ‘a voice’, whether automated or perhaps run through a modulator I know not, said, “Goodbye.” Now, that was new to me and, when I dialled 1471 I heard the automated ‘operator’ tell me, “We do not have the callers number, to return the call.”

As if the calls themselves weren’t reason for frustration, it was the ‘goodbye’ that I’d found both curious and, quite annoying.




"Thoughts are free..."

23:34 Aug 28 2011
Times Read: 774

I watched the BBC drama about Hans Litten, ‘The Man Who Crossed Hitler’ with my Dad. Then I watched the documentary about him.

‘Foolish’, I thought; but very brave’. It’s just a pity that this fellow did not find the support he needed, when he expected it. If he had, history would have viewed that time very differently.

And, come Hitlers forty-second birthday and his incarceration, Litten had to give something good to Hitler. He did.

He read this poem ~

Thoughts are free, who can guess them?

They flee by like nocturnal shadows.

No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them

with powder and lead: Thoughts are free!

I think what I want, and what delights me,

still always reticent, and as it is suitable.

My wish and desire, no one can deny me

and so it will always be: Thoughts are free!

And if I am thrown into the darkest dungeon,

all this would be futile work,

because my thoughts tear all gates

and walls apart: Thoughts are free!

So I will renounce my sorrows forever,

and never again will torture myself with whimsies.

In one's heart, one can always laugh and joke

and think at the same time: Thoughts are free!

I love wine, and my girl even more,

Only her I like best of all.

I'm not alone with my glass of wine,

my girl is with me: Thoughts are free!




... a late play, onna sunny day.

17:45 Aug 27 2011
Times Read: 780

... and, it's now sunny, as I play The Carpenters and, Listen to the Rythm of The Falling Rain.

.. after last nights storm, I almost wish I'd played it then.




...rock buns and fussin.

17:39 Aug 27 2011
Times Read: 781

Dad's gotta poorly tummy. so it's been making mint tea and, rock buns and fussin.

doin smoked mackeral fillets and cheese n onion pasta with veg, inna cheese sauce.

[[Am playin The Carpenters ... and, Puff The Magic Dragon...]]




sayin goodbye?

23:47 Aug 26 2011
Times Read: 784

I got to Liverpool on Thursday, believing that it was the last day with us for Amy, one our best and longest serving current volunteers, bar Roger and myself, of course.

As it happens, we were wrong, her last week would be the week after, tho she did seems to appreciate the presents she was given: then on our walk into town, Amy had shown her mettle, by giving to those in need, all of her presents, bar one.

The thing is, I just hate sayin goodbye to volunteers.. we lose several in the coming weeks... and, although they always say, “We’ll keep in touch…” they have their new lives and so rarely do, tho.. on Friday, I got a postcard from one, of her new child.. and, totally out of the blue… lives in Munich [[again, I believe]] and, I hadn’t heard from her in many years.




"SpiderDad... SpiderDad... does whatever a..."

15:23 Aug 24 2011
Times Read: 795

I awoke achy and tremulous Tuesday morning – knowing I’d be going to Ingeus come the afternoon and, that before then I had a multitude of things to do.

I had gone up the road, to give the hip exercise, pick up the new Radio Times and, put in my Fathers prescription to be filled.

As I’d left my Father of eighty-four was already on the roof, attending to a broken tile,

When my limp and I had returned home he was back down having achieved what he had set out to do: and attended to the damage done to the roof, by the fellows employed to clean it.

He’d been feeling somewhat tired, so had a cup of tea with me, before going out to do some watering done, of the back, with my favourite green watering can.

On the train to Birkenhead I’d heard a buzzing near my right ear. Now, I’ve no fear of wasps or bees, so ignored it. It was a few minutes later that I actually saw what the buzzing thing was, as there on the window was the biggest, nastiest looking black MoFo I’ve seen and, it appeared to be an African Wasp, which are plain bloody evil!

Needless to say, I avoided swatting the damned thing, just in case the stinger got me – biggest damned stinger I’ve seen: more like a goddamn hypodermic syringe.

But back to Igneus: ‘It is a work programme provider.’ According to the introduction letter I received, ‘they will discuss what help I need, to find work and draw up an action plan of things you’ll do to improve your chances of finding work. You must complete any activities that Ingeus tells you to do. You still need to attend the Jobcentre and meet your benefit conditions, including reporting any changes in circumstances. You must take part in the programme until told otherwise. If you fail to take part in the Work Programme without a good reason, your Jobseeker’s Allowance could stop for up to 26 weeks. You could also lose your National Insurance credits.’

The fellow I’m seeing at Igneus has Arthritis and uses a stick. And, he does seem to be realistic in his expectations of me – which is useful. Furthermore, I had left him having been given the details of two jobs to apply for.

Anyway, I got home, to finish making the tea I’d prepared before I went out. Then come the evening I went to Karl’s; helped him with some Uni work, then left with a few of my favourite tv shows. Well, being the greedy so-an-so I can be, I watched some ‘Haven’, ‘Warehouse 13’ and ‘Eureka,’ all before bed.





17:00 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 805

back has eased a little. it's sunny and the front lawn is edged and, I made my rock buns and the gravy; an finished a few stories. so am good!



17:05 Aug 21 2011

Indeed ^^

17:02 Aug 24 2011

Awsome! I love all of your drawings and I find your writings to be very interesting indeed!


...a little better later

00:33 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 811

I went a walk to the village, for some raisins for my next rock buns, I was to make come Sunday. By the time I got to the village, my lower back was starting to act up… good style. So, after cooking tea with Dad I rested, then watched episode six of ‘True Blood.’

Feeling a little better later, I was able to go on the PC awhile…




on the edge...

21:02 Aug 19 2011
Times Read: 817

I went to bed early Thursday, as the body needed rest, although the mind wouldn’t agree with its needs and, I had not slept well at all. Come the morning I was up for the Azda and shopping with my Dad, on another bright Friday morning.

Having letters to write, I had hit the keyboard, while playing episode four of ‘Haven’ and then, finished the story I’d had rolling around in my head, as I sat on the edge of my bed…





14:54 Aug 18 2011
Times Read: 820

I got dressed smart and went to Ingeus on Wednesday, feeling just a tad hyper, after a long sleepless night, during which a succession of wild and weird story-idea’s flowed.

“Well you look better than the last time I saw you,” the fellow had said to me, which was probably true, as the previous time I’d been standing, just; walking with pain and generally looking twenty years older than I am.

Knowing that I am ‘job-ready’ and, being pushed for time, the fellow hadn’t kept me too long. So maybe, just maybe… some of my presumptions about the place weren’t correct. Although that said, they’re still accessing data on me, which shouldn’t really be in the private domain, but can, as they’re a ‘third party’. That irks me.


I went to bed knackered and, woke up feeling even moreso. We’d got the housework done as ever, then I’d don’t out to get bread and milk, well in this case, it was eggs and milk and the day felt fresh, yet I didn’t, feeling tired, lethargic, old. It seems that since seeing those x-Rays as I wanted was one thing, the reality of is though is a different matter… and, since seeing them, I do feel different, in myself.




just gets worse...

18:28 Aug 16 2011
Times Read: 827

I've now seen my x-ray and, wish I hadn't... nah, least I know and understand.

I have severe displacement and, had massive inflammation.

I have an idea of how bad it is... and, the clue is in the name... spinal... 'degeneration.' no cure... just gets worse.

Ah well.

At least I understand the damn thing…



01:08 Aug 17 2011

AWW!!! get well SOON!!! :(

17:04 Aug 24 2011

Sounds awful!


...making my mind up about Cameron

00:49 Aug 16 2011
Times Read: 834

After a few hours sleep, I was up again, to get the housework done with Dad, then he’d given me a lift to Hospital and physiotherapy. Seems I’m seeing ‘the back specialist’, which worked out well for me, as the ten pound I expected to pay to see my X-Ray hadn’t been needed; as she and my doctor had agreed that I got to see them. As it happened, toward the end of the session, she had taken my through the exercise room and, into a small office, where I got to see what my spine looks like.

And, I do recall saying to her, “No-one in this God-given world should have a vertebrae that’s malleable…”

As I had later joked to a neighbour, “I wouldn’t wish my back on my own worst enemy…” Then, thinking ahead I’d told her, “then again… there’s Reagan, Bush, Thatcher, Blair… and, I’m still making my mind up about Cameron.”

Later, needless to say, as we’d eaten the last, I had made some Rock buns.

Then after watching a documentary with Dad about Great Thinkers and popular fiction, I watched the extended version of ‘Salt’ with Angelina Jolie, intrigued by the differences ‘tween the versions I’d seen: something to do with popular culture?’



16:46 Aug 16 2011

well with out your spine I guess we could say we were spineless?? akin to being a coward??what do others say when your back hurts like a bitch and you get no relief?? Broken? well how ever we want to put it...it is still painful and a pain in the arse.



23:54 Aug 14 2011
Times Read: 840

Courtesy of Wednesday and having remotely accessed Karl’s machine previously, I’d known what to expect on Saturday, as I tried again and again, to establish contact with it. As it transpires, I’d taken so long; his machine had gone into standby. Once I’d made that connection, via a series of passwords, I was able to start proof-reading his essay and course-work. And I’ll concede, I hadn’t been surprised when at the end of the night, he had told me that it had been the longest piece of work he’d done so far, as my burning eyes could have attested to that fact, easily. But, that said, I’d got it finished for him, so went to bed smiling and content, a story whirling around inside my head…

Then, come Sunday morning, before my bath, I got my keyboard out and dragged the trolley toward my be, so that I could sit on y bed, the keyboard before me, as the story that had been in my head, found itself given form on the little Dells screen, as I had listened to Radio Merseyside…




And, talking of Thatcher...

00:51 Aug 12 2011
Times Read: 854

It had been quiet on the train going to Liverpool and, there had been drizzle and few people on the streets and, no trouble. There had been a deficit of customers at the door, because they’d thought we were still on still on holiday; yet as it was the one’s had the door. So, we had accomplished what we’d intended, which is why I still go there and do as I do there…

And, talking of Thatcher, as I have been of late: Heck, under her tenure, we lost all British Industries and, now Rolls Royce is Chinese; Landrover is Indian and, our main power companies are French.

Where is the British Industry, to get us out of this mess? Do we turn to the vaunted city, that Thatcher thought so highly of? Ah no, they got us in this mess.



14:24 Aug 12 2011

The whole thing is a joke. British industry? Ha! So much for that. And it's only going to get worse. This is Tory land now lol. I think they thought that we're rich enough to just import everything we need and they forgot that we still need to pay for it in the future. That's why we're in this mess. Britain is an international laughing stock:(


‘instant gratification’

16:48 Aug 11 2011
Times Read: 861

Tuesday afternoon Karl phoned, to see if I was stilling willing to travel to his in the evening to help him. Although I’d been afeared in the past about travelling the streets at night to the project; travelling on a night after riots certainly had put that old fear to the test. As it was, I hadn’t been able to proof more than thirteen of the fifty pages he needed proof-read, so it was decided I’d finished the rest bu ‘remote-viewing’ on Saturday…

Parliament has been recalled, because of the ‘national emergency’ and, the first words out of his mouth were of the blame-game variety: “We have pockets of society that are sick…” Aye, he maybe right? Under Thatcher, we were told that there is no such thing as society, jobs were taken abroad and Trades Unions were broken. If he is right, it is down to the idea of ‘instant gratification’; as expanded in the Eighties, under the divisive government, led by Thatcher.




'High Plains Invaders'

15:51 Aug 10 2011
Times Read: 868

there is a scyfy film, 'High Plains Invaders' with almost the same story as ‘Cowboys and Aliens’.

surpised that my mate Karl remembered the title, but he did.

goin there later... hoping to avoid any rioting: the rain may keep 'em indoors.

In the afternoon I prepared my casserole and typed out my rock bun recipe...




... personal safety and, a riot.

23:51 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 874

listening to radio Merseyside, I listened to the news of the riots on Monday night, following on from those in London..

it wasn't quite as big as reported it seems; but yes, it happened and yes, there were some as young as 10... and it seems that some came into the area they were destroying.

as to Liverpool, am wondering what to do this Thursday and the soup kitchen, which is based just round the corner from where much of the rioting happened.

there is talk of some of those 'rioting' coming in from other area's, making use of the 'reputation' of Toxteth...

aye... Thursday... don't want to not go... BUT, I regard my own personal safety highly...



03:11 Aug 10 2011

Don't go. Stay safe.

07:17 Aug 10 2011

I agree- please watch out

21:26 Aug 10 2011

I am glad to hear you are safe. I was worried when I heard.


...as intended

00:14 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 877

I arose at 7:00 as intended, after a night of little sleep and heavy rain falling outside my window, with my lower back feeling as though someone had stuck it with a red-hot poker. It had been another showery day, which pretty well left me alone, until I was nearing home, although my socks had got very wet, as I’d walked through the long grass on the verge. Unfortunately, I’d got my appointment wrong. It hadn’t been 9:10 as I’d thought, but 9:40 a.m. and, by the time I was called for I was able to stand without too much of a bother… And boy, did I relish all that the physiotherapist had done, telling her at one point, “I want to marry your hand.”

Once home, I rested awhile, then made my Dad’s bed, finished a short story, to my satisfaction, then made some rock buns, prepped the gravy and cut the onions, prior to cooking the tea with Dad…




'Dusk 3: Unbitten’

16:23 Aug 08 2011
Times Read: 879

Knowing full well that I had to be up at 7:00 to go be at physiotherapy for 9:00 I went to bed early, for me that is. But, before I went to bed after watching six episodes of ‘My Babysitter Is A Vampire’, a Disney Channel show as it had rained quite hard outside my window. The pilot episode had been a really cool pastiche of a particular sparkling vampire series of films, with its ‘Dusk 3: Unbitten.’ And, the rest of the series reminded ever so ever-so much of many of the better gags from ‘Weird Science’ and ‘Teen Wolf’, In fact, the whole series as far as I’ve seen, looked very retro indeed. Talking of retro: I think that the uber violence of ‘Happy Tree Friends’ is not conducive to sleeping, nor is that damned them-tune, that accompanies the shows. I’d ended up watching well over half an hour of it, until finally… my eyes began to close…thankfully…




... at the time.

01:11 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 889

I do find it irksome that when I went to physio, I felt fine; then I went to my appointment with Keith at Ingeus on Friday and, it had been back to as it had been.

That said, I walked in and waited at a desk central to much of the room, to be seen. As I had waited, I had checked the plave out, noting a few things of mild interest. And, then I got seen.

As we had chatted we had talked a little of my home life and, I had mentioned our visitors and, how well my Father had adapted. He had put that down to it being a woman in the house, a woman who was a relative, all of which seemed accurate it hindsight, particularly in lieu of the fact that Karen had persuaded Dad to go out, for a meal, which had surprised even me, at the time.

Come the evening Karl and I went to the pictures, to see ‘Super 8’. ‘Twas good.




This weeks was superb!

22:10 Aug 04 2011
Times Read: 899

When I’d invited Karen and her fella to stay, I hadn’t known my Dad would adapt as well as he did, but he did. From the moment my cousin arrived he did so. Then, when I’d got back from physiotherapy Thursday morning, it seems the protrusion is down somewhat and, the physiotherapist seems amenable to helping me view my X-Rays with payment. I hope that works, as I can’t really afford the coin. Dad and I spent the afternoon checking out the new phone-bill. I then spent ages, with a lady from India and, then a Britisher called Lauren. And, after quite awhile and the sort of messages my Mum would have dealt with, to try and get Dad and I get good eal, over the phone anfd Broadband.I returned home to find they were still there and staying another night and, taking us out for an evening meal, at The Dibbinsdale Hotel.

It had made a helluvva change from my usual Thursday’s and voluntary work, which is ‘having a holiday,’ as Roger is in Scotland. And, I am REALLY getting into the new series of Torchwood. This week’s was superb!





18:28 Aug 04 2011
Times Read: 901

we currently still have our visitors... hence my pc time is very limited.

and, I am learning to be patient: it's my 'cuz, from Oz, so its only right.




Ghost... in the machine...

16:42 Aug 03 2011
Times Read: 906

I spent much of Tuesday wondering how I could have raging pain one day, then not the next and the, it returns, as it had; after Sunday and much of Monday with no pain.

And, having finished the new story, I’d had to move onto something new. So I’d finished and posted a few video’s. Then, knowing I had my cousin calling from Oz on the Wednesday, I cleaned my Mum’s silver, knowing that she want me to, her favourite niece calling an all.

As I cleaned away, I watched some episodes of The Flash, a show from years ago. Heck, Munch from Law and order SVU was in it, a much younger fellow, reading the news. And, at one point of an episode, a character called The Ghost was about to enter the network, ‘the machine’… and, that was well before the cartoon!




...all this and new 'Haven'?

00:45 Aug 02 2011
Times Read: 917

After a particularly manic-mind Sunday night, during which I’d got quite a bit done; some drawing and, some writing. Then again, I hadn’t been able to wind down at all, so as I say, I slept poorly, waking with thoughts of the appointment that was due, with Claire at the dole, the young lady who’d organised my induction with Ingeus, the scheme provider. As it was, the appointment had gone quite well, with me learning what I needed. Then come home-time, I’d got talking with the neighbour regarding my potatoes, learning a lot more than I’ve ever known, all in a short space of time, for the lone plant I have left, near the carrots, which are now coming up. “What are you doing growing grass?” My Dad had said, when the carrots started coming through. And, though humid, it had rained and rained hard, which is good for the seeded areas of the lawn. A little later, I sat to write, watching the first of the new series of the t.v. show ‘Haven.’ I then got to write some of the notes regarding the last chapter of my new story, which I’m actually quite proud of, so far.



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