CAJOME's Journal

CAJOME's Journal


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4 entries this month

It's time to write something positive in my journal, so...

21:24 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 717


What... you expected something else? Okay...


Better? :)



21:28 Jan 30 2010

The man was electrocuted through his brain. His eyes bulged out and then bled. All from the positive energy through the socket. There! Positive :)


My Chinese horoscope for today - 1/24/10

04:35 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 732

I received some very disheartening news this past Friday, after which I was overwhelmed with very intense feelings of hopelessness where my future was concerned. Oddly enough, I woke up this morning with my mind already made up to just concentrate on getting through each day and to continue looking towards a certain date a few years from now, and to use this time of waiting as wisely as possible, and prepare for my new life, when that day finally arrives.

All this occurred before I read the following...

Avoid feelings of hopelessness when thinking about future plans. If something is not developing as quickly as you would like it to, remember to have patience. Don't give up on what you've worked so hard for. If you keep to your plan now, everything will come together in the end.



10:54 Jan 25 2010

Ouch it probably would have helped to have read it first, maybe? Good luck but sounds like you've put your feet on the right path anyway.

21:31 Jan 30 2010

The funny part is? I finally learned how to STOP that whole thing. I have to concentrate HARD (and yes..it's HARD!!) but I have to remind myself there are two things I think about that are totally unreal: the past and the future. The past is gone. It's not coming back. It can't change. No amount of brooding or looking back will have any effect. The future is not even as reality based as the past. It hasn't even been set out yet. I can't control it. It would require me to be able to control (besides myself) other people, places, things and situations. Since that's not even POSSIBLE..time to concentrate on the only thing we truly have: NOW.

When I think of it that way (especially when panic or sorrow sets in), I realize that RIGHT NOW, I'm fine. I'm safe. I'm healthy. I'm loved. I'm loving.

I can deal with tomorrow....tomorrow :)

05:09 Feb 08 2010

Oh, my. I don't believe in those silly things, but take it easy.


Bring on the (good) distractions...

15:19 Jan 06 2010
Times Read: 768

The more things going on that require my time and attention, the less opportunities there are for me to wallow in my sorrows... waah, waah. So.....

Quick! Somebody strip nekkid and jump through a flaming hoop dangling precariously over a large tank full of hungry sharks!! @.@

(I'm trying to get into a better frame of mind... I have to... it's imperative. Okay, so strip already, will ya?!)



16:00 Jan 06 2010

*looks warily at the shark tank*

22:56 Jan 06 2010

i really don't think you want to see me naked. and it'd have to be a big ass hoop.

03:42 Jan 07 2010

Well I'll strip for you, but I don't think I am what you want to see naked!! But let me know, I will if it will make you smile :)!!

09:39 Jan 11 2010

wooohooo....have the burn ointment ready and a towel...

10:07 Jan 11 2010

*does a sexy shimmy and off come the clothes, jumps through a seriously HUGE FREAKING HOOP of fire and laughs in the face of ANGRY sharks and does a booty poppin' victory dance.*


still not aroused. Are you? lmao. Hmmm.

21:40 Jan 30 2010

I will GLADLY DO IT :) As long as I can have some distraction to keep my mind of the sharks.

Perhaps some turtle porn?


Putting the worry on hold for awhile.

05:02 Jan 03 2010
Times Read: 790

Though I still have all the same troubles plaguing me from before Christmas, I've allowed myself to push those things to the back of my mind and enjoy the happy times that have made their appearances recently.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were all about my mother and my sons... though there were no tangible gifts exchanged, we did have wonderful, special holiday dinners each of those nights. We spent time together, just enjoying each other's company and being thankful we could celebrate as a family. My ex's parents both died this past year... his father in February, and his mother in November... so, my mother is the only grandparent my boys have left. They have always been especially protective of and caring towards her, but even moreso now.

My oldest son had a birthday on the 29th of December, and my youngest will have his birthday on January 15th... two more occasions to be happy. My beloved middle child's birthday is April 14... that one we'll have to make the most of the happiness of that day, before the realization and significance of the NEXT day sets in.

New Year's Eve and New Year's Day were mostly just like any other 2 days... except my kids stayed up a lot later than usual on Thursday, and mail wasn't delivered or trash picked up on Friday.

With that done and over, Monday will bring us back to our regular schedules... winter break is over, and my youngest goes back to school, and I go back to my normal school-in-session schedule at work. I hope I remember to pick him up when I'm supposed to... and even more of a concern to me, I hope I remember to go to work beyond Wednesday... the past 2 weeks were only 3 days of work with the last 4 days being a very long weekend.

And with the return of quasi-normalcy to my life, I'll be forced to face all those issues that I have no choice but to face, and take care of... somehow. I'm trying my best to stay positive... and thanks to the caring and support from some very, very wonderful friends here, I feel much more capable of dealing with those things, and whatever else the fates might decide to throw my way.



05:49 Jan 03 2010

You have overcome so much adversity, trails, and tribulations like our friends, and I have. I know I can not be there for you the way I wish I could be, but my heart has always been with you, and have tried to show you its all gonna be ok.*yes I know I should take my own advice * LOL

You have had a lot of good, and bad things come to you on a paper plate soaked in urine. However you have put your boundaries down, and have chosen to react in a calm manner, and take things on piece by piece. That's like such big step for you.. like since I have known you.. you have grown up, and have not let anyone, or anything hold you down. You have embraced everything as it was a mission from God for you to prevail, and you have made every effort to do so, and have come out on top in the end of things. I am so proud of you. You went from very hidden on here, and no spine.. letting people walk on you.. and you had really a low self esteem. *which amazed me*

You are so beautiful, and fun, and charismatic, and also have been the very thing I needed as a friend. You made everything ok, and were there for me when no one else was, because they did not take the time to see what was really up with me. You, and Mike were the first two people I met in person on here. You made my Birthday one of the best one's I hold special, and sentimentally to my heart. I will never forget those visits. And I hope to see you soon.. even in these bad times.. we still need to be there for each other.

And I am so grateful to have such a beautiful woman such as you as my friend. BAD APPLE:P

01:59 Jan 05 2010

I have decided I will win the lottery and share with you.

so throw away your urine soaked plates

just get paper ones, less dishes.

it's a new year. a new start. pick yourself up so hard you give yourself a wedgie and get moving, girl! you got backup!!!

and you probably got back, too. :)

06:00 Jan 05 2010

NFA and eMetiB, you two lovely ladies are just amazing... you know just what to say to build me up and at the same time crack me up. First I'm called a "bad apple", and then my beloved urine soaked plates are mocked... I love you guys!! lol Thank you both for your individual brand of support and encouragement... it's kind of like 'tough love', only meaner. ::hugs::

Seriously, though, your words and the actual messages they are meant to convey definitely strike a chord with me. :)

21:27 Jan 30 2010

Ack! The mundane (and the soaked plates???) have a way of reminding us just how long the road is. It's hard to concentrate on being the normal happy mom, wife, daughter, cousin, friend, employee, employer or whoever the hell we're required to be every single day when our hearts and minds scream out for something totally different. Just plaster that smile on your face (or get plastered and you'll smile anyways :) ) and just keep on keepin' on, my friend.

I know the bleakest days for me were the completely normal ones: the ones that seemed to mock me in their normality while I was breaking into pieces on the inside.

The time will come when this, too, shall pass...it always does my dear Cajome :) As trite as it sounds, it does pass eventually and there is another day, not so mundane, that will change your path once again.

At the risk of sounding like Forrest Gump: Life is like a river. We float on down, being carried by buoyancy and everything is as it should be, mundane and normal. But constantly, we will bump up against the shores: one is trying times and one is joyous. Our day to day plodding on through life just tends to magnify those other times for us.

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