DrowVampire's Journal

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6 entries this month

How do you argue with Stupid people ?

19:47 Feb 19 2007
Times Read: 700

How do you argue with Stupid people ?

My sister's boyfriend is the 2nd dumbest man on the world, Bush beat him to the top title.

How do you argue with Stupid people ?

This guy is mentally unstable, very much so. And I have experience being around the mentally unstable, including a highly unstable Dutch girl whom I was in love with years ago.

This fruitcake does not understand shit. Partially due to being momma's boy (spoiled big time) and the rest is proberly to do with weed and cocaine.

I can even draw comparisons with my dad who stopped the car (hit the brakes), my mom and me in the car too. He wanted to know what comment with random stranger said when we drove by. He thought it was an insult.

How do you argue with the most Stupid of people ?

Leave me a VR message with any suggestions.




Big Suprise !

01:37 Feb 13 2007
Times Read: 709

.... at work.

Remember about 5months ago I got blame for surfing for porn on my workstation (which basically anyone can use during the day, thats completely normal)

The culprit who has been surfing for porn on my workstation has been found.

It was the Regional Manager's son.




More meat for the Grinder

22:04 Feb 10 2007
Times Read: 713

The World at War

Current Conflicts

Most of these are civil or "intrastate" wars, fueled as much by racial, ethnic, or religious animosities as by ideological fervor. Most victims are civilians, a feature that distinguishes modern conflicts. During World War I, civilians made up fewer than 5 percent of all casualties. Today, 75 percent or more of those killed or wounded in wars are non-combatants.

Africa, to a greater extent than any other continent, is afflicted by war. Africa has been marred by more than 20 major civil wars since 1960. Rwanda, Somalia, Angola, Sudan, Liberia, and Burundi are among those countries that have recently suffered serious armed conflict.

War has caused untold economic and social damage to the countries of Africa. Food production is impossible in conflict areas, and famine often results. Widespread conflict has condemned many of Africa's children to lives of misery and, in certain cases, has threatened the existence of traditional African cultures.

Conflict prevention, mediation, humanitarian intervention and demobilization are among the tools needed to underwrite the success of development assistance programs. Nutrition and education programs, for example, cannot succeed in a nation at war. Billions of dollars of development assistance have been virtually wasted in war-ravaged countries such as Liberia, Somalia, and Sudan.

The World at War

Current Conflicts

Algeria: Insurgency. War started 1992

Angola: Cabinda. War started 1975

Burma: Insurgency, Karen People versus the government. War started 1950

China: Senkaku Islands. War started 1968

China: Spratly Islands. War started 1988

Colombia: Insurgencies. War started 1970s

Congo (Zaire) : Congo War. War started 1998

Georgia : Civil War. War started 1991

India: Assam. War started 1985

India: Kashmir. War started 1970s

India: Naxalite Uprising. War started 1967

Indonesia : Aceh. War started 1986

Indonesia : Kalimantan. War started 1983

Indonesia: Maluku. War started 1999 -

Indonesia : Papua / West Irian. War started 1963

Israel: Al-Aqsa Intifada. War started 2000

Israel: Lebanon. War started 2006

Ivory Coast: Civil War. War started 2002

Korea: North Korea vs South Korea. War started 1953

Laos: Hmong Insurgency. War started 2000

Moldova: Transdniester. War started 1991

Namibia: Caprivi Strip. War started 1966

Nepal: Maoists. War started 1996

Nigeria: Civil Disturbances. War started 1997

Pakistan: Baluchistan. War started 2004

Peru: Shining Path. War started 1970s

Philippines: Moro Uprising. War started 1970s

Russia: Chechen Uprising. War started 1992

Somalia: Civil War. War started 1991

Spain: Basque Uprising. War started 1970s

Sri Lanka : Tamil Separatists. War started 1983

Sudan: Darfur. War started 1983

Thailand: Islamic Rebels. War started 2001

Turkey: Kurdistan. War started 1984

Uganda: Civil Conflict. War started 1980

United States: Afghanistan. War started 1980

United States: Djibouti. War started 2001

United States: Iraq. War started 1990

United States: Philippines. War started 1898

Uzbekistan: War started 2005

Yemen: Sheik al-Houti. War started 2004




My life is different now ....

23:13 Feb 09 2007
Times Read: 721

My life is different now ....

Last night I did an unplanned trip to the pub. Had 1 shooter and drank two hard lemonades very fast.

I got tipsy. And I actually enjoyed the buzz.

This is weird, I do not like being drunk and out of control. I hate hangovers even more. It HURTS HURTS HURTS HURTS HURTS even more than having braces and getting punched (been there, done that)




A nightmare

17:48 Feb 07 2007
Times Read: 725

I had an odd nightmare that just came out of nowhere.

A house is opening up to protect teen girls from harm and abuse. It not official yet. I am one of the security guys, some police here too. Mostly in the form of protection, police officers is not usually on site.

Several girls are here already. A new girl comes in, her dad verbally and sexually abused her. The dad just walked in here with a friend who is a cop too. They forcefully take her after I attacked him and kicked his ass and swiped the floor with his face.

We search the town. The teen is found dead. The safe house is no more, deemed a failure. We pick up the stuff we brought in for the house.

Lots of crying going on and hurt feelings. Anger.

Once again, I feel like going vigilante. Bypassing a system which gives the accused an easy ride, a gentle slap on the wrist for crimes commited.




My Son

19:25 Feb 01 2007
Times Read: 730

My Son

My Greatest Pride

How I wish I could rise you myself. Much of my days has a touch of agony wishing things were different. I wish I taught you about the world.

My Son, what will your future hold?

Will you have my intelligence ?

Would you have the will to better yourself ?

Would you move on after a bitter break up .... after a crushing defeat ?

I hope you journey a beautiful journey.

I hope you will seek me out.

I will be keeping an eye on you.

I will witness your Growing Years in photos, almost every single accomplishment you achieve I should hear about from your parents.

I will visiting once a while too.


- Your Father



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