GrimmySoul's Journal

GrimmySoul's Journal


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4 entries this month

To AntiChrist:)

23:58 May 17 2011
Times Read: 471

Only for you sucker.

Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. Fuck you Antichrist go suck your dads dick LOL. 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My Name Numerology

22:42 May 17 2011
Times Read: 473

There are 21 letters in your name.

Those 21 letters total to 106

There are 10 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.

What your first name means:Latin Female Variant of Angelica: Angel; Like an angel. From angelicus meaning angelic.

Greek Female Angel.

French Female A variant of Angelica meaning angelic. Angel; Like an angel.

Your number is: 7

The characteristics of #7 are: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.

The expression or destiny for #7:

Thought, analysis, introspection, and seclusiveness are all characteristics of the expression number 7. The hallmark of the number 7 is a good mind, and especially good at searching out and finding the truth. You are so very capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding. You are the type of person that can really get involved in a search for wisdom or hidden truths, often becoming an authority on whatever it is your are focusing on. This can easily be of a technical or scientific nature, or it may be religious or occult, it matters very little, you pursue knowledge with the same sort of vigor. You can make a very fine teacher, or because of a natural inclination toward the spiritual, you may become deeply emerged in religious affairs or even psychic explorations. You tend to operate on a rather different wavelength, and many of your friends may not really know you very well. The positive aspects of the 7 expression are that you can be a true perfectionist in a very positive sense of the word. You are very logical, and usually employ a quite rational approach to most things you do. You can be so rational at times that you almost seem to lack emotion, and when you are faced with an emotional situation, you may have a bit of a problem coping with it. You have excellent capabilities to study and learn really deep and difficult subjects, and to search for hidden fundamentals. At full maturity you are likely to be a very peaceful and poised individual.

If there is an over supply of the number 7 in your makeup, the negative aspects of the number may be apparent. The chief negative of 7 relates to the limited degree of trust that you may have in people. A tendency to be highly introverted can make you a bit on the self-centered side, certainly very much self-contained . Because of this, you are not very adaptable, and you may tend to be overly critical and intolerant. You really like to work alone, at your own pace and in your own way. You neither show or understand emotions very well.

Your Soul Urge number is: 4

A Soul Urge number of 4 means:

With the Soul Urge or Motivation number of 4 you are likely to strive for a stable life. You tend to follow a rather orderly pattern and systematic approach in your endeavors. You have an inner desire to serve others in a methodical and diligent manner. You want to be in solid, conventional, and well-regulated activities, and you are somewhat disturbed by innovation and erratic or sudden changes. Excellent at organizing, systematizing, and managing, you have a way of establishing order and maintaining it. You are responsible, reliable and in the final analysis, practical. Highly analytical, you can see your way through all sorts of situations and generally have a clear understanding of the issues. You are a very honest, sincere, and conscientious individual.

The negative side of the 4 is rigid, stubborn and somewhat narrow-minded. There is a tendency to hide feelings, or to really not be aware of real feelings. Avoid being too rigid and stubborn in your thinking, and try to always see the big picture rather than becoming to involved with the detail. Don't be afraid to take a chance once in awhile.

Your Inner Dream number is: 3

An Inner Dream number of 3 means:

You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.




Tarter Tots and Dog giving himself a blowjob?!?!?!

22:19 May 15 2011
Times Read: 476

So im eating tarter Tots!!!

havent had these shits since like first grade!

Brings back memories

haha that one time there was this kid in my class named Kyle. And I punched him in the head after I was finished eating them. I dont even know why I did,. I guess I was angry that i didnt have anymore. Haha.

Funny how I try not to promote too much bullying and i was a big bully too.

Well hey at least I was a violent bully rather than emotional bully.

I love Tater Tots

Oh and this is iritating me

So im siting here enjoying my damn Tarter Tots, along comes my dog lays down beside me and startings giving himself a blowjob.

Not half assed either. Hes really into it!

And i dont mind


He's so loud with it, slurping and everything. I yelled at him to move away

but he went and started doing it behind my chair

What the fuck?!?!





18:20 May 02 2011
Times Read: 493

So I found out half the color guard team I was on shit talked about me behind my back because they were too scared to say it to my face. They call me odd, they call me strange, they say im a big weirdo and unloved because of it. Now I necessarily don’t care. If you feel my name needs to come out of your mouth to feel better about yourself’s. Then fine! Be my guest, I feel unbelievably special for you to take notice to my odd yet beautiful personality.

But as for other people.

Some people may not take that too kindly. You never know what people suffer from. The girl may be depressed, or the boy may have a mental issue that isn’t his fault. You never know how big of affect your words could have on people. Who knows…you may lead them to resort to suicide, unfornuately some kids take it to that extreme. It takes only ONE word. ONE little switch to push someone over the edge.

So before you gossip about someone. Before you laugh at them. Talk. You never know what they suffer from, even the most ugliest person could be the most beautiful person on the inside



16:11 May 04 2011

Wise words, but human nature loves to attack the weak, or that which they dont understand. i sometimes think its some sort of genetic mechanism to weed out the weak.....

but it still really sucks and can have a cruelty similar to tying up a puppy and hitting it with a stick.

such torture is the sign of a brave and honorable soul........NOT.


05:31 May 13 2011

Well I think you're awesome, so meh to them lol

Really though, people only do that kind of stuff when they themselves feel insecure, it could even be mental disorders and so forth, main thing is to realize that it's bull shit and they're assholes, be yourself and nothing less.

You're cool in my book :P

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