Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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21 entries this month


22:31 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 1,202

I have a really bad cold...it crept up on me yesterday in the afternoon. At first, I was sneezing uncontrollably - a big allergy attack, which I haven't had in years. But as the nasty mucous built up, I now realized that I have a cold. I feel like crap, yet I need to try to nip it in the bud, as I have to work tomorrow...I can't afford to miss any days.

So...more Nyquil and TheraFlu. Yipee.



00:37 Jan 31 2011

Hope you get better. :(

01:29 Jan 31 2011

Ohh, it's going around.

I woke up in the middle of the night with my sore throat and stuffiness, as the day progresses it's getting much worse.

Feel better my friend!


23:03 Jan 29 2011
Times Read: 1,216

My television has been stuck on CNN, to keep up with the revolt in Egypt. It will be a miracle if the people get a secular, democratic system set up...



23:53 Jan 29 2011

We're all glued to it over here too...



Bits of stuff from yesterday.

19:00 Jan 28 2011
Times Read: 1,222

* T is a nice kid. I'm sort of his 'play mom'. He talked about how when it's time, he'll want to settle down with a nice girl. I noticed a skanky overly-made up, scantily-clad girl in the cafeteria, who was getting a lot of attention (of course). I pointed her out to T and said "If I ever see you with something like that, I will beat your ass."

* The yummy desserts are slowly coming in; I had put aside a slice of red velvet cake, and a slice of triple-layered chocolate cake. When I saw Big Momma - my obese co-worker - wolfing down a slice of cheesecake, I put my slices back on the rack.

(And - she is still falling asleep, even while standing at the register. I had to shout out her name once, as she had students waiting to pay for their stuff, and her till was open. Good grief...)

* The creepy Institution Guy came in. I went out.




I am suppose to be some sort of American big cat...

03:01 Jan 27 2011
Times Read: 1,231

Me and the other gals at work pick on and tease each other in a fun, whacky sort of way. Today was Let's Fuck With Monique Day...as in, embarrass the shit outta' me.

Recall the kid T? He dropped in the cafeteria to check on his schedule with the boss, and to say hi. Mar and Por - the Bobsie Twins - were acting up. The kid T chats with me for awhile, and says that he is going to pray some more for me, for success in my endeavors. The Bobsie twins didn't hear that part of the convo - nosey heifers. They saw T blow me a kiss as he left - (Why? I have no clue. Whatever the case, bad timing, dude). Por shouts out "Mo - you cougar! Chattin' up that boy..."blah blah blah. A few students standing around cracked up. Okay - I laughed too...

Later on during the day, another male student started chatting with me. No biggie - I chat a lot with the guys and girls...I am working with the public, after all. Anyway the guy introduces himself, and states that he just turned 33 years old. My response to him was "Happy birthday" and 'Waaaa...a baby".

He started laughing, and it got the Bobsie Twins' attention. They sauntered over, being sure to make googly eyes at me - good grief.

Big-mouthed Por shouts out "Lynx! Lynx!"

I wanted to choke the life out of her. The guy had a puzzled look on his face, then said - "You mean - like a cougar?" Por replied - "Yeah. You are talkin' to one"...(fucking lil' asswipe - I am going to get her back good...)

I laughed, then told the guy "Nope. I'm not a cougar. Enjoy your apple and have a nice afternoon"...When I glared at the Bobsie Twins, they laughed then took off, saying '"Oh no - she's gonna' kick our asses now". You damn skippy. Just wait. Revenge will be sooo sweet.




A kitty with proper table manners!

02:47 Jan 25 2011
Times Read: 1,243

I read about this cute orange kitty today; his name is Rudd. He is allowed to eat at the dinner table. He waits until everyone is seated, and waits for the okay to begin eating...too bad many people aren't like this.




03:52 Jan 25 2011

Mine need to meet Rudd! LOL You would think my cat Neo was a dog the way he mooches and begs at the table. Quite embarrassing when company is over for a meal. And anything left uncovered, fair game to him.


Please stop eating before you kill yourself!

19:04 Jan 23 2011
Times Read: 1,253

I'm overweight - kinda' fat. I have skinny parts to remind me of how small I should be, weight-wise: Long thin hands, arms, an oval angular face, long skinny feet and ankles...you get the picture.

I usually eat healthy, and walk a lot. I try, you know? Plus, with the stomach ailment I have, I can't be too piggy even if I wanted to be.

The reason I bring this up is because one of my co-workers - another cashier - is morbidly obese. I'm guessing that she weighs over 300 lbs. She can barely walk, and needs to sit down a lot. So, I want to pimp slap her everytime I see her eat. She eats a lot, and what she usually eats is not healthy. This week, while we were in the cafeteria prepping the place for school next week, she sat on her ass the whole time, on the internet...shoving food down her craw.

Let's see - this week, I saw greasy bags of double orders of home fries, a platter of chicken, cake, pie, candy, huge mugs of soda, huge burgers, etc. One day, I saw her actually eat a salad...a huge salad that could have feed two more people. She didn't bother to do even the easy tasks, where she could continue to sit on her fat ass.

And what makes this all worse - other than her killing herself - is the fact that when she's done eating, at some point, she'll nod off. As a matter of fact, she nods off a lot. (And she snores). She'll disappear for 30 minutes for a restroom break (And you don't want to go into the restroom when she goes, trust me). Shit - she even fell asleep sitting on the can a few times.

I am not making fun of her - I am angry at her. For not taking care of herself, and for not working when she's at work. The bosses don't quite know what to do about her, as they feel sorry for her. Plus - she's in the union, and it will be hard to impossible to let her go. I don't want her to lose her job...but I wish that she'd at least try to work when she's there, as the rest of us have to pick up her slack.



16:32 Jan 24 2011

I always think, wouldn't it be interesting if we as a species had an exoskeleton - something that would actually restrict our capacity to overeat or risk 'exploding.' I suspect most people who end up that obese, because it takes time to get there, have no real recollection of what it was like when they DIDN'T have to heave themselves up into a standing position. It becomes 'normal.'


Rating profiles.

18:40 Jan 23 2011
Times Read: 1,257

Since my monitor is a dark-screened piece of shit, I haven't bothered to rate like I use to. It would be unfair of me to rate stuff I can't really see or read...which sucks, as rating helps one level up more.



18:52 Jan 23 2011

Your level is as high as it gets around here.:)

19:05 Jan 23 2011

Since I keep bouncing between levels 105 and 106, it could be improved!



02:18 Jan 20 2011
Times Read: 1,269

...so tired. So sore. Going to bed early again!

(Went to bed at 8:30 last night, and slept for about 9 hours - a rarity for me).



03:19 Jan 20 2011

Aww nini.Hope you get some good sleep.


Work and the New Guy...Meat...Guy.

21:41 Jan 16 2011
Times Read: 1,291

As I had stated earlier a few times, work has been physically hard at times. The girl I usually work with got into a car accident last week, so she wasn't in this week to work. (She'll be okay and back to work in a few days...her newly purchased used Mercedes was totalled though).

So, it was great that a new hire was already in the works. I met the guy earlier when he came in to see the boss. He seemed like a cool nice guy with his head on his shoulders...which has been the case so far, thank God. He sometimes goes on about being saved through accepting Jesus into his life, but not so much that I have to tell him to shut up...yet.

His name rhymes with Draven, Raven, and Kraven (cool 'vampire' names, huh)? But - we'll just call him T. T is a cute kid - he's 25 years old. (That's a kid, as far as I'm concerned). Anyway...

earlier this week, we had started scrubbing and mopping one of the culinary kitchen floors. It was me, T, and another woman who usually works that part of the campus. I was getting hot from scrubbing, and made a comment about it. As I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, T voluteered to let me wear one of the T-shirts he was wearing. I declined, joking "Dude - I am not wearing your man-musty shirt!"

T replies "It doesn't smell - take a whiff" He comes up to me, offering his armpit. I held my mop up, saying that I'd poke him in the nuts if he came any closer (And Jesus wouldn't stop me either). Everyone laughed, including T. But he just couldn't take no for an answer...I guess he was just trying to be helpful, being the new guy and all.

The dude took off his shirt to give to me anyway, saying that I could change in the restroom (Like I'd change in front of everybody? Duh). But, both of his shirts came off. The guy had some serious tats and a 6-pack going on. With just the right bit of chest hair. His biceps and triceps weren't bad either. Me and the other woman just looked at each other, like 'Damn!' I'm thinking 'Why I gotta' see this? Life isn't fair'.

I swallowed a big ol' gulp of air and said "T - put your shirt back on now, dude. No use showing off your stuff since you're all saved and shit". We all laughed. T apologized, saying that he didn't mean for both shirts to come off.

Yeah - right dude.



21:59 Jan 16 2011


Take photos!

Orr, send him to Canada!

10:17 Jan 17 2011


Nice lol.


21:08 Jan 16 2011
Times Read: 1,294

I haven't been around in 4 - 5 days.

I've been really busy...plus, my computer (and cell, for that matter) are pieces of shit. I can't replace anything yet, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the crap will keep on working...(I need the comp for school too - yikes)!

Work is kickin' my ass - I asked to get as many hours as I could while the school is closed, and it still won't be enough. And for this former desk jockey, scrubbing and mopping huge culinary kitchen floors, polishing stainless steel, cleaning windows...no fun!

(At least the culinary teacher asst's are there, and are feeding us with daily creations - lol)!

Plus - my mom's moving, and I'll have to help with that as well. I will try to pop in as much as I can though!




A random thought.

02:24 Jan 12 2011
Times Read: 1,334

The best dumb-assed question someone actually asked me:

Is that your real nose?




02:26 Jan 12 2011

Nope. It's made of plasticine. If I look like I'm going to sneeze, duck and cover, man.

02:28 Jan 12 2011

My reply:

'No, it's actually a snap-on Model, akin to what Michael Jackson wore'

02:33 Jan 12 2011

A: Why? Does it look natural? My surgeon was trying to talk me into going up one more cup size but I wasn't so sure...

...he went in through the belly-button, so there's no visible scar...

02:37 Jan 12 2011


Ya'll too much!

Which goes to prove how odd/stupid the question was. Maybe the woman who asked me thought that I had a nose job...

04:02 Jan 12 2011

It's mine! Give it back!!

07:38 Jan 12 2011

Wow! lol...

Thats a really random and strange question lol.


January 11, 2011.

01:49 Jan 12 2011
Times Read: 1,344

So, today's date is 1-11-11. I'm an Aquarian, and the numbers 11 and 22 are suppose to be lucky for me.

So, I waited in anticipation for something good to happen today - at 11:11 am, to be exact.

Nothing good or extraordinary happened. I mopped more floors.



01:51 Jan 12 2011

: / i woulda bought a Lotto ticket.

02:00 Jan 12 2011

I should have...I'm so stupid!

02:02 Jan 12 2011

I'm an Aquarian and I got some really good news today, Yay! And hey, your day isn't over yet :)

14:18 Jan 12 2011

I guess you're not slipping and falling on your ass whilst doing said mopping is all the luck you were gonna get. ;-)


Swab the decks, mates!

03:48 Jan 11 2011
Times Read: 1,348

Spent the day with two other classified employees amd two teacher aides mopping the floors of the culinary kitchens...well, it will take a total of 3 - 4 days to complete the job.

Anyway, the task was easier than I expected, as I had envisioned scrubbing tile on my hands and knees like Cinderella. (Thank the kitchen gods for long-handled scrub brushes - lol)!

While working, there was some interesting intelligent conversation going on - We talked about comparative religions and cultures, and crime. The teaching assistants made pizza and beef stew, which was yummy!

The day would have been another regular day with the exception of the dishwasher J...since the basement kitchen he was in was cold, he thought that it would be a good idea to turn on the burners to warm up the place...the sprinkler system turned on, temporarily flooding the place in 2 - 3 inches of water. DUH!

(Thank the kitchen gods again for multiple drains in the floors at least - lol)!





22:14 Jan 07 2011
Times Read: 1,367

2:11 and counting. I just wrote another entry here, and I am still waiting...

At the rate this is going, I can write another damn chapter of 'The Diary of Isis'...good grief!

Oh fuck it. I am hanging up now.





22:10 Jan 07 2011
Times Read: 1,368

I was gonna' work today, but called in early. I'm too damn tired and sore. School won't re-open until the 24th, so I've been trying to get as many hours of work as possible...

And boy, have I been working my ass off...

- scrubbing doors and walls

- mopping

- moving crap around (plus preparing the bistro for a 12-hour conference)

I wasn't alone - another classified worker was with me. She is cool, and use to be a house cleaner...and she's half my age (but she was aching too - lol)!

Yesterday, she and I scrubbed down the two huge ice-making machines. That wasn't too bad. When we were in our walk-in fridge cleaning it, we froze our asses off, even with the door open. At one point, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Let's go take a break" I said. 'My nipples are going to break off." She couldn't stop laughing.

It was nice to step into the minimal warmth of the office.



22:26 Jan 07 2011

LOL; thanks for the Laugh today, I needed it.



21:58 Jan 07 2011
Times Read: 1,369

...1:57 and counting. Ive been on hold to leave a message for my doctor since 1:15...




Hot Cougar?

03:11 Jan 06 2011
Times Read: 1,396

So, while chit-chatting at work, the conversation turned to relationships. The boss (the woman who hired me, not the head guy) made a comment about how I should take the time to meet guys and go on dates.

I was basically like "Yeah - whatever. I'm more focused on survival and school right now."

She and the other employee present wouldn't leave me the hell alone though. I guess they wanted me to feel empowered, ie "You are an attractive, EMPLOYED woman that a lot of younger guys would like, so you should just let 'the cougar out'"...WTF?

Okay...why just 'younger guys'? Granted, many guys my age are going through mid-life crisises and shit...hell, I'm going through my own goddamn Gotterdamerung right now.

And...duh. Most of the guys I've been with have actually been younger than me, and I wasn't seeking them out. They just sorta' fell into my lap, I guess.

Hot cougar I am not. And I don't really care for the term. I plan on being one of those crazy old cat ladies...and I'll like it. And yet...if a pleasing guy falls into my lap, I won't neccesarily shoo him away...



03:15 Jan 06 2011

Tell them the last time you let the cougar out...it was hell getting it back in. :P

03:40 Jan 06 2011


07:49 Jan 06 2011

you know what? I hate that folk who find out I'm single (I'm single by choice) tell me that I will find someone when I least expect it. HUMPH!

Major annoyance there! I love my own company, I have no need to hook up with anyone (Ashton Kutcher of course wouldn't get thrown out of my bed LOL), and besides, I'm too greedy, I hate sharing my space and am probably gawd-awful to live with to boot.

LMAO @ Indulgence :)

21:48 Jan 07 2011

Pagan...my sentiments exactly!


I am sooo tired.

02:34 Jan 06 2011
Times Read: 1,403

Scrubbing layers of Coke syrup from walls is not fun.



02:38 Jan 06 2011

: O

02:27 Jan 12 2011

Scrubbing layers of maple syrup from my apartment ceiling is even less fun.

Know how ya feel.


00:07 Jan 04 2011
Times Read: 1,417


So...it takes five calls - over two weeks - to FINALLY change a radiology appointment? REALLY?




Priest of the Month.

03:28 Jan 02 2011
Times Read: 1,436

January 2011




03:36 Jan 02 2011


19:50 Jan 02 2011

Only response to that is "Satan get thee behind me!" Absolutely no priest should look like that. Devil incarnate, I tell ya.

07:05 Jan 04 2011

I'm gonna go to church

02:35 Jan 06 2011

Cheekbones...dimple in chin...nice! Lol!


My Year In Song.

00:59 Jan 01 2011
Times Read: 1,273

These songs pretty much sum up the year 2010 for me:

Bittersweet - The Verve

Tax Man - The Beatles

Get A Job - The Silhouettes

The Have Nots - X

Welcome To The Jungle - Guns N Roses

Down With The Sickness - Disturbed

I'll Always Love My Mama - The Intruders

So Lonely - The Police

Alone - This Mortal Coil

Mondlicht - Xmal Deutschland

Fly Away - Lenny Kravitz

Circles - Soul Coughing

Beautiful Day - U2



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