Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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27 entries this month

$10 trillion and counting

12:20 Feb 27 2009
Times Read: 801

So we are now $10 trillion dollars in debt at this point with Obamas plan. $12 trillion by September. They said that we could stack the debt and it would reach the moon.

They said we each will be paying $25,000 to help pay on this debt. Our children and their children will be paying this too.



14:06 Feb 27 2009

he's not Samantha from Bewitched lol .. he cant TWINKLE TWINKLE his nose and make all of Georges shit go away ...

personally, i didnt even vote for him, but i think he deserves a chance...

15:49 Feb 27 2009

well did you think you would get away free? government always has a price.

10:50 Feb 28 2009

There's high talk that the US will not be around in 50 years give or take if this path continues.


Special Ed soundboard

05:53 Feb 26 2009
Times Read: 810

I have spent way too much time on this. I have the phobia, "Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being.". So I can't watch this show, but I can listen.

Special Ed Soundboard Yaaaay!




And I say this in the most loving way

06:58 Feb 25 2009
Times Read: 840

Yodog just bombed my profile with a one. I assume he didn't like my political pics on there. I don't always agree with people's politics on here, but I don't bomb them because of it. What an asswipe.

Oh he just sent me a FUCK YOU after I wrote a lil note on his page. Lovely. Ba-lock. You just have to do that with things like that to go on and enjoy the day.



07:41 Feb 25 2009

Yodog is just a loser that seems to be having fun bombing people. :)

it's sad that people have nothing better to do.

08:12 Feb 25 2009

I agree. He has much to learn on here about how things work. I wrote him again, since I was bored and wanted to keep a note on his page. He hasn't learned block yet, apparently, though I am sure he will soon.

09:58 Feb 25 2009

What in the hell is a yodog? LOL

15:39 Feb 25 2009

Who is this person ?

23:32 Feb 25 2009

He is someone that is apparently doing this around Rave and said some homophobic things to one person I talked to.


Obama Announces Plan to Tax Honest Homeowners Who Paid Their Mortgages

10:39 Feb 24 2009
Times Read: 851

Obama Announces Plan to Tax Honest Homeowners Who Paid Their Mortgages

By Mike Adams, February 18, 2009

A new "homeowner bailout" plan announced by Obama promises taxpayer money to pay interest payments on homeowners who bought homes they couldn't afford.

Or, put another way, all the responsible Americans who made their mortgage payments on time and who lived within their means are now going to be forced to pay for those who lived beyond their means and bought houses they couldn't afford.

Welcome to America, where nobody is allowed to lose anymore: Not Wall Street bankers, not homeowners, and not even schoolchildren playing a game of kickball. "Everybody's a winner!"

Except that everybody isn't a winner. The hard-working, honest Americans who pay their taxes and live within their means are now being forced to pay up and bail out all the scoundrels, bankers and over-spenders who put themselves in financial jeopardy and now expect everybody else to cover their losses.

I remember a day when people behind on their house payments actually had to sell their homes and move into something smaller that they could afford. Such sensible decisions are apparently no longer tolerated in America's new economy.

The lesson in all this? It is now becoming obvious that the only way to get ahead in America is to fall way behind. Fall behind on your mortgage payments and your neighbors pay it for you. Fall behind on your derivative investments and the Treasury bails you out. Fall behind on automobile manufacturing and the government subsidizes your complacency with repeated multi-billion-dollar bailouts.

The end result, of course, is that the whole nation falls behind as idiot economic policies become the latest political fad to daze the public with the illusion of free money.




15:41 Feb 25 2009

I am trying to follow what this is saying but it don't sound favourable for the poor people unless I am wrong.


For my records--someone asked me how I got interested in vamps and why I dig 'em

10:14 Feb 24 2009
Times Read: 853

Ok, let's see....you asked how I got interested in vampires...well, I am not honestly! Haha....I have always been drawn to scary movies, even at a young age, yet they terrified me. It was Jaws, at age 7, that started the panic attacks. I begged my parents to let me watch it, on the new network HBO, and they let me. Ugh, I cried all night and was freaked out. Little did anyone know that I was having a panic attack. I don't like gore, but I love the pychological thrill of the movies. Sadly gore comes with most.

PROBABLY the first interest in vampires was with The Lost Boys. That's about the time that I was sexually active in it's first few years. It was a sexual movie, a sensual movie and I was hooked. Timing perhaps. But it IS a great movie. *sly smile*

What brought me to Rave was my daughter! She found it through friends and I saw her on it, and was interested. I was hooked. Despite my struggle to maintain the lightness in life, I am drawn to the dark, the moody, the tragic and the wounded. The sensuality and power that is associated with vampires has quite a drawing power.

I've stayed because of friends I have made on here. I just can't seem to stay away long. But I do have to take breaks here and there, because I need THE LIGHT.



14:45 Feb 24 2009

Don't we all! Yet irony for me is I have found more light people than dark- then again I don't talk to many people... so I suppose I wait till I see light then talk... go figure :P



08:08 Feb 24 2009
Times Read: 858

Many times, when I read a profile, where someone is almost challenging me to write them, I feel compelled to do so. Sometimes they write the profile with warnings about what assholes they are, self proclaimed of course. Now if they are well versed and seemingly intelligent, I simply have to write and find for myself if they are indeed, the assholes they proclaim to be.

Not all are. In fact, I have made friends with some of the greatest guys on here in that manner.

My latest find is TheScybermonk. He is a sweet guy, intelligent and I think he is great.

Cade is another that would scare most and I felt I had to write just after I came to this site. He is a sweet guy too. Sorry if "sweet" insults them. But to me, that is important in a person...their demeanor. Cade is also very intelligent.

Two others that intimidated me at first were Daire and Cancer. I wrote them anyway. They are wonderful and I love them too. Both very warm and intelligent guys.

There are more of course, but I am short on time.

I do recall how I met Jason. I had put a thread in the main forum about Star Wars and he said something smart ass about how it wasn't going to last, and I wrote him and went off about his insensitivity. HA.....and we were friends from then on.



08:35 Feb 24 2009

I know exactly what you mean. I had a bad encounter with TheScybermonk when he first joined with a previous membership. We went back and forth full force. Much later, I read something he said in the forum and couldn't have agreed more. I cast all pride aside and let him know. Next thing I knew, we were all cool-like :P More people should lay down the old ego give people a shot.



Remember Kids in the hall?

08:43 Feb 23 2009
Times Read: 877

Do you remember Kids in the hall? It was so off the wall and hilarious. You have to have a certain sense of humor to appreciate it.



12:18 Feb 23 2009

*has fishheads song flashback* lol

15:30 Feb 23 2009

I used to watch the reruns late at night, or early in the morning, when my insomnia was really bad.

Love it.


The Obama Deception - A Film by Alex Jones

07:48 Feb 23 2009
Times Read: 880

Here is the trailer for a new film. Not sure if it's only on DVD or not. I heard a snippet of 18-25 year old civilian Army Brigade and I was like, "Yikes!". Not the first I have heard of that, but I didn't think it was true. All we can do is wait and see and hope for the best.




My new term for vagina

11:24 Feb 22 2009
Times Read: 890

My new term for vagina..........fish tank.



12:32 Feb 22 2009



23:08 Feb 23 2009

That's a slippery one... watch out for Pirates!

23:09 Feb 23 2009

Because they might steal the cherry, me darlin'! harharh


For my records

07:36 Feb 21 2009
Times Read: 899

My take on spells, etc.. Well someone made a thread in the forum and I wanted to keep what I said. So I am placing it here.

I don't believe they work.

For something to happen in your life or another's of your spells, it would affect many people, because when we do something, or make decisions, it creates a ripple effect. Think about how many people are affected and have to be involved for some of the events in your life to happen, how far back it would have to go to find the origin of that event. So and so did this, for that to happen and then that happened so that your even happened, and so on. To say that you created an event by some words you repeated and candles you lit...well, that's just your ego wishing it so AND, you wanting to feel you have some sort of control over your life and the events in it.

Now we do draw to us, LIKE energy, etc. So the energy you put out, is going to be brought back to you by the universe...being drawn to you. Creative visualization is part of that as well. Being positive is your best bet. =)




Hot chicks on a trampoline

06:26 Feb 21 2009
Times Read: 902

Hot chicks on a trampoline




Report on Gardasil, the dangerous "vaccine".

08:39 Feb 19 2009
Times Read: 920

Report on Gardasil, the dangerous "vaccine". Don't get it!

Watch CBS Videos Online



15:54 Feb 19 2009

The link doesn't work :(

17:26 Feb 19 2009

sorry link did not work but Then again I never get something I,m not sure of anyway.

05:53 Feb 21 2009

after doing some research darktink and i deceided for her not to get it either... just some scarey shit out there

06:27 Feb 21 2009

Damn, I will find another. In the meantime, just don't get it. ;)


Love it.....

08:21 Feb 16 2009
Times Read: 934

I love this video and wanted to share it with you.

Have a wonderful day in this wonderful world. ♥



23:35 Feb 18 2009

..what is more,

the crocus and

the snowdrops

are poking their

their heads out

of the soil.


May all your

tomorrows have

that same sort

of potential,

for growth and



Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman

05:11 Feb 16 2009
Times Read: 936

Thought this was pretty funny. I don't watch Letterman anymore, but heard about this so I had to check it out.

And then it reminded me of another one on there, Crispin Glover, that was similiar.




Oh you know how they are!

05:49 Feb 13 2009
Times Read: 945

I saw this on O'Reilly and wondered how I was going to find it to send and show others. Found it on youtube! It's hilarious. I keep watching it. Wait for it....wait for it....





08:16 Feb 12 2009
Times Read: 951

Conservatives do NOT object to helping the poor. Government welfare legislation in aid of the poor was in fact first introduced by conservatives -- Bismarck and Disraeli in the 19th century. What conservatives want is for the help to be delivered in a sane manner. And anyone who thinks that government bureaucracies can run hospitals well is completely out of touch with reality.





I have to vent

07:38 Feb 12 2009
Times Read: 957

Ok, so I have to get a bit out.

Has anyone noticed how much Obama has passed since he has been in office ? What he has passed and will pass gives the government way too much access to all our lives. And you kids thought Bush was bad? Hell, Obama wants control over everything, even the census now. Where will it end? We are only a few steps away, and I am not kidding, from socialism.

He is a Leo. Loves the be the center of attention, loves the power, loves the best of everything, loves to be admired. Can you tell? Boy, I sure can.

I don't understand all of the stimulus package, nor do I proclaim to...nor do I care to for the most part. I can't control a thing about it. But I do watch FOX, the most central and unbiased news on TV, and I read several sources. I don't believe just anything blindly, generally, when I have time to research it.

But why is Obama, for instance, wanting to spend millions of dollars to build new schools in one state, in a place where the kids aren't even attending them? If we are all paying for this gig, or rather OUR KIDS AND THEIR KIDS, then shouldn't everybody get a piece of it?

I noticed that San Francisco is getting millions too, for some renovations on something. Hmm, Nancy Pelosi is from there. Gee, wonder how that got in there?

It seems obvious that he is basically repaying those that paid to get him in office. Is that the earmarks we keep hearing about?

The latest outrage for me is the health care rationing that has been slipped into the package as well. Basically, it will work like it does in other countries, such as the UK. The government keeps tabs on your medical treatment and deems certain people or conditions important. So let's say that when you are older, and you develop cancer. Well, if you are too old, according to big brother, then you don't get the treatment you need. It has been going on over seas for years. Canadians have been coming over here for medical care for years too.

Don't get me wrong. I would love to have the free health care. We are one of the American families that don't have medical insurance, basically. We have insurance, but we have to pay up to $6400 and THEN we get help. So basically, none.

But I have read enough and paid attention enough and seen the videos of these poor people to know that there is suffering that comes with this plan. I hope hope hope it will work, but really, it scares me.

Now, if you don't plan on growing older and having medical problems then this is a great deal for you.

I am not sure how Democrats can say they are for the people and against government anymore. I don't think Democrats are what they used to be. In my early 20s I considered myself one, until I grew up and realized that I just wasn't that way. I believed the Democratic hype of claiming to love people, and thinking everyone deserved food, my right to make my money and keep it for me or to give it to who I want, healthcare, lodging, education, no government in your face, equal rights, etc., but no....not quite so. No, come to find out, I was more Republican! Actually, I am Independent.

Oh, and also, I heard today that in this deal, the highways might become part of national parks. And in national parks you cannot have guns. And that is how Obama is keeping more gun control. You can be fined, have your shit confiscated or even imprisoned if you are found with a gun. Is that democracy? Is that what you want?

I am just so concerned about us all. And if the military is cut back, and we are more lax about our borders and security, then we are sitting ducks for terrorists. I mean, you just know we will be tested again. Bush was and he taught them that we will hit back. But that was then, this is now. So in the meantime, all I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Ok, I got it out......for today.



07:56 Feb 12 2009

I am glad I am not the only one that thinks the same on this.


It's called health care rationing.

07:15 Feb 12 2009
Times Read: 959

It's called health care rationing. It's in the stimulus package.






Obama not for senior citizens

06:46 Feb 12 2009
Times Read: 962

Health Care Rationing hidden in Stimulus Bill.

Obama says WWII generation too old for healthcare.

Obama Marx 08 Pictures, Images and Photos

Obama marx

Posted below is part of Betsy McCaughey’s opinion commentary on Bloomberg.com.

The Senate approved the bill today so unless this part is removed in negotiations with the House of Representatives then many elderly Americans might get turned away from treatment for being too old.

Elderly Hardest Hit

Daschle says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. That means the elderly will bear the brunt.

Medicare now pays for treatments deemed safe and effective. The stimulus bill would change that and apply a cost- effectiveness standard set by the Federal Council (464).

The Federal Council is modeled after a U.K. board discussed in Daschle’s book. This board approves or rejects treatments using a formula that divides the cost of the treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to benefit.

Treatments for younger patients are more often approved than treatments for diseases that affect the elderly, such as osteoporosis.

In 2006, a U.K. health board decreed that elderly patients with macular degeneration had to wait until they went blind in one eye before they could get a costly new drug to save the other eye. It took almost three years of public protests before the board reversed its decision.

Hidden Provisions

If the Obama administration’s economic stimulus bill passes the Senate in its current form, seniors in the U.S. will face similar rationing. Defenders of the system say that individuals benefit in younger years and sacrifice later.

The stimulus bill will affect every part of health care, from medical and nursing education, to how patients are treated and how much hospitals get paid. The bill allocates more funding for this bureaucracy than for the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force combined (90-92, 174-177, 181).

Hiding health legislation in a stimulus bill is intentional. Daschle supported the Clinton administration’s health-care overhaul in 1994, and attributed its failure to debate and delay. A year ago, Daschle wrote that the next president should act quickly before critics mount an opposition. “If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it,” he said. “The issue is too important to be stalled by Senate protocol.”

Anyone want to talk about how compassionate Democrats are now? What about all the stories run by the MSM every four years about Republicans wanting to reduce Medicare benefits.

Obama is running around demanding $1 trillion in a stimulus bill so he can save us from a depression. Well what’s more depressing than your own government tell you that you’re too old for medical treatment?




Christian Bale's apology

07:38 Feb 11 2009
Times Read: 973

I put in the clip of Christian Bale's tirade here, and so I thought I would add this too.



22:04 Feb 11 2009

Hiya, beautiful. I mean, darlin. I mean, sweetheart. Damnit, I'm not doing very well at this, am I? ;P


Ashley Ryburn's story

06:37 Feb 11 2009
Times Read: 981

Ashley Ryburn is a girl that had one of those Gardasil vaccine shots. It has destroyed her life. Please do not get the shot or give it to your daughters! It's ruining the lives of many young girls and killing some along the way.

The older I get, and the more I read about vaccines, the more against them I am. They are simply dangerous. My husband's family never had them and are fine. And their other relatives as well, as it's against their religion. Course Danny isn't that way. He is the black sheep, so to speak. ;)



19:22 Feb 11 2009

I have heard of several stories like this about really horrible reactions to Gardasil. I don't know why anyone would get this vaccine when it's so new and under-studied.

It also angered me that they kept calling it an "Ovarian Cancer" vaccine, because that means people will just run out and get it and become lax about one of the most dangerous cancers out there, which the vaccine does not prevent at all.

There is nothing this shot does that practicing safe and responsible sex won't.

06:47 Feb 12 2009

Very true. This stuff is very dangerous! You know how the pharms are. They are like the mafia...the power....



06:35 Feb 11 2009
Times Read: 982

This tapping technique is something that I learned about 10 years ago and have recently begun to see it on the net. Since I needed a refresher, that works out nicely. Here it is for you.




Randy Pausch

06:28 Feb 11 2009
Times Read: 985

Randy Pausch. A really neat speech.





08:06 Feb 10 2009
Times Read: 995

This site has photoshopped pictures of celebs as skeletal skinny and it is really gross. It makes fun of how they are so desperate to be so emaciated, and these pictures are the extremes. There is a drop down menu above the pictures, with 3 pages of celebs.





It's so good to be informed!

00:08 Feb 06 2009
Times Read: 1,020

It's so good to be informed!

"Sometime this year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus

Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using

the Q and A format:

"Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?*

"A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

"Q. Where will the government get this money?*

"A. From taxpayers.

"Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?*

"A. No, they are borrowing it from China. Your children are

expected to repay the Chinese.

"Q. What is the purpose of this payment?*

"A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a

high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.

"Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China?*

"A. Shut up."

Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the US economy by

spending your stimulus check wisely:

If you spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China.

If you spend it on gasoline it will go to Hugo Chavez, the Arabs and Al Queda.

If you purchase a computer it will go to Taiwan.

If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico,

Honduras, and Guatemala (unless you buy organic).

If you buy a car it will go to Japan and Korea.

If you purchase prescription drugs it will go to India

If you purchase heroin it will go to the Taliban in Afghanistan

If you give it to a charitable cause, it will go to Nigeria.

And none of it will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America. You can keep the money

in America by spending it at yard sales, going to a baseball game, or

spending it on prostitutes, beer (domestic ONLY), or tattoos, since those

are the only businesses still in the US.



00:12 Feb 06 2009

Or, you could get your hair and nails done! Yes, I know... This coming from a guy? ;P

13:11 Feb 06 2009

Hell go see your local acupuncturist ;) lol!

08:06 Feb 10 2009

Yes! hahaha......or your local Reiki Master! =)


Christian Bale being the asshole I've been saying he is

02:09 Feb 04 2009
Times Read: 1,032

Christian Bale being the asshole I've been saying he is. I don't know why anyone likes him. I have said for some time now that he is a jerk. And sucks as an actor. In Batman movies, he just has a monotone voice that sounds like he is a 2 a day pack smoker and is just boring.



06:49 Feb 04 2009

I don't really think Batman is Christian Bale's pinnacle role. He is much better in All the Little Animals and the Machinist. Having anger management issues doesn't really make someone an asshole either, and we don't really know what was said before this clip. It could be taken out of context.

The media cherry-picks the bits and pieces of a person's personality they wish to portray.

I'm not saying he isn't an asshole, I just don't think this is definitive evidence either way. He could very well just have some unresolved anger management issues. It could have been a really long day, they could have been filming a really frustrating scene, the Director of Photography could have been not doing a proper job etc. etc. Who knows.

00:10 Feb 06 2009

Yea, I don't know how he was when he was a baby, so who can tell. hahaha.........:P

Well, I guess I am going by what I would or wouldn't do. I would and have never spoken to anyone that way in my life. Not even a dog.


New Ice cream!

00:56 Feb 04 2009
Times Read: 1,040

New Ice Cream!

Ben and Jerry's is coming out with an unbelievable new ice cream

in honor of the new president.

It is being churned in Washington DC and appropriately being named:

Baracky Road - half chocolate and half vanilla surrounded by fruits and nuts.



01:02 Feb 04 2009

awsome and very true

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