LosSoldado's Journal

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Being A Man

22:15 Aug 04 2021
Times Read: 258

Hello Everyone,

So no matter which category of my journal you choose I will always come with the upmost honesty of my thoughts which can be loved by some while being hated by others. I ask not that you assume about me though. Instead ask questions. Try to understand my train of thought about an entry. I will equally make attempts at yours in a respectful dignified manner. Finally, I ask that we not devolve into cuss words, racial slurs, or any other kind of derogatory remarks as that leads to nothing for either party to learn from in the moment.

Title: Being a Man in the 21st Century - (Different Topics - I circle on each one in later entries individually to discuss all of them thoroughly.)

It's extremely hard being a father in today's society. There are so many traps that one has to understand, and navigate because so many are made of glass now a days. Everyone loves to have a man around however in consideration of the shrinking pool that actually meets the criteria. We have so many negative prospects to contend with as well as that can get us into trouble or destroy our names instantly.

Example one is at the workplace. All it takes is for a woman to accuse a man of sexual misconduct or inequality issues and he utterly, and unequivocally ruined. This example is to the woman that falsely accuse men of this atrocious deed. It does not absolve those that truly have committed it like my father.

Example two is the lack of male mentors in the arena to actually mentor and shape the minds of the next group of boys into men. There are so many instances via media, personal experience, or bad mentors that are enablers of turning a man into garbage. Translation is that he becomes a bully, woman-beater, complainer, drain on society, and any other many of negatives that come to mind.

We have so much music that tells men of all colors that it's okay to think of a woman as a piece of meat to be used for sex. The porn industry is booming raking in 95 BILLION dollars worldwide every year. That's unfathomable. It ruins now only men of there appetite for sex with real women, but also destroys all capabilities of want to communicate. Instead of facing possible rejection they just open up a website or watch a DVD. They can't get hard when a woman initiates sexual intercourse. All so it allows women to shame themselves too by telling them it's okay to have sex with hundreds of men.

The makeup industry is another f**king POS (Piece of S**t) that I hate tremendously. In my mind all women are beautiful. In America that level of money that is spent on telling a women she needs to apply all these oils, chemicals or whatever they are made from now a days just to be successful in the workplace, in marriage, or hide any skin defects is AGAIN atrocious. Hiding that true beauty also makes it to where mean can't see the real woman for who she is to fall for her, and not the makeup version.

Then we have countless gangs that express brotherhood, homies for life, and family. I was around this bullshit in my teenage years, and almost fell down this path because of not having a father or male mentor to show me different in life. It's just bullshit. A person is only "family" if they steal, cheat, kill, rape, and all other kinds of nasty things to innocents. It's the best way for a wolf to leave among sheep.

We also have men who have found it so hard being a man that they say "screw it I'm just going to be a woman." They seem the steam that is building for women in American society. The support, groups, sororities, and all manner of positive reinforcement to include all through school.

Girls present as the stereotypical perfect student. Boys for the most part have a ton of energy coursing through them that needs ample time to get burned out. We love the outdoors as boys too. Messing with blocks, putting lego's together, solving issues with our hands. That continues into manhood. Yet in public schools wood shop, auto body, metal shop, and other manner of boys activities are put to the wayside as we tell boys you must be quiet, pay attention, and be still in class. Basically, saying you need to act like the girls. I have had female friends come to me wanting to speak because of being nervous about school for there boys.

Men are also expected to not express being afraid, or showing weakness especially around there girlfriend, or wife which is ludicrous. Men have emotions that need to be expressed even if it's in a all male group. Sometimes men just feel sunk inside deeply wanting wisdom from someone older than them to be the best versions of themselves on every level especially bringing bread to the table. We've been taught that if the man isn't bringing enough bread to the table he is worthless. No matter if he makes the best stay at home dad in the world. I've heard many dudes say that when out of work trying to find some kind of employment especially the married ones as they seek to just help there wives out.

So woman I ask that you understand it's not just you who suffers from inequality or societal norms. Men suffer from it too. We are just better at letting build inside until it explodes out of us in a range of various emotions that are sometimes very nasty resulting in bad incidents happening that wouldn't happen regularly from that same man who loves you to the end of the world.

Well that's enough said right now. As stated above I will touch on the several topics in more detail as time passes by once I get at least one entry in the other columns of my journal. For those who take the time to read this entry please understand I'm not degrading the situation of woman. I just want all people to understand men are struggling as well. Especially the middle class men, and poor class who can't afford typically to pay for male retreats etc.

I'm a personal testament that a man can change his mindset, life, and circumstances if he accepts mentor-ship, male love (not the homosexual kind), bonding, and just digs within himself to be the best version. Most men don't realize these things till they have access to or search for them.



23:14 Aug 04 2021

As a woman I agree 100%. Society's standards and expectations are wild and opposite common sense lately.

I would also like to day that women are expected to look, act and speak certain ways as well. It's stupid to ask anyone to be anything but what they are ..
I'm so glad I saw it all for what it was and just acted and presented myself as who I truly am. I think more people are finally waking up

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