Morphilim's Journal

Morphilim's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


5 entries this month

Just curious

03:24 May 13 2015
Times Read: 498

Anyone know what happened to Ade? He used to run the Coven of Nocturnal Felinity...



03:25 May 13 2015

Ade stayed on here for a while finally sheltering in my House of Umbrae Octo before he notified me he'd just been lied to by too many folks here and left. We still keep in touch on Facebook so if you look for him there you can find him.

08:12 May 13 2015

That's sad, NG. He was a really nice guy.

02:11 May 14 2015

Thanks for letting me know, a shame, he was a great guy.



17:37 May 12 2015
Times Read: 509

You're in traffic on the freeway. You have your left turn signal on waiting for it to become clear in the next lane. As you begin to move over, the car behind you speeds up and changes lanes to cut you off. That's a bit of a dick move.



21:19 May 12 2015

In SoCal we just call that driving...

00:12 May 13 2015

True, I was on the 710 and it's typical...

04:08 May 13 2015

Yeppers here in Northern Cali its the same.. people are brutal here to the point if you piss them off they will shoot you if its the wrong person.. YIKES for sure..

06:17 Sep 15 2015

That happens every other day or night in this uneducated hick town

16:09 Dec 29 2015

Welcome to Earth.LOL



01:53 May 09 2015
Times Read: 531

I'm getting that huge ad for that pyramid movie on every page view I do, no matter where I go on here. It used to be I just get that huge ad when I first log on, but every page view is a little annoying, hahaha...



06:15 May 09 2015

Use adblocker. I've never seen any ad since.

02:48 May 10 2015

download adblock plus, it works great



03:14 May 06 2015
Times Read: 617

I think it's pretty chickensh!t that negative honor can be anonymous. This is a vampire site, right? And we're adults right? If you have something negative to say, people need to be brave enough to stand behind what they say, or don't say it. You own your words, have the balls enough to stand behind them. The ones that throw stones and hide? They are the true ones without any *real* honor.



03:18 May 06 2015

And if we don't have balls? lol

In all seriousness, I get what you're saying. Taking honor away anonymously is a very cowardly act.

03:21 May 06 2015

Hopefully it might change in the future where it's not an option, if you want to take away honor, you have to stand behind that action.

03:23 May 06 2015

It's all because some of them truly are pussies. Honestly, I give more credit to the ones who show their name than anyone who takes it anonymously. It simply shows you don't give a crap about the repercussions of doing it.

03:31 May 06 2015

Some of them will always hide behind the system. They are the gutless wonders of the site. Sadly,they seem to be multiplying.

03:42 May 06 2015

How un-anonymous would you be even if you put your name to it, though? It's VR, half of us are vampires and another half are zombies or something. It only creates potential drama if someone leaves their username out in the open. If someone doesn't like you but doesn't want the drama, they can neg honor you.

Going down the path you're going leads you to only one door, and that's the door out. Take it from the dude who knows all too well.

04:19 May 06 2015

And when the eggs hit the frying pan, all these enforces are going to run back to their respective shadows. Don't you forget it. :)

05:45 May 06 2015

Have you looked around this site lately? taken the time to read the journals, kismets, profile content, forum posts ... hell even the types of usernames that these so called "adults" you think are populating the site are making/using? lulz

My broad example fits perfectly with what Vampishly there was saying, it creates potential drama and it's not like this place ever runs the fuck out of that to begin with.

For me, I think if you have a comment to make then yeah you should leave your name but if all your doing is giving your silent opinion as a nonexistent number (good or bad), then who the fuck cares and really the people who bitch most about shit like this are often the ones doing it themselves to others.

If some imaginary numbers making up a meaningless internet score means enough to you that you stop long enough to bitch about it being negative or done anonymously, and that leads you down the path of ultimately acting childish (name calling for example: cowards, pussies, gutless wonders) INSTEAD of making you stop and honestly reflect on why you might be getting it, well ... YOU might just be the problem after all.

12:30 May 06 2015

I still think it's cowardly. Just like I think hiding behind a persona on here to "troll" is cowardly, too. The Internet is a good place for the timid and fearful to grow a set. How many times have you, any of you, said something in text you'd be hard pressed to say to someone's face? Anonymity gives you wings. No, wait. That's Red Bull ...

I mean, this particular entry might pertain to Honor, but I think the driving force behind it goes further than that. Yeah, Honor isn't all that important. Yeah, in "real life" I can give someone the stink eye and they never know who I am (stink eye basically being what Honor amounts to). It's the reasoning, or lack thereof, of making a gesture without the cahoneys to claim it. *shrugs* If you're not going to stick your stamp on it, why do it anyhow? It's null and void after 30 days, right? Why bother?

Morphilim's argument is valid: "The ones that throw stones and hide? They are the true ones without any *real* honor." There's tons of research on communication that supports it.

17:42 May 06 2015

Oh yeah that was subtle lulz but ultimately meaningless as an insult and really kinda sadly childish given the setting but hey, I'm not you and I just don't care enough about other peoples opinions of me to let it matter.

Since this journal was about honor and it really having the option to be anonymous. Let's just talk about all those "chickenshit, cowardly, pussies" who are too "gutless" to leave their name behind when they give you honor.

Wait what? cowards for not leaving a name when giving honor? NO no it doesn't work that way. That's just fine to do right?

Yeah, cause I have no problem with people obviously being ashamed they associate/agree with me. Point is if your going to bitch about it being anonymous, bitch about it ALL being anonymous not just the shit that hurts your imaginary scores.

02:06 May 07 2015

Great points, all. It is very ironic because it's all anonymous when you think about it.

Regarding "If some imaginary numbers making up a meaningless internet score means enough to you that you stop long enough to bitch about it being negative or done anonymously, and that leads you down the path of ultimately acting childish"

Great point and just to clarify, the act itself is chicksh!t in my humble thought, but that's where I stop. I wouldn't resort to calling names to people. I do think it's a gutless act, but I separate the act from the person. We're all works in progress.

Also, take everything I say with a grain of salt, or anything on the internet for that matter, it's all trivial stuff when you think about it.

Getting butt-hurt over a 1 or honor or anything on the internet is kinda silly. I remember talking to Dylan about how silly some people got so engaged at a 1, it was kind of surprising. Hell, I remember when Abaddon would come by and rate everyone a 1, used to make me chuckle.

02:21 May 07 2015

"Wait what? cowards for not leaving a name when giving honor? NO no it doesn't work that way. That's just fine to do right?

Yeah, cause I have no problem with people obviously being ashamed they associate/agree with me. Point is if your going to bitch about it being anonymous, bitch about it ALL being anonymous not just the shit that hurts your imaginary scores."

But that's just it, I'm not bitching about it being anonymous, I'm bitching it being a negative action tied to being anonymous.

Albeit, a very trivial act and not one getting butt-hurt over. A kind act being anonymous? Society and I consider that nice. Random acts of anonymous kindness are great.

I don't have a problem with anonymity, but when someone tries to hurt another person and hide behind anonymity, that's where the chickensh!t comes into play. Again, it's a trivial "hurt" in this case. My point was the negativity tied to anonymous, not the two separate things. :-D

04:51 May 12 2015

Can you imagine if the Anon honour was released and it revealed who the anons were that took it.. HAHA...


04:50 Jul 24 2015

Lol so true this one guy hates on me because I told him rebel flag isn't racist flag in kkk they usually use a American flAg so I guess all Americans are racist dumb ass. I'm just me I don't follow mind kump people lol tell me I'm racist I'm adopted by black folk they love me as family more than friends doesn't mean I mix or anything stupid people don't have anything better but to call people racist from the south, well I'm from dirty south so what all you haters feel free to hate on me, you just jealous of others in life grow the hell up and get real I don't have time fakes around me. . Like he said we are all adults well suppose to be anyways. .

16:04 Dec 21 2015

Honor comes with respect,those that throw stones at other glass houses.while theres is all already shattered around them,have alreadyed reaped what they've sowed.{ Karma }.In your other comment when you say something negative and stand behind it.You've done no better, the word Chicken Shit for instance,you leave out the ''I'',yet we all know what it is.If you've stood behind that word.then the ''I'' would not be left out.Just saying nothing personel.Namaste' Elviscat



03:05 May 01 2015
Times Read: 527

Forced inductions should be mandatory. This is a Vampire site, not a rainbow and unicorn site. "Oh please Mr. Vampire, don't bite me, I want that other vampire to bite me instead" would not really work. But no, there's too many of you out there that don't get the concept and never will... trust me, I've been here a looooong time watching you all.

Too many people whining. If you whine about getting in a coven, imaging the whining you'd do if you actually got bit by a Vampire, lol. I think that Vampire would regret it, an eternity of whining, he might just step out in the sunlight to get away from the agony of it all, LOL.

I'm paraphrasing Cancer regarding what he said about this painting below: "Study this painting, really examine it. If you don't understand forced inductions after that, you never will". And even quote Cancer when he says, "If you do not understand the underlying concepts behind forced induction you should not be a member of Vampire Rave."

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave



19:30 Jun 19 2015

Its submission really

You give up your rights

06:13 Sep 15 2015

Grins..v..v Interesting... Indeed

06:23 Oct 22 2015

Thirst of list savior these moments and grow with great power .. Control thy hunger ...control thy thirst I must drink within your blood.. O how crave seek u out come embrace me.. I am humble servant to u.. Master dark prince of lust

16:07 Dec 21 2015

Venting are we

16:21 Dec 29 2015

People who join clubs do it for security. People carry clubs for the same reason. So in this society called Vampire Rave there are people who actually belive they have power over you by forcing you into there covens.Which in reality they have no power at at all. The only power they have is the power you belive in your own mind they have.I lost my first profile for not obeying one rule.And that was for sticking up for a friend who's coven im in now.So im back with a new one.And here to stay.

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