Oceanne's Journal

Oceanne's Journal


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4 entries this month

Please join my coven..

16:16 Dec 30 2011
Times Read: 679

"I will buy you profiles,I will help the poor,I will teach you everything you need to know!We are one big happy family and if you are with us,we will protect you by sending our gang to take care of those wretched souls who would DARE defy us!

Only I can determine whether you are worthy to be a master...FIRST,you must prove your worthiness by doing the what I tell you to do".

Yes,famous words of those who dupe others into the dangerous world of cults.I have noticed that we here at VR. are housing a paticularly nasty and persistant group ,so here are some things you should be aware of..

They always come off very nice at first,innocently soliciting friendship.

They will buy you things(VR profiles in this case) in fake gestures of kindness,when in truth,they only want leverage over you.They go for vulnerable people who are looking for answers, and especially the lonely.They even target what we might consider normal people. They're very good at what they do and can get people to believe anything...Faked deaths,omni presence that they have created by inserting theirselves and their members in such a way,you might believe them to be everywhere.

Their ultimate power.

You might think you'd never get taken in,but don't bet on it.

Red flags..

Absolute authoritarianism without accountability.

No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.

Claims that they can protect you from things such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies, persecutions and anyone who might "bother you.

There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.

Followers feel they can never be "good enough" and will do almost anything to get the "leader's" approval.

The group leader is always right.

The group leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible,and the only way you can obtain this "secret " knowledge is to do whatever the leader asks of you.Only THEN will they claim to deem you worthy of that knowledge or somekind of leadership position.

You will hear how they help the poor, or support research, or peace, or the environment. They will tell you how happy you will be in their group (and everyone in their group will always seem very happy and enthusiastic, constantly going out of their way to glorify the leader.

But beware,you will not be told what life is really like in the group, nor what they really believe. You will also never be told at first the leader's background.normally it is made up to glorify the leader.These things will be introduced to you slowly, one at a time, so you will not notice the gradual change, until eventually you are practicing and believing things which at the start would have caused you to run a mile at top speed!

Be VERY suspicious of a group that claims to be better than all the others.Be VERY suspicious who claim they have a better grasp of the truth.

BEWARE of those who claim they are superior to the rest.

These are just a subtle versions of exclusivism ,and is almost never seen for what it really is.

Leaders are feared. To disagree with leadership is the same as disagreeing with God. The leaders will claim to have direct authority from God or Satan.Questioning the leader will be seen as a sign of rebellion and stupidity and every effort will be made to make others..even to those outside the group see it that way too.It's always your fault and you are always wrong.

Character Assassination is a big one with these people and is a type of false reasoning used by them .

When called out,they send in people who will attempt to distract the original complaint towards some other made up "indiscretion".

There is much more and I will certainly be adding it in time.Meanwhile Beware of those who claim to know all or be all.They will buy you a pair of glasses,and the minute they do,they believe they own you and that you owe them.

Stay safe!




Did you know

12:06 Dec 30 2011
Times Read: 706

that pig hearts are used to study the human heart because it is very similar?

It LOOKS like a human heart, especially when it is in a jar of Formalyn.

So,before you get all scared if someone happens to just have a heart in a jar decorated to look like a halloween prop,first consider the source.

I have run into "showboats" plenty of times who keep pighearts on hand to frighten unsuspecting people who dont know better .



12:15 Dec 30 2011

We used them in Science class one year for that exact reason.

12:57 Dec 30 2011


Its funny...I cant tell you how many times I have walked into some witchcraft store,or known "witches" who have them on display,decorate them up like some ritual object and try to pass them off as human hearts.I must say,it does the trick much of the time because people just dont look closely enough,or cant,so they cannot tell the difference.

13:30 Dec 30 2011

Its one of the oldest scare tactics in the book,used by those who want to instill fear onto the gulible.

13:40 Dec 30 2011

It'd be the same thing with eyes, I imagine.

We used to have (some animal, I can't remember) eyes to disct in class too, and the teacher told us they were rather similar to human eyes, if not a bit cloudy.

13:56 Dec 30 2011

Indeed... there are some people who will even go as far as to post pics of them on a website and claim them to be... dun dun dunnnnn



not that that would ever happen in VR land right? lol

14:15 Dec 30 2011

LOL Yep! It never fails to amaze me what people will do in attempt to make theirselves seem like something they arent, or to invoke fear in order to control others.

After a while though,it gets so transparent ,it is comical.

07:34 Dec 31 2011

Speaking of comical...what do you call a dead liar? Gone-a-con.....haha

08:31 Dec 31 2011

A le petit mambo keeps those kinds of jars. Best part is she most likely paid a lot for it. lol Wendy/folaSHIT is a Classic charlatan scum bag.


You just cant see it,can you..

14:12 Dec 29 2011
Times Read: 813

I am not involved in any it this,but I really would like to say something here because I guess it is as good a time as any and because frankly,I am ready to get it off my chest..

You have caused a great deal of hardship ,drama and overall decietful BS to a lot of people here on VR.More so than anyone I have ever seen on the site.

You made a mockery of death to the point that when several people REALLY passed away during that time, the ones who cared for them got shunned and added to your joke.

You have made a mockery of love by your endless professions and pages and pages of self glorification from people and lovers you have never even met and had no intentions of meeting.Forcing us over and over again to read the sappy poetry and jealous ravings etc..

People are downright tired of it to be honest, and you cannot expect people here to treat and respect you as they once might have.

Because,simply put,they dont.

They do not want to play the games of musical profiles anymore and they dont want to be bullied by your ultimatums.Fact is,none of us really care to deal with you in any way,shape or form anymore because your true colours and lack of concern for others became all to clear..And you STILL dont see that even though your outrageous offers were made and STILL turned down.

Take the hint.

It will never be the same for you here.Because of YOUR lack of integrity and honour,not because of others.

The sad part is,this is ALL completely due to your own actions, whether you want to accept that or not and yet you still attack other's integrity or honour just because they dont want anything to do with you.

Guilty by association has taken on a whole new meaning because of your OWN decieptful,underhanded ways and untruths...to be associated with you, is to most likely BE you.So because of this,many innocent bystanders are caught up in the crossfire.fire meant and dircted towards YOU.

People resent you for the way you have played them and crapped on their emotions,...and the other one..treats everyone like crapp whenever it suits him.Even the very ones HE has the nerve to call friend.But again,even that points back to YOU and your deciept.

So seriously,stop blaming everyone else simply because they no longer wish to play your silly games with you.Or really,to play with you at all.

Im not being mean or nasty.I have always told you as I see it and am simply expressing what everyone is thinking and talking about behind your back,as well as to your face..

Behind your back because they dont have the resources to stand up to you,which they know they will have to if they choose to express how they really feel.

Thats a sad thing to learn isnt it?

And please,dont make us laugh with your talk of integrity or honesty..by your very actions and words,you have proven beyond a doubt that you have none.And the reality is,you evidently do not understand the very meanings of those words.

So,beyond that,I wont even go there.

YOU sure lay out a lot of stipulations and ultimatums out in attempt to strongarm others with your extortion and blackmail,threatening their good times and peace here on the Rave, when truthfully,its YOU who should be making every attempt to make amends and asking forgiveness from those YOU have decieved and hurt...But I know,as we all do, your misplaced pride and blame will never allow you to do that.

YOU should be making moves that might benefit others for once Moves that have no agenda other than to do something nice for someone..

No one wants to break YPU,they only want YOU to let them alone.You see,YOU broke yourself,and everything you said you stood for,YOU turned into a farce.

You arent dumb,so I cant really understand why it is you cant understand this or see it for yourself and choose to pick up and continue exactly as you left off.

You go and begin your "fresh start" with all the threats and manipulating all over again..

Will YOU ever learn?

Will YOU ever come to grips with the fact that it was..and IS all YOU?

"Be prepared to fight"

Wow,its all you ever cry...with the exception of wolf.

I would be careful if I were you..one of these days people really ARE going to be prepared to fight.And I dont think YOU will enjoy the outcome.



15:18 Dec 29 2011

If members of VR don't want any drama, why are they having all thease journals and other outlets for their views. Why are people blaming what some body else did? It is called *Free-Will* for individuals. Think about that for a moment of who ARE being upset. YOU, meaning Members of VR, who chosen to feel the way that they did, so it is not about any member... It IS about the Free-Will of the indiviual who wanted to feel what they did. Is all this drama really about blaming some body for their own indiviual choice of what the member did... or is it easy to blame a member just because being a indiviual to feel what they did, not what a member did.

15:18 Dec 29 2011

Damn.It looks like I have accidently deleted several comments while I was editing typos.Please feel free to leave them again...

15:18 Dec 29 2011

Stands up and applauds. Very well said my friend. Direct and to the point. It is just sickening all the games that had been played and the web of lies seem to be never ending. But as we have always said, the truth always comes out.

15:25 Dec 29 2011

lol... quit deleting things I haven't read yet. Gordon I am afraid I might need a translation for your comment...anyone?

15:25 Dec 29 2011

for me Gordon,it is about calling bullshit on ONE memeber who bullies,uses,lies and manipulates others to the point where it is a nonstop bullshitfest.It is about calling bullshit on ONE member who has,through the cheating and sneaking and strongarming of others ruined many aspects of this site and all that Cancer has put into it for our enjoyment.And that in itself bothers me.

For me,its about taking a stand when many others cant or wont,because I am more than tired of seeing and having to deal with damage control caused by them and then seeing them blaming everyone else for it.

Journals are here to write what goes through our minds,and I am doing exactly that.

15:35 Dec 29 2011

I'm lost on who this is about. :( But still applauds you for believing in the same as I :)

15:45 Dec 29 2011

Your saying ONLY one member of in the history of VampireRave has "who bullies,uses,lies and manipulates others to the point where it is a nonstop bullshitfest."... It HAS happened before and will happen again in the future of VR.

If it bothers you so much, have you thought about messaging the individual? For "being human" and to explain your worries and concerns.

"Journals are here to write what goes through our minds" If that IS true, then WHY didn't you add any member names to the journal entry?

15:51 Dec 29 2011

No need to add a name.They are well aware of who they are and what they have done and so are most other who are reading this.And no,they arent the only one, but more than anyone else they have hurt people and ruined things for other members here.worst,they continue to do so.Im sorry you dont understand the extent of it but Im sure in time,you will.But even if you dont,thats fine.I am dealing with it as I am.

15:55 Dec 29 2011


"Your saying ONLY one member of in the history of VampireRave"

Im sorry Gordon,as hard as I looked,I didnt find this said or even implied in my post.

Perhaps you might sit tight and learn about what is going on before you start posting things about something you dont understand..I mean,it is fine to post,but your conviction is moot.And while I might be happy to explain some,Im not going to defend my post here to you.

16:01 Dec 29 2011

Shhhhh Gordon...I do enjoy your comments,but this isint the time to go into something other than exactly what it is.

16:14 Dec 29 2011

Very well said indeed my dear.

16:43 Dec 29 2011

There is a very specific reason Gordon that I post these feelings here,in a public venue.Sadly,when talking with said individual in private,things that are actually said and their context always tend to get twisted and turned ,because of this persons tendancy to attempt to justify what they do.So,here,it is exactly as Ive said it and no matter how hard they try,my message says what it says and cannot be changed.A perfect example of this is your comment...you stated that I said in the history of VR,when in fact,that was never said at all.

And no matter how many times you say that I said or implied it,it is here,in plain text,that I did not say it at all.

Hopefully now you understand a little more of why I put it here.

17:01 Dec 29 2011

Oh my dear Zila -- I don't think there is enough space to list ALL THE NAMES we would be here for ever and a day.

Gordan, yes there have been others in the past that have done such cowardly acts. But this particular one has done it more times then anyone else. That is what is the most sickest part of it all.

20:26 Dec 29 2011

Just look at all these comments. From some of thee very people who would also be listed. In fact all of them would be listed. Isn't that just fun when the pots call the kettles black. Don't forget to mention LadyK and all her so called followers too. Just saying.

22:09 Dec 29 2011

Jester,I am not mentioning names.As I said,this is to get something off my chest,and thats just what I did.

For the record however,LadyK has nothing to do with this entry.I dont ever recall her doing any of the things I have mentioned here...Come to think of it,from those who have commented,I dont ever recall them doing the things I am talking about either.

So if you have a beef with her,or any of the others,write about it in your journal and get it off your mind...like I did.

It helps.


Some people..

20:05 Dec 03 2011
Times Read: 854

Tree....dont you think you could have at least been a bit more original?




20:09 Dec 03 2011


22:20 Dec 03 2011

No kidding.

23:54 Dec 03 2011

I saw that too. Good for them for being in the christmas spirit but they could've been a little more creative.

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