PaianjenMulo's Journal

PaianjenMulo's Journal


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3 entries this month

Darknight/Darkfear/Ghost Dumbass Jester

23:49 Sep 08 2018
Times Read: 700

As we know this plague of the site likes to go around harassing women, then plays victim claiming it's us threatening him, then claims his brother, police and even the hells angels are coming to get us lmao

Now even more laughable made out that the police have taken over his profile, now (mainly for his benefit) because you are a dumbass 40 year old boy in man suit

a few things would happen, First Cancer or admin would contact us making us aware, the for us nasty people sticking up for our friends would get a message from the actual police

Then they would also investigate all the vile message You I mean he lmao sent us, then he'd be arrested or sent to a mental ward, profile shut down and him gone

Though in the past few weeks 3 or 4 profiles there's a dominating tell which profile are his, plus can't help himself contacting women to harass even today I had female friends contact me because of him currently Darknight89 harassing them and making life unpleasant
So I say keep just blocking him and each profile he makes, you don't deserve his vile behaviour and he definitely doesn't deserve your attention

Here proof he's just doing it for attention and to be a troll

04:18 Sep 09 2018 (-0 GMT) PaianjenMulo wrote:

Why do we need to suspend you, we know you'll just repeat the same crap when we know this one, we can all ignore and block this one and you'll just delete and try again for like the 15th time at least

Now I am back and will keep rallying them so they are aware of you

04:10 Sep 09 2018 (-0 GMT) Darknight89 wrote:

I hope you drop dead bitch.i really want some one to suspend my profile on here so fucking bad.

All i want is someone to suspend my profile

04:15 Sep 09 2018 (-0 GMT) PaianjenMulo wrote:

why when being the one people come to when you harass them, making them only laugh at you when I hard wanking to me in your ass, tell me how long have you been in the closet Jester

No one fears you, no one believes your bullshit as long as I am on this site I will will make sure every women of all ages will know about you
So admin may tell us to block you, you may make 10000s of profile it will always yield the same result little boy

04:07 Sep 09 2018 (-0 GMT) Darknight89 wrote:

Drop the fuck dead bitch

04:07 Sep 09 2018 (-0 GMT) PaianjenMulo wrote:

Haha point proven silly little boy

04:06 Sep 09 2018 (-0 GMT) Darknight89 wrote:

Fuck off bitch

04:05 Sep 09 2018 (-0 GMT) PaianjenMulo wrote:

You do realise no one believes your crap, read my journal and just do one


Right just everyone block and ignore, yes we know he'll be back though we all know what to look for, he's just the definition of insanity and plays victim.



05:59 Sep 09 2018

If he wants to be suspended, why doesn't he "self suspend?"

09:50 Sep 09 2018

Drama weekend

21:35 Sep 09 2018

chews on her skin make me want to crawl to corner and barf ' when men act this way " he messaged me to but i do not respond to arrogant assholes on this website! just saying!

21:24 Oct 11 2018

What an asshole to beautiful woman


If I could, I wouldn't

23:29 Sep 03 2018
Times Read: 729

If I could, I wouldn't

You know what still grates on me, the whole thing of 'if I could go back and change this or the last 5 - 10 years of my life'.
I've had it dark, done some stupid things, got with the wrong women, do you know what I would change about any of it? Sweet fuck all!!!!! why? You ask, I wouldn't have the great friends I have now, learnt the lessons I have, become as strong as I have with help and with self help.
To go back and change the things that happened would unlearn the lessons, weaken me, change the friends I have, change the way I view life and value it,
Yeah I'm not the wealthiest man, though I get richer everyday
The shit in my head drives me nuts especially on the darker days, though in the lighter ones I can look at it and say fuck you as I am strong because of you, as for all the women who have done me wrong that one is simple, they where girls in women's bodies, who realised what they had once I was gone, to which comes to there loss the next/right ones gain,

Going back doesn't change anything you lose the good things you have gained, then give yourself a whole bunch of new hurdles to jump over, if you wasn't up for the race the first time what's to say you could handle the next set of challenges that comes with the changes,

And you may say you'll get your Disney happy ending though if you look at Simba, Aladdin, Snow While and Cinderella and really watch from a life point of view they all went through real tests of character both mental and physical to get their happy ending, life is suppose to be hard even the fairytales try and teach you this, you have the bad so you can appreciate the good.

If something is wrong in your present, don't think about changing the past, you've already taken the first step to becoming strong and facing the challenge by admitting something is wrong, so change what's wrong now, face the fear, learn the lesson and come out stronger for it,
Stop living in what ifs and if only of the past and start living in the now and for the possibility of a stronger future



01:07 Sep 04 2018


00:18 Sep 09 2018

such truth / the present, the now is the only time we have influence over

21:36 Sep 09 2018

can only hold on to the things that make you, you is a beautiful way to change but some take effect on your life.



23:27 Sep 03 2018
Times Read: 730


People can see the physical on the skin, though never see the ones below the surface, the advantage of those on the surface the pain is gone, healed and stronger, though the mental anguish more and more of us unfortunately endure is never seen, so we should take this in to consideration of all not just focus on the how bad we had it, rather they could of been through the same or worse, then don't always take signs of strength that they don't or haven't suffered, rather they're handling it better or have healed from there's, though this doesn't stop them/us having our moments of weakness, if we took the unseen into consideration more instead of ignoring simply because it's out sight, we'd have more respect for one another and what could be battling in there mind.



01:07 Sep 04 2018

The inviSible ones hurt a lot more feels like a constant battle

21:37 Sep 09 2018

would have to agree with fizbop

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