RedQueen's Journal

RedQueen's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month


12:17 Mar 29 2010
Times Read: 766

I worked a 5oth birthday party for one of the trainers from the Canucks hockey team.

I singlehandedly sold almost $3,000 worht of liquor, beer and wine.

I started at 6:45 and didn't even slow down till almost midnight when the party ended.

On a flamin' SUNDAY, people...

It hurts to think......hell, it hurts no matter WHAT I do...

at this point, I would marry (or commit any other sexual act) anyone who could put me into a giant hot tub with 5 pounds of epsom salts, turn the jets on high, and shlep me drinks and pizza for the next 12 hours.

Holy cow.....details tomorrow (if my fingers are still moving)





oh good GOD

01:05 Mar 29 2010
Times Read: 772

I can't take it anymore- I can only read so many profiles with lousy spelling, no punctuation, sentences like "If you get on my bad side I'll fuck you up" or "if you want to know more just ask" or see pictures of people flipping off the camera, or obviously being taken while standing in the bathroom...

I believe jello is calling my name....

Lime with VODKA



21:08 Apr 11 2010

LMAO!! I know I have been accused of this but after 100 profiles..it starts sucking out your life force....


Is it just me?

00:46 Mar 29 2010
Times Read: 775

Or have there been an awful lot of profiles that I went to rate that popped up with "no such user". here lately? And one thing I would appreciate from all the handy technologically advanced so and sos around here.

If these people self delete, are booted or whatever, can't we PLEASE get them out of the queu? It just seems silly to go to rate profiles and click on someone and to constantly get "no such user" and have to back up and move on. There are alot of "NEW" buttons all over the place because of this, and just clicking on the profile doesn't erase that.

I'm old, and I confuse easily...lol




Friday's child is loving and giving...

21:58 Mar 27 2010
Times Read: 790

But Friday night I was about to love me some ass whooping, and be givin' some shit.

Two weddings. One upstairs and one down. Mine was down, which meant I got to work alone (always a good thing) and apparently I got the drinkers AND the tippers, as opposed to the jackasses upstairs, who were niether drinking NOR tipping. And my bunch were happy drunks, doing shots and shooters hand over fist.

But unfortunately their stupidty just HAD to overlap from above. Ya know, I got an invite to join Morri's "I hate you and your child" club on facebook. At first I hesitated, because I HAVE a child of my own, so I wasn't sure I would agree with the tenets of the association. Then I realized, I raised my son to be better behaved than most kids, even from afar. And Jim of course shared the same beliefs in that respect as I did, so Connor is pretty well behaved. He doesn't holler when he is supposed to be quiet, he stays with me when we are out, and he has manners. What Morri and her bunch were complaining about were the kids who act like wild animals and the parents who LET them. So off I went to join in.

Last night was a prime example of why I belong there. People upstairs had kids, in the 5 to 9 age range, who were acting like wild hooligans. Turned out their idea of fun was to snatch flowers from the various centerpieces scattered around, run over to the bridge that connects the main Panorama room with the studio room, and which is directly over where we set out the desserts downstairs, and throw said flowers directly into our dessert setup.

Robbie (one of our chefs) was NOT amused, and he HAS two kids of his own, who, I might add are also better behaved than these heathens. After the second bombiong raid, he AND Tristan headed upstairs, and set things right with the parents of these monsters.

Then, since their function started before mine, they were of course finished before mine. Their way to walk the bride and groom out was to follow them to the downstairs outside door, light off sparklers, and wave them off on their new lives together. And I even HEARD the MC upstairs tell everybody to NOT LIGHT the sparklers until they were all safely outside.

But of course, there is always one asshole who just can NOT follow the rules. So he stood just outside the door, and lit everybody off as they walked oiut the room double doors....

By the time these people were halfway down the stairs, the place was filling with smoke (just for your info- that's over 200 people, each with a sparkler that was ON FIRE.

And true to form, the fire alarms went off...ALL OVER THE BUILDING....

My people were very pleasant about the whole thing, but you could tell they weren't happy.

The fire department wasn't happy, when we had to call them off...

The ALARM company wasn't happy when we had to call them...

And those of us who had to listen to those alarms for FORTY FIVE MINUTES weren't going home happy either....

But like I said, it's never dull, and NEVER boring...



23:57 Mar 27 2010

People are just inconsiderate and stupid. Stupid as in not able touse common sense and/or listen to directions.

Don't get me started on the, "controlling kids," thing. Tell a parent they actually have to monitor their child in public and they react like you just told them they have to eat their own shit instead of flushing it. Like everyone should have to deal with their kids wild, rude and oft dangerous behavior.

And who will be the first one suing said venue when a kid's hair catches on fire or someone's dress?


21:25 Mar 28 2010

You have the most interesting job lol.


Wednesday's child is full of woe...

21:40 Mar 27 2010
Times Read: 793

And so I got roped into working the Sysco show.

That's what I get for opening my big mouth on Tuesday, when I was knee (or rather waist) deep in scrubbing out the nasty underbellies of the two portable bars upstairs. The higher paid higher ups were canoodling about what to do with the water/soda/coffee station, because all the servers were going to be busy, and couldn't keep an eye on it. So I asked them why they didn't just set up one of the bars for the sodas, and set up the water and coffee on the table. So of course the NEXT thing I hear is "Oh, Luanne, could you PLEASE come in tomorrow and work that for us?"


Did I fail to mention that I had to be there at 10 AM after going in at 9 AM on Tuesday to clean up everybody ELSE'S messes in those bars?


Didn't think so...

So, in working a bar with no alcohol (and don't think I didn't get plenty of shit for that from the customers, either, since I had worked this show LAST year, and we HAD alcohol then...)

I spotted an Asian man who was the SPITTING image of Pee Wee Herman.

A guy who was rubbing this lady's shoulders, who ventured forth the thought that he was just a human Magic Fingers, and then asked where she was going to put the quarter....

The young lady who was doing her best imitation of Lucille Ball, complete with kerchief covered in bright red cherries wrapped around her hair (bright red of course) in typical 50's housewife style, and jeans rolled up at the ankle...

Then the people who had worked the lunch rush finally got off from their respective restuarants, and descended on the clubhouse. Coming up the stairs, they all sounded like a herd of hungry elephants, stampeding to the free food.

There was the Paris Hilton wannabe, only she was REALLY obnoxious....

And the guys in the booth next to me at the bar, who thought it was just fine to throw their leftover pasta in oil and tomato sauce, chocolate cake with frosting, rolls, etc. AT the trash can. Not IN the trash can, and so most of it hit the floor, on carpet that had just been cleaned the day before...

I had given up the thought of EVER laying my hands on any of the myriad of goodies that were being cooked in front of me, and being paraded past me at the bar. Then I realized it was almost 4 pm, when this little deal was supposed to draw to a close, and suddenly the onslaught began...

"God I SO don't wan't to have to pack up this stuff I already cooked...do you want a _______"

"Can I have ONE more soda/bottle of water/etc. and OOOOO let me get you ______"

"I'll swap you _______ for a cup of coffee"

I had two kinds of bratwurst

two flavors of ccream (chocolate and strawberry)

two bottles of Snapple lemonade (not a fan, I should say here)

Mexican pulled pork barbecue (again, interesting, but not my thang)

fried rice, fried dumplings, and gyoza

and peanuts roasted in sea salt and cracked black pepper.

By the time I got home, I could hardly move, and this was AFTER I pushed both bars back into the main room...

Sometimes this job does definitely have its perks...





03:26 Mar 23 2010
Times Read: 808

Octomom Nadya Suleman offered porn film deal

Nadia Suleman arrives in Los Angeles with a friend after spending some time in New York City. Mobbed by photographers, she threw a dark coat over her head and proceeded to wander around the terminal aimlessly before seeking refuge behind a policeman. She waited for about five minutes, trying to cover her self up before her limo arrived to whisk her away

Octomom Nadya Suleman has been offered the chance to become a porn star after being approached by an adult film company.

Vivid Entertainment is desperate to make the mother-of-fourteen their latest X-rated sensation – and is offering to save her home from foreclosure as part of the deal.

“We remain interested in working with Nadya and we’re prepared to make a new offer that would secure her living arrangements by having her home fully paid for,” Vivid founder Steven Hirsch said.

“We have sent Nadya a letter offering to sit down and work out details that would be most comfortable to her.

“We understand that time is of the essence because, according to reports, she has until Tuesday to meet her mortgage obligations to the former owner of the house.

“We can act quickly to meet with her and her representatives to secure her home and to work with her on a movie that she can be proud of.”


Nadia Suleman arrives in Los Angeles with a friend after spending some time in New York City. Mobbed by photographers, she threw a dark coat over her head and proceeded to wander around the terminal aimlessly before seeking refuge behind a policeman. She waited for about five minutes, trying to cover her self up before her limo arrived to whisk her away



19:17 Mar 23 2010

Wonders to self....where in the hell are the social workers in this case?


Yup, it was a rating night

21:09 Mar 22 2010
Times Read: 812

because Scott was playing Final Fantasy 13- picked it up for him while I was in Georgia since it wasn't out yet up here...and my baby do love him some Final Fantasy...

But watching or playing those styles of video games makes me want to puke-

So I plopped myself down at the computer to rate and what not, and since I started at newest first, I was inundated with the usual half assed profiles, that people actually expect you to rate a ten just because they put forth the minimal effort to just open up a profile on here. And I'm sorry, but I'm not going to just hand out tens for the sake of a popularity contest. If you have NO content, No effort, nothing about yourself or something of interest, then DON'T expect me to give you a ten. I give tens for profiles with substance, not "if you want to know ask", or if it is slam eat UP with lousy spelling, nonsense sentences, or nothing but a bunch of sparkly things.

And I'm sorry, but one thing is just as bad as the other- rating me a ten just because you blew by my profile is just as bad as rating me a one just because I gave you a rate I thought your profile deserved. It shows that you didn't even BOTHER to read my profile much less decide what it really deserved as a rate. I'm not as HTML proficient as alot of people here, but I did my best in that department, but I put alot of MYSELF in my profile, made it interesting, invested alot of who I am into it, and tried to make it funny and concise.

So here we go, with yet another round of people giving me 1's because they are pissed and took a rate personally. You don't like it? FIX IT. Most of the time I take the time to leave my stamp saying if you update, to let me know, and I will come back and rerate. If you can't be bothered, neither can I.

Let the games begin. And don't be surprised if you come sniffing in my journal, and find snippets of your hardly worked on crap reprinted for EVERY one to see. If you are so proud of it, it shouldn't be a problem...

If you're not....well, then....




Highlights from my trip

21:57 Mar 21 2010
Times Read: 825

Seems I got so het up about last night's function, I forgot to fill ya'll in on my trip south, aside from the inevitable "My ex is an ass, and always will be" addendum below the work entry. Well, of course he's an ass. If her weren't he wouldn't be my EX husband.

But developments abound there. I called and talked to my niece, who just made me a great aunt, and invited her to lunch in one of Thomasville's local meet and greet places, the Farmer's market buffet. And yes, I gorged myself on southern goodies like fried chicken livers, black eyed peas, etc. AND I got to hold a really adorable baby boy named Carson (pictures to follow as soon as I can find the flaming cord for the camera. And can talk Scott into downloading them. And can figure out where to put them. But I digress.

While talking over the usual family gossip (Mom is fine with her new husband, I'm doing great with Scott, my brother is still a selfish stupid SOB) Morgan dropped the bombshell of ALL bombshells in the middle of all this.

"I was at the hospital after having had Carson, I was just so wore out, Brad had headed home to get some sleep, and Ms. Sue came to visit me with her new husband, and I didn't even know she knew I was pregnant but she has a facebook page her grandkids set up for her, so she must have seen the pictures....

HOLD on just a fucking minute....

Yes, people you heard me right.

My money grubbing, bitchery making, misery causing SHIT of a stepmother has remarried.

God, what I would have given to be there when she showed up at the hospital. Ah well, as in trials, God only gives us so much pleasure that we can handle at one time....LMAO

And I checked. Sue Askew does indeed have a page on Facebook. Amazing how she has been married for over a month, yet hasn't changed her married name yet.......

Catty, thy name is puppy...LMAO



23:31 Mar 21 2010

Well you sound like you had a good time. *hugs* Welcome back.

00:50 Mar 22 2010

LOL Is that a Hiss or a growl? ;)


Welcome back to work

20:55 Mar 21 2010
Times Read: 832

And of course, my first function after virtually a month of NOT, was a wedding. Thankfully, while the logistics of it were just too out there for words (2 bars, liquor service from 5:30 to 6, then one bar closed while my bar was strictly non alcoholic until 8:15, only 2 brands of wine, 7 course plated dinner, and the bride and groom had a private table at midnight in gallery where they chowed down on hamburgers, french fries and milkshakes) for the most part, the people we had were a joy to play with.

When they had the couple's first dance, I had to grab a handful of napkins to keep my makeup from sliding off my face. Their song of choice was "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascall Flatts. Since that is the song Scott sent me the night he first proposed to me on the computer, and since it had such strong significance because of the situation I was in, I was honestly moved to tears. I know that there are several people here who can not only relate to the song, but to the situation I was in, since they have been in the same situations themselves....right Chordi? That song has gotten us through several days when we just didn't think we could get where we needed to go, and now look at us. Both with the best men in the world, happy and safe for the first time in a long time, and moving along with our lives. Amazing how far we have come...

The song the bride danced with her father to was of course another strong emotional song for me. "Dance with my father again" by Luther Vandross always makes me cry, since I lost my father almost 6 years ago, and I did indeed dance with my father at my first wedding, but was unfortunatley unable to include him in my current happiness.

Then, however, the father of the GROOM started moving around....

"I want a Bailey's on the rocks"

I'm sorry sir, premium liquor was not included in this package, since it is hosted.


yes sir, can I get you something else?

*at this point he throws his hands up and stalks off. Did I mention that he was Persian? And short?*

Later on....

"I want a triple vodka, straight up"

I'm sorry, sir, I cannot legally serve triples, and due to the fact that this is a hosted function, I can only serve singles.

"Fine, I want two single shots of vodka in tow glasses"

*at which point, he stands there and pours one glass into the other, like I'm flaming stupid or something, looks at me and gives me that fooled ya look....can I get an answering growl from the zoo?*

later still...

"Have 'you' gone over budget yet?"

*Is he serious?*

I'm sorry sir, we won't know what the total sales are until we are finished and can do inventory.

"Just make a flaming guess"

*this close. I was this close to telling him that not only was he so far over his"budget" that it wasn't even funny, but that he owed every single staff member a personal $100 tip on TOP of it. But no, fellow zoo members, I kept that growl low in my throat, and I was good.*

*almost closing time*

"I want a vodka straight up"

"with ice"

"and cranberry juice"

So I got the glass, added ice, poured in the vodka, turned around to get the juice out of the fridge, turned back around to see him walking AWAY from the bar. WHILE I am standing there, juice bottle still in hand, he turnes around, walks BACK to the bar, slams the glass on the bar, and tells me "You FORGOT to put the cranberry juice in"

At this point I'm about to start sharpening puppy claws on the bar in preperation for tearing this skinny little bastard into kibble.


I was good.

I gave him his juice, and turned away.

Finally, FINALLY, it's 12:30 and the bars are officially closed.

Bottles and what not pulled down.

glasses restocked.

CLOSED sign planted FIRMLY on top.

I am doing inventory.

Behind me, I hear the ominous sound of someone drumming their fingers on the bar.

Slowly I turn....Inch by inch...

And sure enough there stands my favorite customer.

"You closed?"

*bear in mind I can hardly SEE him, because the "BAR CLOSED" sign is right in front of his face.*

Yes sir


Because it is 12:30 and the bars are closed"

"Are you SURE"

I just looked at him. For hours I have put up with this guy, and now I shouldn't have to anymore, so I look at him and say:

The bars are closed because that is how the BRIDE and GROOM asked for it to be. I am only doing what the contract that THEY SIGNED instructed us to do.

His hands go up in the air again.

"We have a problem."

*somewhere in the back of my mind I heard myself say you better fucking believe we have a problem, and it is going to be getting YOUR blood out of the carpet in front of MY bar.

But no.

I was good*

What seems to be the problem.

"There were 4 glasses of wine on our table, and the staff took them. Why?"

Because the event is over, and they are cleaning up. That is their job.

"But we were still drinking those glasses of wine. I want them replaced."

*the people who had been SITTING at that table had long since gotten their coats and LEFT, but at that point I failed to see tha tpoint of arguing. AND he was lit up like a Christmas tree, but who am I to judge?*

After consulting with Tristan, my wonderful supervisor, and determining that there were 2 half empty bottles left at the other bar, I promptly GAVE him said bottles, plus 4 glasses, and even carted it to the TABLE, and then I ignored that bastard for the remainder of the night, with the firm assurance from Tristan that I was NOT to serve him anything else, no matter WHAT.

It's so good to be back at work...LMAO



21:33 Mar 21 2010

Pets puppy on the head......such a good puppy...you didn't eat the customer.....good puppy!!! :)

21:42 Mar 21 2010

While I am partial ti Indian cuisine, TOUGH OLD BIRD don't head the list of my likes...lol

00:59 Mar 22 2010

*rat pats on head* Puppy puppy puppy... you are a saint. To not let out all those growls, claw marks. For that you need a hug...




01:54 Mar 10 2010
Times Read: 860


I had the talk, I didn't lose my temper, or get mad, or cry or any of the hundred other things I was afraid I would do when I had to talk to Jim about the passport debacle.

He, of course is still being an ass. Has to "get his ducks in a row" and "talk to a lawyer" and make sure he can trust me.

The man is a consummate ass. And for those of you who don't KNOW what consummate means, it means he is REAL FUCKING GOOD AT IT.

But I....I was good...lol



02:19 Mar 10 2010

Ah but he's run into a consummate woman :) Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

03:20 Mar 10 2010

Southern women are considered hard headed, but he will learn that you don't try to keep a bear from her cub. One way or another, he will relent. Eventually.......hopefully before the boy is 18.

03:50 Mar 10 2010

Kudos Puppy!! Remember white gloves.....that cover steel hands... :)

09:36 Mar 10 2010

Well done you !

02:17 Mar 12 2010



Good for you. :)


Abraham Lincoln hunts vampires in film

23:34 Mar 03 2010
Times Read: 872

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Tim Burton and " Wanted " director Timur Bekmambetov are teaming to bring the new novel "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter " to the big screen.

The book, written by Seth Grahame-Smith, was released Tuesday by Grand Central Publishing.

Burton and Bekmambetov are not attached to direct, but will produce the adaptation with Jim Lemley. The trio first collaborated to produce the animated fantasy "9" with Focus Features released last fall.

Grahame-Smith, who combined zombies and Jane Austen in the best-selling novel " Pride and Prejudice and Zombies," will write the screenplay. Hollywood already has its hooks in "Zombies"; the book is set up at Lionsgate with Natalie Portman producing and attached to direct.

"Lincoln" is not set up anywhere, but Burton and Bekmambetov hope to change that soon. One of the factors that cemented the filmmakers' interest was a peek at an in-house trailer for the book.

"Lincoln" reimagines one of the great U.S. presidents as an axe-throwing, highly trained vampire assassin, promising to give new context to real historical events such as the Civil War and Lincoln's ascension to the White House . It begins with his mother's murder when he was still a young boy and his vow of revenge.

Burton returns to theaters on Friday with "Alice in Wonderland ."



14:46 Mar 06 2010

I am not even sure what to think about that idea. The Lincoln impersonators that I know....also portraying a vampire hunter.....pffffffttttttt.......right....lol


Why I am embarrassed

00:15 Mar 02 2010
Times Read: 885

I watched some of the Olympics. Not a lot, but some. I paid close attention to the skiing, the figure skating, and of course, duh, the hockey games. Sunday’s game was a nail biter for my entire family up here in Canada, and while the Americans did lose, they lost with grace, style, and giving Canada a great run for their money. I was a little disappointed that some of the American athletes decided to act more like college brats on Spring Break, than as responsible athletes chosen to represent their country, but all countries seemed to have had that problem to one degree or the other. I think everybody can firmly point a finger at Russia for their childish behavior (see the antics of Evgeni Plushenko) and the embarrassing program set up by the pairs skaters, which offended Australian Aboriginal tribes, and to me looked like it was one step up from wearing black face.

All in all, the Olympics are what they are, love em or hate em. But living in the same city where they were being held was a new experience for me, especially since it also involved living in a new country. I am an American, born and raised, and as such, have seen many instances where I was unbelievably and justifiably proud of my country. Canada and her citizens never struck me as being overtly passionate or vocal about their country, with the exception of hockey (again, duh…lol) These past 17 days have unequivocally proven me and every body else wrong. And not only did Canada show exorbitant pride in their own participants, but they treated other countries with respect, their athletes with deference and compassion, and visitors with charm. It was enough to make a southern woman proud to be living here.

So when my husband told me that NBC had set up a clip about Terry Fox, a national hero up here (and to the world after all, for his run to support Cancer Research), due in part to the fact that his mom would be involved in the opening ceremonies, and then used a picture of Michael J. Fox, I was embarrassed. Then, when they constantly ran clips of the death of the Georgian luger who died before the games began, I got a little incensed.

Then, the closing ceremonies began after the 3-2 win of Canada over US. And once again, NBC proved why they are last in ratings.

Here are the two blurbs about the Terry Fox fiasco, and the closing ceremonies snafu. Just in case you don’t really want to believe me.


Today Show Mistakes Michael J. Fox For Terry Fox, Dead Canadian Hero

Michael J. Fox is Canadian-American, but he is not a sports hero.

Meredith Vieria and the TODAY Show could have used that bit of information last Friday when they confused the famous actor with Terry Fox, a deceased Canadian marathoner who raised millions for cancer research by running across Canada on just one leg.

The morning show crew was guessing who might light the Olympic cauldron when Vieria mistakenly called Terry "Michael" and a picture of Terry Fox was displayed on the screen, followed by a photo of Michael J. Fox.

*The video is on you tube.*

And the report from Yahoo news about the closing ceremonies.


NBC awkwardly and abruptly ends Olympic coverage

By Chris Chase

How did NBC choose to end its 865 hours of Winter Olympic coverage? By barely acknowledging that said coverage was ending.

In a bizarre conclusion to its telecasts of the 2010 Vancouver Games, NBC awkwardly cut away to air the premiere of the much-hyped reality show, "The Marriage Ref." Viewers were abruptly informed that coverage of the Ceremony would continue at 11:30 p.m. ET.

Here's how it went down: At 10:29 p.m. ET, the network abruptly cut to commercial after singer Michael Buble finished a swinging, Sinatra-like rendition of "The Maple Leaf Forever". After a few ads, NBC cut back to a wide shot of the ongoing Ceremony (there were a number of inflatable animals on the floor at BC Place, making it look like an indoor version of the Macy's Day Parade) and viewers heard Bob Costas say:

"We're back in an hour with the Closing Ceremony party from Vancouver. Nickleback and Avril Lavigne are among the acts that will be performing. But right now we take you to the premiere of Jerry Seinfeld's new series, 'The Marriage Ref.' "

And then, suddenly, coverage of the Olympics was over and the intro to Jerry Seinfeld's show began.

All that NBC does in over-dramatizing the Games and that's how they choose to end coverage for a vast majority of viewers? (Because, let's face it, most people aren't tuning in for the 11:30 p.m. coverage.) No Costas sign-off? No end credits? No cheesy summation of the triumphs of the Olympic spirit? Where's our closure?

Not alot to be proud of here, folks. Really



00:48 Mar 02 2010

I agree. NBC should loose the right to showing olympic coverage for the next olympics. Mixing up Michael J Fox and Terry Fox, is absurd, especially, if you are in the News and TV business.

Then to want to take a hour break to show a new show, I have to ask, how much did Jerry Seinfield pay to get that spot, to interrupt the olympics?

I would have stayed up and continued to watch the celebration, but not after it was so rudely interrupted. I mean, hell, where is your spirit, to interrupt a Worldwide event, to give marriage advice to idiots??

Someday, they will get smart and there will be an Olympic Channel and we won't have to deal with people with money, interrupting something important, just because they can.

02:18 Mar 10 2010

NBC screwed the pooch that's for sure (sorry pup)

Plus they spread the coverage across all their owned stations at the same time so it was hard to catch some sports.


I live here, now- and proud to do so.

04:16 Mar 01 2010
Times Read: 808

from Yahoo sports news:

Winners and losers: Canadians steal the show

By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports

5 hours, 2 minutes ago

VANCOUVER, British Columbia – After nearly three weeks, the Winter Olympics are over, and the world’s obsession with the Games will go on hold until the summer of 2012, when the circus will hit London.

It’s been eventful trying to deliver the news, with varying degrees of success: I investigated whether the sport of curling was doomed due to the world’s supply of granite. I asked a man from the Netherlands why he skated in a skeleton outfit. I tried to find Swedish women to talk about Tiger Woods. I met athletes who deserve at least a sliver of the attention Tiger’s mistresses receive.

I wrote a column about a father who lost his son, a daughter who lost her mother and a sport that lost its way, playing a part in an athlete losing his life. I covered a lot of hockey.

I saw Shaun White fly, Apolo Ohno pass and Bode Miller deliver. I watched Kim Yu-Na skate. I watched as her mother couldn’t (nerves). I saw Joannie Rochette prove to be one tough skater. I saw Wayne Gretzky carry a torch in the rain and drive down the street in the back of a Silverado. I climbed up the mountains in Whistler and watched a Canadian hockey game in an out-of-control basement bar down by the harbor.

I didn’t come close to seeing everything. Or even most of everything. But I did see a lot, and as the torch goes dark, here are my winners and losers (a relative term) from the memorable Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

WINNER: The Canadian people

These Olympics began poorly. There was a lack of snow. There were events that had to be rescheduled. There was the tragic death of luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. There were embarrassing Opening Ceremony gaffes and the dumb decision to hide the Olympic cauldron behind high chain-link fencing. And Canada’s bold medal goals stumbled out of the gate.

But a funny thing happened. The people kept cheering. The athletes kept trying. And the Olympics, which too often are about a cold bureaucracy, about rules and arguments and pumped-up nationalism, somehow returned to the people. So what if the plans were going bad? There was no need to give up. Let’s grab a drink and watch some halfpipe.

A week into the games, with everyone still wringing their hands, a Canadian skeleton racer named Jon Montgomery came out of nowhere to win a gold medal. It was the epitome of unexpected excellence. Afterward, he walked through the streets of the mountain village of Whistler, still holding his helmet, with a television camera rolling. Unprompted, a passing woman handed him a pitcher of beer. Without breaking stride, he grabbed it, chugged it and the entire mood seemed to change.

It was a purely Canadian moment. It was perfect.

The people kept flooding the downtown streets and the mountain squares. Without tickets, they gathered to watch on giant televisions. They celebrated victories. They shared tears of disappointment and mourning. They rallied behind their hockey team and their bobsledders and their snowboarders and anyone wearing the red and white. Night after night they found something to go wild about. They just wanted to be a part of it, a part of something bigger than themselves, a part of the unique heights where spirits can soar when enjoyed in a group.

It wasn’t just here or up in the picturesque mountains. The video images came of bars going crazy in Toronto and Timmins, in Calgary and Charlottetown. Suddenly this country that had never embraced the enthusiasm of the Games the way some others have was showing the world how it’s done. Impromptu singings of the national anthem rang through the streets late at night, at karaoke bars, at curling matches.

You can’t wash away the tragedy of the luge track, but outside of that, you can’t stage a better Olympics. The city is beautiful. The venues are modern. The transportation is efficient. But this wasn’t about logistics. In the end it’s the people that power the movement. The Canadian people pushed these games back from the brink of disaster and right off into history.



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