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GRB Part I

21:53 Feb 10 2009
Times Read: 837

The following is an opinion only. It is one way of interpreting the End Times of Revelation, Mayan 2012 Prophecies and other related prophecies while still holding to scientific possibilities.

It is my opinion that one very good answer to the various prophecies that foretell of either the end of the world or at least the end of this "age" may very well be a gamma ray burst.

This is from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_ray_burst

"Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most luminous electromagnetic events occurring in the universe since the Big Bang. They are flashes of gamma rays emanating from seemingly random places in deep space at random times. The duration of a gamma-ray burst is typically a few seconds, but can range from a few milliseconds to several minutes, and the initial burst is usually followed by a longer-lived "afterglow" emitting at longer wavelengths (X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio). Gamma-ray bursts are detected by orbiting satellites about two to three times per week.

Most observed GRBs appear to be collimated emissions caused by the collapse of the core of a rapidly rotating, high-mass star into a black hole. A subclass of GRBs (the "short" bursts) appear to originate from a different process, the leading theory being the merger of neutron stars orbiting in a binary system. All observed GRBs have originated from outside the Milky Way galaxy, though a related class of phenomena, soft gamma repeater flares, are associated with galactic magnetars. The sources of most GRBs have been billions of light years away.

A nearby gamma-ray burst could possibly cause mass extinctions on Earth. The short duration of a gamma-ray burst would limit the immediate damage to life. However, a nearby burst might alter atmospheric chemistry by reducing the ozone layer and generating acidic nitrogen oxides ultimately causing severe damage to the biosphere. Since GRBs in metal-rich galaxies like the Milky Way are rare, mass extinctions due to GRBs may only happen once per billion years."

The first prophecy we'll look at is the Hopi's Blue Star Kachina.

An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask.

And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

Should a GRB happen within several thousand light years of Earth the first thing that we would see is a massive and very bright light, which would out shine the Sun. It would only last for a short time but if a person were to look directly at it chances are they would go blind.

"...Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask."

I take this to mean that the outer layers of a star would be torn off as the explosion occurs, producing a GRB. The star would remove it's mask (outer layers) and dances. Stars that produce GRB's have a very fast rotational period some as little as a few seconds, thus "dancing."

Now let us take a look at the Mayan prophecy.

This comes from an article written about the Mayan Calendar. There are a lot of explanations and people putting their own ideas into it so I just pulled out an excerpt that is fairly compact and yet still offers information and understanding.

"The Mayan prophecy tells us that in 1999, our solar system began to leave the end of the fifth cycle which started in 3113 B.C. and that we find ourselves in the morning of our galactic day, exiting darkness and on the verge of being in plain day of our central galaxy in 2012. They say that at the beginning and end of these cycles, which is to say, every 5,125 years, the central sun or light of the galaxy emits a ray of light so intense and so brilliant that it illuminates the entire universe. It is from this burst of light that all of the Suns and planets sync. The Mayans compare this burst to the pulse of the universe, beating once every 5,125 years. It is these pulses that mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next."

GRB's are caused by older stars. The further into the centre of a galaxy you go the older the stars become. The light of a GRB is so intense that it literally can out shine not only an entire galaxy but, for a moment, a large part of the visible universe as well.

Now the Mayan prophecies do not tell of the end of the world but a time of great change when the Earth and humanity enters a new era. Depending on the distance and size of the GRB humanity may very well go on existing, just greatly diminished. The period between the beginning and the end of the transition between ages is a few decades, it may take the planet up to 70 years to recover from a GRB (of course it may take thousands of years for life to return to it's previous numbers).

Part II of this will tackle the book of Revelation and will go into greater detail as to what a GRB would do to Earth and life.



22:31 Feb 10 2009

I love the angle you have put on this theory. I look forward to part deux.!

07:00 Feb 13 2009

Oi. A cliff-hanger. Hurry up with part II will you? lol

Fervent heat kept popping into my brain while I was reading this. Intriguing theory.

06:14 Apr 01 2009

that is a different take...interesting


02:00 Feb 07 2009
Times Read: 851


"From your home to large industrial scale refrigeration...all with sound"

About Qdrive

Qdrive was formed in 2001 as the cryogenic cooler development and manufacturing arm of the Clever Fellows Innovation Consortium (CFIC), Inc. Qdrive's mission is to fill the need for quiet, low-vibration, no-maintenance, long-life complete cryogenic cooling systems that are easy to use and economically attractive. Our acoustic Stirling (pulse-tube) cryocooler line represents the industry's widest capacity range of unitary coolers. They are available in standard and custom designs. Additionally, we have oil-free compressors to drive Gifford-McMahon coldheads, as well as development hardware like TwinSTAR pressure wave generators and STAR resonant linear reciprocating motors/alternators for researchers and equipment developers. So no matter what your application, we can provide the right product to provide quiet, low-vibration, no-maintenance, long-life cooling.


How does it all work?

A pressure wave created by the PWG forces the helium in the system to oscillate back and forth. (1) During the forward (compression) stroke of the pistons, any particular gas parcel in the region between the PWG and thermal buffer tube is compressed relative to the mean pressure of the system. And since an ideal gas (such as helium) will experience a temperature increase when compressed, said gas parcel rises in temperature while simultaneously moving towards the end of the coldhead. (2) The gas parcel is now hotter than its surroundings, so as it moves, it deposits heat (in the regenerator), which is ultimately removed from the system in the aftercooler. (3) At this point, the driven gas stops advancing when the pistons reach their stroke limit. However, the gas in the acoustic network (which consists of the thermal buffer tube, hot heat exchanger, inertance tank) continues to move in the same direction, driven by its own inertia. This acts like a mechanical piston, moving away from the cold exchanger, which expands the gas parcel. (4) As it expands, the gas parcel gathers heat from its surroundings (the area to be cooled). The pistons begin their backward (expansion) stroke and the gas parcel moves back to where it started. Again, delayed by its inertia, the gas in the acoustic network follows, and the cycle begins again.

Any particular gas parcel will only move a centimeter or so during this cycle. However, each parcel picks up heat and moves it that centimeter to the next gas parcel. So like a bucket-brigade heat is transferred from the cold heat exchanger, through the regenerator, and out through the aftercooler.

Helium gas in the thermal buffer tube, hot heat exchanger, inertance tube, and reservoir does some, but only minor, heat pumping. More importantly, as mentioned above, it behaves like a mechanical piston, expanding the precooled gas parcel in the cold heat exchanger which increases its ability to absorb heat from the cooled area. This is one of the major benefits of acoustic Stirling technology, there are no mechanical parts operating in the cold region of the system (such as in traditional Stirling machines), only an acoustic network of compressed helium that acts like a piston.


I'm not affiliated with this company in any way. However, I fully support this new and rather remarkable technology.




09:53 Feb 06 2009
Times Read: 862

Power is everywhere, power is in everything.

It might be known in a word or come in shape of an animal.

Some people have different paths [some can hear the power].

Power will come to those that listen.

--Native American Poem



08:56 Feb 12 2009

Yes it is. You just have to know how to listen.


00:43 Feb 06 2009
Times Read: 876

So the Obama Admin just came out and said they want to limit the US strategic nuke pile to only 1,000 warheads. According to the Federation of American Scientists (of which I am a member) Russia alone has 3,500+ strategic nukes and a total of 23,000. We only have a total of 12,500 currently.

Now one of the main goals of the FAS is the aim of preventing further nuclear proliferation and to reduce, globally, the amount of nuclear materials with military uses. Of course, personally, if both sides were going to limit their arsenals to the same number I'd be all for it. However, we have constantly allowed Russia to have a vastly larger stockpile than us, even with this "new" potential treaty.

Doesn't that seem a bit unwise?



00:49 Feb 06 2009

Nah, we are buddies with the ruskies...remember comrade...lol. Kidding.

01:12 Feb 06 2009

Very unwise and foolish in my opinion.


00:55 Feb 03 2009
Times Read: 892

I've read a lot of articles and seen lots of TV shows all saying that the US needs to get back to it's roots. How we should do like our ancestors did and welcome the poor, those who are different and all those who wish to take part in the America Dream.

How delusional are they? The "American Dream" is just that, a dream. This country has never welcomed outsiders, never. Unless you had money and came from a reputable European country we hated your ass.

You should go research Ellis Island and read about the thousands who were detained in horrid conditions for "quarantine" reasons without being sick.

Did they never learn about the Chinese work gangs, "No Irish" signs, Japanese internment camps, Black and Native forced labour, poor children sweat shoppes and so on. This country has always been one of discrimination, stop living in a pipe dream.

Now of course it doesn't make it right. Discrimination on the grounds of race, country of origin, religion, sexuality etc is wrong but to pretend like we have some glorious past we need to return too (as far as discrimination) is beyond stupid.

Personally however, I wouldn't mind seeing stricter rules when it comes to education and skills. I know thats hypocritical right? Well so is your face, get used to it :)

This is America baby a land of unequal rights and a superiority complex. God Bless the USA and screw you Frenchy! lol



18:50 Feb 05 2009

LOL! well said!

22:32 Feb 06 2009

I just have no comments at all for this one.

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