moonkissed's Journal

moonkissed's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month

04:19 Nov 28 2011
Times Read: 950

After Thanksgiving Thanksgiving with the in-laws; I guess this will be the last one. I love my husbands mother and I suppose that if his sister and her husband weren't so conservative I think we could get along very well. His step-dad is a man I can take in small doses. I have never had him be cruel to me and we pass our little niceties. I think somewhere in that brain of his he senses that if he spoke to my husband in my presence the way he speaks to him privately I would be a whole lot less pleasant.

I did show up there today with my hackles up and my claws tensed. I spoke my mind on subjects that came up and when his mother accidentally called me by his ex wife's name I very comically and theatrically looked devastated. This visit had a touch of finality.

There was a bit of apprehension around every corner and things were plenty tense when it got quiet. Next year his sister is planning on hosting Thanksgiving, I don't expect that we will be invited.



11:58 Nov 28 2011



05:25 Nov 23 2011
Times Read: 964

I'm thirsty


I am

to lazy to get up.

so I

keep picking up the glass

and looking into it as if it may have

filled itself.



07:42 Nov 23 2011

LMAO...i dot hat too sometimes....

12:22 Nov 23 2011

Did it?

Anything is possible! (It's the probabilities that kick us in the ass ...)


Is it full yet?

01:42 Nov 25 2011

No but it did multiply and morph into a coffee cup.


17:20 Nov 21 2011
Times Read: 978

People who post internet photo's of themselves flipping the bird are so original and rebellious!!!

I have a quandary and I need the input and perspective of people who are not involved. It would especially help to have the input of people who like to fuck with heads of others because this is a matter of some delicacy.

About a month ago my brother ended a 4 year relationship with the woman he proposed to only last Christmas. She was making final preparations for the wedding and was of course devastated. When this type of thing happens it does cause a rift in the family because 4 years is significant and although I never met her personally we have spoken a good deal on the phone and on the internet. The distance between us is 3000 miles, that is why I haven't met her. She has been part of a lot of good things in his life.

At first I took a position of non-bias. I only wanted to be supportive of a woman who was supposed to become my sister-in-law but as the story unravelled I learned that their break up had been precipitated by his reuniting with a "lost love". He kept the information from her. He lied about going to see her and then refused to accept responsibility for the obvious result of these deceptions. When he broke up with his fiance he told her it was because of her jealous.

He told me that he wanted to be free to fuck the "lost love" without having the guilt of cheating. My non-bias flew out the window. Bye Bye non-bias!

In the days that followed he proceeded to initiate a relationship with the other girl while simultaneously engaging in affectionate activities with the now ex-fiance. I encouraged her to move out and break contact with him as much as possible.

Background on the new girl; married to a soldier who is supposedly deploying overseas. She told my brother that the guy is abusive but for some reason does not leave him. So she really is scum, in my opinion there aren't many things lower than a spouse who cheats on their militarily deployed person. My brother was cheated on by his wife while he was in Iraq.

Now for the actual question.

Saturday evening I mistakenly commented on a video posted on my brother fb. I was tired or distracted and I saw the video content but failed to notice the poster. It was the other girl(I really am trying to refrain from name calling here). I decided to take the high road. The people who bother to get to know me know that I could have a civilized conversation over tea and biscuits with Stalin given the right circumstances(I try really hard not to judge). I wanted to see if I could have an amicable conversation with her regarding the video. It started out fine but degenerated quickly into an obvious verbal aesthetic assault on me which my brother encouraged. This girl went out of her way to completely alienate me. At one point during the attack I asked her if she was trying to discourage me from talking to her and instead of responding to my question she fired back that she could compliment her "friend" if she pleased and then started in about his attractive sperm and licking barbecue sauce off of his biceps. This is from 2 people in their early 30's for goodness sake!

Should I block her or delete him? I already unsubscribed from his feed and downgraded him to acquaintance. I plan on blocking her from my daughter entirely.

No matter which one I do can result in backlash of some sort. So which may possibly create the least disturbance?



00:34 Nov 22 2011

... I would be tempted to delete and block the both of them, and damn the disturbance. Let them pick up a phone to complain.


Then again, I am grievously intolerant of jackassery. (I'd have cunt-punted Stalin over tea and crumpets, for instance.)


I'm absolutely no help, I realize. o.o

03:12 Nov 22 2011

My 14 year old told me to just block the girl. There is no way I would have that chick on my friends list.

I am going to consider your advice very carefully while I await the funds needed to get a new cordless phone that actually works. I can't dodge unwanted calls if I don't have caller ID.

12:23 Nov 23 2011

Oooo good point.


04:55 Nov 21 2011
Times Read: 984

There is nothing interesting on VR tonight.



12:24 Nov 21 2011

You're right. I was reading. :D :P

16:40 Nov 21 2011

Is that user pic a Wedge heel with gears in it?


13:30 Nov 20 2011
Times Read: 988

As I sit here listening to the rain hitting the roof, it is nearly silent but for my tapping at the keyboard.

I stop a moment and listen to the stillness.

I hear an odd little whistling close by.

On investigation it is my cat Tiger sleeping on my sewing machine.

I seem to be disturbing him.

He got up and moved.




02:37 Nov 19 2011
Times Read: 1,003

You know that moment when you read a person's journal and have the perfect thing to say but the phone rings and you have to take it because you were expecting the call and it would be rude to let it go to voicemail especially after the phone didn't work last week?

Yeah, just had one of those.



17:05 Nov 19 2011

Did you forget your comment?

I do that a LOT. :(

19:01 Nov 19 2011

Yep and it was your journal. LOL

16:29 Nov 20 2011



20:58 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 1,007

Today I said Fuck it! For the next 10 days my time belongs to everyone else and I have to deal with what they want and keep them entertained while I do what I do when everyone is home and relaxing with no work or no school or both.

In approximately one more hour I will be intruded upon. I spent the day doing NOTHING!!!!

And once my son is home from school I think I might take a nap. Just a short one.




19:53 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 1,009

Same shit different year but I think the toilet paper is new...

Nope I was wrong. that's the same too.




04:56 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 1,013

The big question tonight is do I try to sleep or do I stay up. My attention span is small so I only read the short journal entries and I don't really feel like using my brain so VR would be the place to be if I am going to stay up....decisions decisions...




21:50 Nov 17 2011
Times Read: 1,017

I love when the kids walk in the door and say mmmm Peanut butter cookies. Second batch is in the oven.




12:30 Nov 17 2011
Times Read: 1,026

If I am all alone in the house why I am I on the shitty computer?




21:07 Nov 16 2011
Times Read: 1,039

Are people retarded? Yes I used the non politically correct term to refer to a person who's mental intellectual development has been stunted; either naturally or by some trauma or abuse.

I cannot be any clearer but I will try.

You cannot guilt me into giving you a higher rating by telling me you gave what you got. Since I have been away awhile and rate fishers rarely read profiles I will do what is against my nature and explain(again)why phrases such as return the favor do not work with me.

When I started my profile on this site; ratings were earned. Now they are an expectation.

Perhaps they should be removed since they no longer mean anything. As a non pay member. I do what I can to make my profile a representation of myself. Some people like it and some people don't. People who like it message me and say hello I like what you said. People who don't rate low and either critique or stamp and any notoriety that I receive from my interactions or ratings determine my social standing on this site.

When someone is gracious enough to rate me high on my merit rather than their desire to move up. I can respect that. It is rude(tacky really)for a person to mention my rating of their profile when they rate mine and frankly I think it deserves a lower retaliatory rating on my part; maybe they think so little of themselves that they think I rated them to high?

Oh well, since I have decided to log on two or three times in the last few days I suppose I can review ratings again; the last I checked rerating a person didn't change a thing so it isn't worth my time.




05:16 Nov 16 2011
Times Read: 1,050

I am quite sure I have missed a lot. I have missed gossip of death and life and birth and sex. Did I leave anything out?



12:28 Nov 16 2011

Umm, death, rumors of death, war, rumors of war, plague, pestilence, life, rumors of life, sex ... yeah, rumors too, birth - yeah. I think you covered it. :)

20:52 Nov 16 2011

So I have missed nothing. Maybe I should have stayed away longer...

01:51 Nov 17 2011

No, no! For you would NOT get your requiem fix. :) See?

You needs da Dee.

03:02 Nov 17 2011

Don't I get you on facebook Req?

Forgive me if I should get one person confused with another. Can't imagine how that happens with anything connected to VR.

03:30 Nov 17 2011

Oh crap! Sorry badger! See how fuckin long it's been! I knew my brain wasn't done yet. I have duckie on my facebook, twice but I don't think I have a single one of you.

I think I need a public flogging.

*hangs head in shame

12:54 Nov 17 2011

Hunt up some Dee Requiem :) Then you can get the zoo HOPPIN' :P

13:01 Nov 17 2011

Will do!

13:02 Nov 17 2011

Just look for the mark of Umbrella Corp. LOL

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