nightstalkervamp's Journal

nightstalkervamp's Journal


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7 entries this month

21:26 Jul 31 2006
Times Read: 698

well i started my forklift course and ive forgotten half the stuff that he said already so i aint got a hope of passing even though its easy i know im just going to fail it and if i do ill be the first one ever in work to fail it lol.

they have already brought maths into it, somthing bout calculating the load capacity on the fork lift so i dunno, got it all week so least i wont have to do any work as such.

no one was in stores today cause the other guy was away so there is loads of paper work and stuff all over the place from people who want stuff, plus the degreaser is full so it looks like ill be working overtime in order to clear it up, i didnt work on tonight though.

got practical lessons tomorrow on the fork lift so that should be loads of fun, cant wait lol.




18:31 Jul 29 2006
Times Read: 693

well for once i actually hate the rain

me and my mate was meant to go paintballing today, soon as i woke up the wind was howling and on and off rain showers started, amazing on the day i want to do something the weather aint right for it.

and now its 6.30 pm too late to go paintballing and guess what the sky is clearing up and its actually quite plesent out there now, perfect for it not to hot and not to cold but its too late now.

wonder if he would wanna go tomorrow, if the weather is actually any good.




20:28 Jul 21 2006
Times Read: 699

well lets see now the week by myself at work went ok i think, i made a couple of mistakes one was a bit major but they said it was fine, not that i care anyway.

took me fucking ages to get my mirror lens into my paintball mask, taking the clear one out was a right pain cause it was well stuck in there with those fucking tabs but i got it in the end.

the electronic trigger frame can take an ordinary 9v battery so all that fuse over getting a travel adaptor and a step down transformer was a waste of time, im charging a battery up now for it so i got to get some paintballs and some gas and ill be away, got to test it out before i go on the game in case it dont work which knowing my luck will happen anyway.

i think thats bout everything though i dont know, the electronic hopper makes a hell of a noise so i dunno whats going on with that, how u can sneak round with that is beyond me.

im looking forward to this paintball game, some aint been before ever so im going to get them and show them what it feels like to get hit by one lol, shud wake them up.

no women wanna go they all say it hurts to much, them saying they have a greater tolerence for pain than men using the child birth thing and they wont even go paintballing cause it hurts to much, now what does that say eh.

tolerence for pain my ass lol (its not to all women by the way, i know some do go paintballing)




22:54 Jul 17 2006
Times Read: 703

feeling so empty, the battle between my heart and my head cant be resolved my heart is being torn to pieces and my head is splitting in two.

such a beautiful night, i long to share with someone, to hold and cuddle up with.




05:50 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 705

well paintballing is all organised, got in touch with the people and its all booked, now all i got to do is make the posters and then collect the money over the next couple of weeks, cant wait now lol.

my sword is coming today so i cant wait for that, the paintball stuff is another matter, i put it on 24 hour delivery and ordered it wednesday night so it shud be here today by all rights, but it still says its in the process of being packed, i was expecting it to say it had at least shipped, it better had come today, ill give them a ring first thing today when im in work and see whats going on.




ummm not much happening

23:18 Jul 12 2006
Times Read: 708

well not much is happening here with me at the moment, my work is putting me through my forklift test so hopefully ill pass that and then be able to drive the forklift round work lol, got that in 3 weeks time.

im trying to organise a paintball game in work aswell, just got to ring up and sort out the date and the numbers, ordered myself a new mask cause i need one so thats ok cant wait.

hopefully my new sword should be coming tomorrow so that i cant wait for :)

apart from that not alot happening at all.




16:48 Jul 02 2006
Times Read: 714

was just watching tv and there is something i dont get

they are already saying whats been voted product of the year and its only half way through, whats going on with that.

there is this really beautiful girl in work that i wanna talk to and get to know better, only problem is i always get tounge tied when i talk to a girl i like, i can talk to hert friends fine i say hello to her but thats it, she probably has a b/f so i dunno lol.

i dunno we will see, ill talk to her tomorrow say hello, ask how her weekend went, oh well wish me luck dont even know why i get so tounge tied.



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