Dakotah's Journal


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13 entries this month

10:35 May 26 2016
Times Read: 1,260

I saw this picture. Its from auditions for the part of a black cat in "Tales Of Terror", Hollywood, 1961.

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All those leashed cats. I thought how hard could it be to train a cat to the leash. HARD! Every time I put a leash on one of my cats the moment the leash goes on he just collapses and loses all motor function until it is removed. I have the strangest pets.

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13:47 May 26 2016

Hahaha ur cat rock

04:26 May 31 2016

Yeah, we tried that on a cat years ago. He did the same thing. They're better off in a kitty carrier anyway. Less stress for you, less stress for them. That and you don't get clawed to death.


Is This Really Justice?

21:56 May 23 2016
Times Read: 1,294

It blows my mind that cop got off today in the death of Freddie Gray. I think any of the officers involved in that case should if anything be removed from the force. He made eye contact with Freddie. Freddie should not have even been arrested. He was not breaking the law. Racial profiling is real and something I have experienced first hand. People think all natives just draw assistance and are alcoholics. That is not true at all. No one in my family ever drew any type of government help. They think that of many black communities too. My mother raised 5 boys on her own worked many times 2 jobs. What we do have in our community is that village concept. People stepped up and helped. If a family in our village is going though a hard time meals are cooked and taken to them. People watch each others kids when someone has to work but can not afford day care. I was raised by a village. And I am proud of it. And I will tell you this, when there is a break in in my neighborhood it takes awhile for the law to arrive. When a young native girl goes missing its pretty much up to us to try to find what happen because they will just list them as runaways. It seems justice is for some; but not for everyone. I just am very passionate about cases like this.



22:12 May 23 2016

The cop who got off is the one who put Freddie in the back of the van and did not put his seat belt on:

One of the six officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray was found not guilty on all counts in Baltimore on Monday.

Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry Williams cleared Officer Edward Nero of charges of assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment.

On Monday, chants of "No justice, no peace. Jail to the police," could be heard outside of the courthouse after the verdict was read. Protesters continued chanting at Nero as authorities escorted him past the gathering, and backlash on social media was swift.

22:35 May 23 2016

It's sad when it's not even a surprise anymore...Just expected.

23:17 May 23 2016

You are so right. I expect they all get off. And that is sad.


10:16 May 22 2016
Times Read: 1,349

I was watching the news tonight and they were covering about the plane crash. They played the last recording between the tower and the cock pit. As I am listening to the voice of the Pilot I think about how a few moments later he was dead. Life can end like that. It's so sad. I vision all the passengers probably being served drinks and nuts. So normal. Yet... a few moments later they are all dead. It makes me realize we never know when we will take our last breath. It brings to light what is important in life. And to live it fully. None of us know when it will end. I could drive to work on Monday and get in an accident and die. Dramatic maybe but think about all those people on that plane and the crew. I plan to value life more. To live each day fully. Its so precious life is. I know how I plan to live mine from here out.



16:30 May 22 2016

That's why every morning I fill my heart with the music of my people. That way I can face each day ready for anything :)

19:37 May 22 2016

TRUER words were NEVER spoken. This is SO TRUE and SO IMPORTANT. We should also remember to ALWAYS tell those we love that we love them... Never end an argument on a BAD NOTE, no matter what, because you never know what the last thing you may say to someone is and I sure don't want to live with that regret. I am SO PROUD OF YOU. And I love you. You keep doing your damn thing!!! =)



02:07 May 22 2016
Times Read: 1,395

One thing I have always liked about this site is it has rules. Another thing I like about this site is it has staff. They know what they are doing. I am sure if anyone on this site broke/breaks any type of law, internet or what have you, here by there actions the staff here would alert those who can handle things, they would handle it. They would take the proper action needed to be taken. I don't have to be some internet police when it comes to this site. I have full confidence in the staff here on Vampire Rave.

One thing though I do not like about this site is people can display the worse behavior. They can hurt people in all kinds of ways and no matter how low a person stoops, here let me list a few: Faking there own death many times. Catfishing. Getting people to send them money by telling them some made up rl tragedy. They can tell a person who is suicidal to just end it all ready. A online predator can get a teenager to meet him in rl and sexually assault her. They can lie, cheat steal hell break every virtue you can think of and some here will always stand beside them. That blows my mind. But it is what it is. Even the most horrible of horrible can do the worse of the worse and they will always have some who will -forgive- them and welcome them back so they can do it all over again. I am all for forgiveness but some people need to NOT be forgiven because it sets them up to just do it all over again. And they do. No consequences. If people do not suffer consequences from bad behavior they do not learn what is right or wrong. All they have to do is post some lame 'I am sorry' post in there journal and all is well. I have to say this community here on VR is one of the MOST forgiving communities I have ever been a part of.

feed back is welcome but any replies that would stir drama or point fingers will be deleted so don't bother.



02:29 May 22 2016

I just coe here to be my pervy self and rub up on my Moonie, Morri and QZ.

04:21 May 22 2016

And what?! No running on the injun? I see how you are... My Zombiekitten will eat you tonight when you are asleep in our house. By the way, its your turn to do the dishes. I did them last night. Lily did breakfast dishes...

08:57 May 22 2016

I think we eat more at breakfast than we eat for dinner.

Waffles. Pancakes. Eggs. Toasts. Yummy yummy full is tummy.


Oh Hell NO!

22:24 May 21 2016
Times Read: 1,435

I log in today with a shit load of drama message. Injun don't play this. Any who tries to pull me into this shit drama you girls have will be ignored. I will talk to you about how you are, the weather, your heath stuff outside VR but if you message me about Lana, Cat... BE... Anyone involved in all ths shit I will NOT message you back. This Injun don't do that. I won't get pulled into this shit because I can be friend with ALL involved. So Oh HELL NO. And do not reply to this journal post. I will delete ALL post. I am saving myself the headache of sending out 20 messages to people who left me message when I was in bed sleeping and woke up today sick as a dog to this bullshit.

So let me make it clear: weather, you got your period and want to kill everyone (health, though please don't tell me your bleeding out your vagina now) anything outside of VR... all good, I will talk to you about--- Drama inside of VR-- I will NOT respond back to your message.

Injun out.





03:35 May 21 2016
Times Read: 1,482

She is licking her paws because she just ate our second life neighbor! What's a owner to do...

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It has me and Liliancat perplexed! We are just sitting in our house trying to think of a way to get Zombiekitten to behave. Bad kitten.

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03:40 May 21 2016

I hope with the brains she will get bigger. Im scared that Dagic might step on her with his big foot

She is cute though.

Lz when are you coming to the houseeeeee. The oak trees and the fur rugs waits for you "pouts"

03:42 May 21 2016

Something tells me little Zombiekitten can take care of herself. Now I have to bury what is left of our neighbor. What a mess.

03:49 May 21 2016

I told you to not feed her brains

She get hungry for the neighbors after.

"shakes head" Me and Lz will put her on diet

04:14 May 21 2016

I still can't figure out the bridge. I'm too fucktarded for this game. :(

04:16 May 21 2016

OK LZ... Lana was trying to explain to me how to set the game up, but I'm having trouble understanding her directions.. Maybe you could help me figure out exactly how I jump, walk, etc.

04:17 May 21 2016

I havent even passed that bridge. Till know I still learn how to walk in the game. PM your name in SL

04:23 May 21 2016

BE, Tell Lily your avatar name and she will teleport you to our house.

04:32 May 21 2016

Woohooo SL is getting famous lol

19:51 May 22 2016

Seriously.. What I'm probably going to need is someone to walk me through that stuff because this is not something I am very good at... Gaming is not something I'm used to. ESPECIALLY this new school crap.. it's just SO high tech it's confusing to me. I'm having SO MUCH trouble with it. :*(

I have PM'd her my name and she said that I have been teleported, someone message me and explain how to set the thing up. I have that thing downloaded that you're supposed to get. I have an avatar, I was in the lobby last I saw, it told me to go to a bridge so I could start but I couldn't figure out how to MOVE my avatar.

Anyone of you who can help me with this, I'd love it cause A LOT of people have been wanting me to play LOL



21:53 May 19 2016
Times Read: 1,555

So those who know Lili know how sweet she is and always so... proper. We are in Second life Today and she messages me:

[13:32] LilyNightt Resident: got it

[13:32] LilyNightt Resident: 1 sex love

[13:32] LilyNightt Resident: sc

[13:32] Xaz Elephas: I sent it to you on VR too so you log out lily and log in this one

[13:32] LilyNightt Resident: omg i cant type

[13:32] Xaz Elephas: LMAO



21:58 May 19 2016

It's not my fault that X and C are close to each other

I blame the keyboard. I'm innocent lol

22:08 May 19 2016

Lilli getting sexy in SL and i am missing it. Awwww gawd, why do i have to work. Damn it all. When i get home I have got to log in

22:12 May 19 2016

My keyboard is sexaholic and types what it wants lol

Aww Lz i hope to be able to see you soon in SL "hugs"

22:28 May 19 2016

hehe I have a SecondLife. I still can't figure out how to get to the bridge. So don't feel bad LIl :P

22:45 May 19 2016

I will log in in about 2 hours or so. I am a comming for ya Lilli. BE just cross the bridge. All you have to do is jump lol.

23:07 May 19 2016

Easy to say. Everytime I was falling in the gaps

Haha I don't remember how many times I tried

23:09 May 19 2016


23:29 May 19 2016

No one believes that I am innocent and it's all the keyboards fault.

Why they had to put the X next to C

It's like the block button in here that you press it by accident without notice doing it lol

01:05 May 20 2016

That is what happens when you buy a keyboard off ebay. Every key board I have brought off ebay will NOT type what I want it too.

12:32 May 20 2016

Now I will blame the Ebay for giving me a crazy keyboard lol

20:00 May 22 2016

Yes, that's all frustrating. You know what else sucks?? AUTO-CORRECT. I can't stand that... How many times will my phone type ducking before it FINALLY figures out what I'm ACTUALLY trying to write HAHA ^_^



22:41 May 17 2016
Times Read: 1,592

This has gotten ridicules. Twice in one day the add and rate because you changed your avatar name that I can only guess to get a better rating because of all the 1's? What you are doing Lana, is the few who would rate you maybe a 10, not rating you at all. STOP. Stop. You're annoying me with this now. No I won't re-rate you now. Enough. You're annoying ME now. Listen careful, do not message me any more with this stupidity.

And didn't you just post in that journal you are quitting and done with VR? Like... an hour ago? You don't want me to go off on you. Trust me. You don't. Leave me alone. Do not message me anymore to rate you because yet again you have re-named. Leave me out of this bullshit.



00:14 May 18 2016

Dakotah today she alone did 2 or 3 name changes yesterday she did several....she is stating that she is quitting one minute trying to get sympathy the next moment. She has not put two and two together yet....name changes will cost her not help her avoid the issues she has started. I am sorry that she is being a pest its one thing she is good at. I feel sorry for those who are still by her because it will only hurt them in the long run. Hugs things will get better thank you for the comment on my entry but this is not the only time she tried to claim she was a male...the other night she tried pretending to be a 45 year old male from Georgia on the Murderess account to attempt to get my ones and blocks to stop it didnt work obviously and she now rots on that profile inside my coven....I am terribly sorry for whoever bought that premium for her....I suggest people stopping buying her premiums cause the same outcome will keep happening the People of VR are screaming we dislike Lana and her bullshit.

00:22 May 18 2016

I think you know me pretty well and know I rarely get into this stuff and rarely do I post about it. But Lana has really gotten out of control. Yes I know we can mute, block, but when you block someone then an hour later they are message you because they got a new profile and new name isn't that against some rules? I don't know this as I said has gotten out of hand. I come here to enjoy this place. I have a lot of friends and I like chatting with them here. I mind my own business or try too and today like I said it REALLY annoyed me to get these message to rate and add her...3x.

Lana, hope you read this, I am sure you will. I have treated you nice always. Now I am asking you to do something for me. Do NOT message me anymore when you do a name change or create a new profile. Today you bothered me a lot. I hope you can do this ONE thing for me.


00:28 May 18 2016

All we can do is keep blocking her to be honest now when she uses the vamp box to by pass the blocks I believe that is against the rules I would have to check as for making account the only thing we can do is report the nonpremium accounts she makes.

00:56 May 18 2016

I do believe she got her Vamp Box rights revoked because yes, to use the box to get around a block is against the rules. So like say you block me then I go in the vamp box and call you out I most likely will get my rights suspended to post in the Vamp Box. I just wished that when you block someone and they make a profile, even a prem and message you on the new profile that was against the rules too.

01:13 May 18 2016

sadly as soon as they message you and tell you who they are then you throw your blocks up....Hell if she didnt get her rights suspended for by passing my blocks she probably got them suspended for flaming an admin she accused FalsexCure of receiving nude photos of members.....which is a no no.....she has finally lost it....the day she by passed my blocks all I did was quote the vr rules to her.....to have multiple accounts one must have a premium on them all unless you own 5 premiums that are current or have a lifetime....I should know that rule better than anyone lol



19:58 May 17 2016
Times Read: 1,641

Things like this make me so ANGRY. Feathers to my culture are very sacred. A boy has to do a lot to earn his feathers. I have people come up to me at PowWows claiming to be shaman or asking if I know anyone who would train them...They never like my answer. Back to the feather, she should be in jail. People like this need to be reported to Fish and Game... and I have reported some personally. They will show up at PowWow's with there amazon costumes and claim they are native when they are as white as the day is long. They will say they are shaman's, and that makes me LOL. Or their great grandmother was a Indian Princess or there Great Grandfather was Sitting Bull....we LOL so hard we fall over. I am not knocking people who have some native blood and want to learn about there heritage. I have helped some here to get on the right track to research. But people like this, are disgusting. Sorry LordMogy, this is when my anger does come out and I act on it. I am a work in progress brother.

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20:57 May 17 2016

If I cover myself with tar and chicken feathers, can I go to the pow wow?

21:16 May 17 2016

Yes you can.

22:11 May 19 2016

Lmao lady...


15:59 May 14 2016
Times Read: 1,669

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02:15 May 15 2016

Wow! Boom! Mic Dropped! LOL!


08:06 May 12 2016
Times Read: 1,715

Happy Birthday to my beloved 3 year old! Happy 3years feitan..

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08:19 May 12 2016

Happy Birthday little rascal!!

08:27 May 12 2016

Happy birthday little one :D ♡♡♡

08:42 May 12 2016

He got a birthday a new tank. He likes it. Is bigger for him. And it has a little water pool.

10:12 May 12 2016

Feitan is one lucky spider!!

12:18 May 12 2016

I got him a mouse too.

12:23 May 12 2016

haha im sure they will be good friends.... for the first 4 seconds

13:51 May 12 2016

I try to tell him go vegan he says NUUUU....

16:00 May 12 2016

Happy Birthday fur baby :)

17:24 May 12 2016

That is so awesome - I've always wanted a pet spider. Happy Birthday Feitan!!!


20:16 May 08 2016
Times Read: 1,749

Happy Mothers Day to all the VR moms.

Picture of young me, long haired one, and my mom in the back. She still rocks.

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22:27 May 08 2016

Awww ♡


20:27 May 05 2016
Times Read: 1,784

It's till burning out of control. I feel so bad for all who lost everything but no lives have been lost. I do not live near it but we are gathering water bottles/food and supplies to have delivered to Shelters.



20:31 May 05 2016

Its frightening and sad to see all that flames eating and burning everything on their way. My thoughts and prays will be with all of these people that are living all of these.

20:40 May 05 2016

Wow! Dayum! Such a sad thing to happen to anyone.

01:44 May 06 2016

I feel for them but I am glad that you are far away from it and are safe. If you need donantions as in money, let me know babes.

13:22 May 06 2016

Love and healing intentions being sent there...:(



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