Dakotah's Journal


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10 entries this month

20:40 Sep 29 2014
Times Read: 1,341

I remember being a kid with a struggling family, some days I'd look up to the sky and pray so hard to God/Creator for easier days, I'd ask him to just show me something just once so I'd know he's there and I'd feel safe in this world. But nothing ever came, nothing ever happened. But now that I'm older and looking back I can see places and times where Creator has intervened and pushed me in the right direction, whispered me the answer, and sent someone into my life when I needed them. He works in silence, and if you pay attention to the smiles of everyone you encounter throughout your day you can see he is very busy. Not everyone will understand the ceremonies of my people or how we give thanks and that's fine, but here's a view into the world of rehabilitation and wellness. This is the strength of my people and what we can over come when we love and support one another. It's a hard path to walk because it's easy to be bad and so hard to be good in the world we live in today. A long time ago my people were hurt and it echoed through generations, some of us still feel broken and battered but yet we persevere through life searching for belonging and equality, nothing more, nothing less. We enter our sweat lodges in search of healing, peace and clarity and to give thanks, sometimes we come angry, sad, or confused but we never leave that way, never. Our ancestors and Creator won't let us. In fact we leave with a sense of peace, purpose and love for ourselves and everyone around us. My soul and prayers go to creator in hopes that he may push me in all the right directions for the rest of my life. If I never stepped onto the red road when I did I honestly don't think I'd be alive today. Thank you again for the second chance.

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07:34 Sep 30 2014

Those are beautiful thoughts and i agree we are blind for lots of things around us... To see things we need more then just eyes...i really like this journal post :))


19:45 Sep 17 2014
Times Read: 1,402

Up late watching National Geographic the other nigt and I witnessed a penguin come home after a long day of gathering food for his mate and he catches her with another penguin awe his little heart was probably broken. The narrator called the other male a "home wrecker" and they fought almost to death and she picked the "home wrecker" so they fought again and I now have a new respect for penguins.

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20:18 Sep 17 2014

Do you know he will get depressed like a human and march away from the group to die.. :(

21:37 Sep 18 2014

Or he will suck it up and realize she was not worth it and find a better mate who will not cheat on him.


00:17 Sep 17 2014
Times Read: 1,412

If you want to get over a problem, stop mulling it over and talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind. It’s nearly impossible to move beyond something when you’re obsessing over it.

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02:20 Sep 17 2014

I learnt something similar while I was in a bit of a pickle, last year. Dwelling does nothing. If you can't fix a problem, don't worry about it. Worry solves nothing, obsessing does nothing good.


It Has To Be said

22:38 Sep 12 2014
Times Read: 1,502

Your attempts at making up lies in a attempt I suppose to break up a long term friendship I have with someone here in your post that you soon after deleted, Failed. Lets just go for a moment that even if it was true that the person said that, it shows how well you can be trusted to keep private what someone tells you. And is that the worse you can do? You wanted to just create drama between her and myself but again it failed.

The person you spoke of in that journal rant claiming she said things about me (which even if she had its no big deal) is my friend and will always be my friend.

You came to me to ask me to lie for you, to say you had given me your profile. I told you I did not want to be put into the middle of this. Matter a fact you told people you had already gave it to me with out checking with me. I log on and you inform me you had told people this. Then 10 minutes later someone contacts me saying "He told me he gave you his profile. He wants it back. You can give me the password." Oh really?! My response to the person was it is a private matter between him and myself. Why you would want me to lie to someone whom you claim to love and people you claim to be friends here with just boggles my mind. I am not going to give you a speech about being honest. I know it would be a waist of my time.

In the future leave me out of your drama and your lies. *points down to the post about the boy who cried wolf*



10:56 Sep 13 2014

He cant help himself... He first tried Payne and telling her I was talking about her which was not true... then he tried YGW and that failed.. and now you... ALL of them he provided no proof ... so we all know this bears no weight...

People know me well enough on here when I dont like someone.. or if I feel they are a liar or someone faking their identity... I tell them to them NOT talk about them behind their back... He made a fool of himself claiming otherwise...

Also... he claims that I am with someone that I have never seen... nor touched... and I believe they are not who they say they are... due to not many furnished pics... well first off.. I am not together with Lonnie.. he is my good friend... secondly... I know for a fact that Lonnie is who he says he is...

I would like to also point out.. in every situation.. he says its me thinking YOU are not Native American.. yet when he came to VR all he did was harass you saying you were not.. and then tried to convince everyone else on VR as well.. an when I stood up for you then he flipped shit on me... and stopped talking to me for awhile..

Then he repeated the story... with Lonnie... saying Lonnie was not who he says he is.. and he was some guy on here that faked his death... allllll liesssss...

Now here he is today saying its me? I think not...

Those who accuse others constantly of being a liar .. LIES

Those who accuse others of cheating constantly... CHEAT

In this case...

Those that accuse others of a fake identity ALWAYS... is the one faking an identity..

He wont get anymore of my time... my real friends on here know I would say anything about them... and those that would believe him.. thinking I would.. were not a friend to begin with..

Love you Dakotah.... HUGSSS

11:12 Sep 13 2014

I agree with you both, everything that he says is lies... and not very good ones because they do not make any sense.

11:17 Sep 13 2014

Well not only so they not make any sense.. but.. they are repeated lies over and over... Dakotah could not have said it better when he quoted the Cry Wolf story... he got any away with it many times before and now people are ignoring him.. and now.. he will be ate alive by it.. its his own madness.. in which he created.. he has no one to blame but himself...

11:28 Sep 13 2014

Yes, the time when people were fooled by his stories is long gone, they're not entertaining nor funny nor smart... also trying to break up friendships is a very low thing to do but in light of what everyone knows now this effort is also futile.

11:35 Sep 13 2014

He is responsible for many many many relationships falling apart... he has destroyed one of mine when he filled my head with lies and I did not know him to be the snake he is today...

El es un mentiroso ...

His new nickname is Mentiroso.. which means liar in Spanish...

11:35 Sep 13 2014

he may be gone from VR, but with his lies, he took away from me something i will never get back again

19:13 Sep 13 2014

In that short story about the boy who cried wolf it speaks how he liked to play games on the villagers. In his case it is with the people and there REAL life's here on VR. He has hurt people. He has done damage to good people. And it is not over yet. He is here lurking. He will craw out of that mud hole he slitters into soon and make a post how he is not going let people drive him away from VR... for the millionth time. Then a week later he will have some made-up tragedy ( don't think it will be the death of a family member. I believe he has already killed off most of them) in his life to attempt to get people to over look the harm he has done here over the years. Then he will be a good boy for a few weeks. Then he will start some more drama. He will stalk some profiles with negative honor and bash them in his journal which he always deletes after a day or two, giving the person time to read it. Then when he sees the villagers are gathering with torches... he will post how he is leaving and so and so has his Sire profile now... Rinse and Repeat. It gets old.

And YGW, you are an amazing guy, a friend, and a coven brother that I am grateful to have gotten to know here on VR. And Heather, think it was my 2nd day here you message me and we have been friends since. It is 100% true if you have a beef with anyone you go to that person. I admire you about that and I do the same. Thank you for being my VR sister.

19:26 Sep 13 2014

Soooo true.... Love the Villagers with the torches statement... it is exactly how you put it...

And I remember when he was bashing you.. and I was FWD you the messages to warn you that he after you and that he was the one dishonouring you even though he was denying it...

So what he doesnt see here.. is since that time.. up until NOW... those he has stepped all over.. know better than to believe him..

You and I have been good friends since the start and anyone that I have spoke of you to.. were told nothing but great things.. cause you are seriously perfect on here.. and its actually a privilege to be your sister..


14:24 Sep 10 2014
Times Read: 1,514

There's a quiet war going on, it's among many Aboriginals and the government. I don't like it, neither sides of it. Missing and murdered women should be addresses no matter what ethnicity, not because she's native, and not because she's not white. You can't solve violence with more violence, what are we going to do, protest forever? And the governement disregard and ignore forever? When will it stop? You see a solution cannot be met. A lot of people don't realize words can be violent, and it's gotten so bad that people are starting to make it a race thing. When my people say "Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women" we are separating ourselves from the rest of humanity, and that itself is a violent act because it's not just our women out there, it's not just our families losing friends, sisters, cousins, aunties, nieces and daughters. Many families and women from different cultures are losing equally so why can't we fight it equally? We need to make it about women in general. It's a sad fact that we even have to attempt to use the "race card" to get attention from our government for missing and murdered women in our city, province, or country even.



04:15 Sep 13 2014

I can understand why the emphasis was on Aboriginal women, as Aboriginals as a whole, are a small minority.

But I understand what you mean, as NO woman should be killed and discarded as garbage. No human, for that matter.

23:51 Sep 18 2014

I'm not sure specifically what you are talking about but women are being affected severely around the world, it's happening in India, its happening in the Middle East and in Africa. Murdering regardless of gender is widespread all over now. One country cannot stand up to that alone. Other countries and some closer to the problems need to take a stand against these atrocities. The men in these places need to stop. If I'm speaking of something different you have my apology.



08:45 Sep 07 2014
Times Read: 1,557

This reminds me of someone here.


There once was a boy who kept sheep not far from the village. He would often become bored and to amuse himself he would call out,

"Wolf! Wolf," although there was no wolf about.

The villagers would stop what they were doing and run to save the sheep from the wolf's jaw. Once they arrived at the pasture, the boy just laughed. The naughty boy played this joke over and over until the villagers tired of him.

One day while the boy was watching the sheep, a wolf did come into the fold. The boy cried and cried,

"Wolf! Wolf!"

No one came. The wolf had a feast of sheep that day.


No one will believe a habitual liar even when he is telling the truth.

We have 10 Commandments that we live by as a Nation passed down to us by our Grandfathers and there grandfathers and so on and so on. Someone who claims to be deep into there native heritage yet they constantly break 9 and 10 well, I point to the story of the Boy who cried Wolf:

Native American Ten Commandments

1. Treat the Earth and all that dwell therein with respect

2. Remain close to the Great Spirit

3. Show great respect for your fellow beings

4. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind

5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed

6. Do what you know to be right

7. Look after the well-being of Mind and Body

8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater Good

9. Be truthful and honest at all times

10. Take full responsibility for your actions



12:06 Sep 07 2014

This has got to be the best journal post about this individual I have ever read.. Well written and well said..


02:54 Sep 05 2014
Times Read: 1,576

Didn't leave any money either, the cheap bastard.





19:01 Sep 03 2014
Times Read: 1,587

Protein and carb load for lunch then get in a nice workout session maybe go for a jog as well again! Feeling pretty good today might hit up a sweat this evening too.




02:13 Sep 03 2014
Times Read: 1,605

Dear fellow Natives, You know who you are that have message me to tell me your "Indian name". The name given to you by Creator is your Spirit name, it is not called an "Indian name" for the millionth time lol there is no such thing, learn these things because they are very important. Get into your culture/heritage who ever you are. Doesn't hurt to know who you are down to the roots.



12:18 Sep 03 2014

lol all the way down to my halfbreed roots im all Lonnie

19:01 Sep 03 2014


00:21 Sep 19 2014

Are all tribes the same about everything? Aren't there distinct differences in culture, languages and customs? You aren't a one size fits all ethnic group are you? I don't mean any disrespect but I grew up around Native Americans (out here most say Native Indian or just American Indian

00:24 Sep 19 2014

I'm sorry, disregard what I said because it cut off the whole post and won't make sense or go into what I was talking about. Don't know why it did that.


02:09 Sep 03 2014
Times Read: 1,606

This was written by a native friend of mine and I thought I would share it here. I asked him to write a poem, something that I could read each morning to start my day and this is what he sent me:

I am grateful for life

And all that I love

I am grateful for the Earth

And the Sun up above

I am grateful for my spirit

And my inner being

For the One that I express

And the joy of this feeling.

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