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I just noticed my 9 year batty on my profile, I can't believe it's been this long. I have seen lots of members come and over the years. It's odd when I notice someone's profile. When it changes owners and becomes another person, I can usually tell by the referrals or old posts in my coven. It's odd I went from having no knowledge of coding until I met my former Coven master. Who's coven I ended up taking over that I was inducted into by level 20. Too bad they don't log in cause they work a lot but I think they were happy to know it's in the #1 Coven standing of the VR societies. I didn't make my coven what it is, It was me and a few others constantly inducting members and trading them for favor like pieces of meat, over several years. We've even had a celebrity in the coven at one point. But unfortunately they left VR and went over to VampireFreaks, after I had to trade them for not being active but that's part of running a coven. Regardless if the coven member was on the David Letterman show a week ago. But those are the decisions you have to make as a Coven master or ACM. I'm grateful for the people I've met here. I remember Karmina would often stay up late to help me with my coding, and it was great to be able to finally edit things the way I saw them in my head to produce them on a VR profile. A few years later they left the site and came back. And I had to teach them some coding again. And it was like the grasshopper was teaching the Sensei the secret art of coding again. But One of the most rewarding thing I found here is teaching other people basic coding and seeing them produce their own themes. It's great to see the Webcams back since I think that's the thing that gave me interest in the site when I first saw it 9 years ago.
Congrats Dray! :::raises hand::: teach me please:) lol! Good to have you here:)
omg o.0
08:47 Jul 15 2021 Times Read: 417
Captains log Stardate 7-14-2021. After driving through the desert 22 miles in the spaceship from, work I made it home. I just smoked some Sour Apple Medical Cannabis. And I am so fucking medicated I'm wondering how the fuck, I am even sitting on Cam. My feral cats were waiting for me when I got home. And I saw the one run across the street when It saw my car pull in the driveway. And then it hissed at me to thank me for feeding it. I guess. So Is this my Feral Animal now?
So I found the Ghost Kitchen, I heard about these but have never seen one. Until last Friday, but supposedly there's three or four virtual restaurants here. Basically if you're a delivery driver you just Go inside with your cellphone and scan a QR code or use a tablet on the wall to find the order. There are people inside that hand out the orders or find it for you. If it's not on the tablet like my order from the dirty burger was. I just think it's weird people order food from virtual restaurant's now.
02:28 Jul 24 2021
Congrats Dray! :::raises hand::: teach me please:) lol! Good to have you here:)