Yes, you read that correctly, and the 'title' of the entry is right... I have become an Ordained Minister, now.
Admittedly, I initially did it so that I could begin my old profession again, since I left it years ago, and have been paying the price for it ever since. In said profession, though I was seen as "The Last Resort", I was often called more often than anyone else, because I was pretty much always the most effective "weapon" anyone could call on.
Frankly, I'm not going to bother putting a photo of it up on here, because I made a mistake similar to that once before, and my work and photos were all stolen - everything that was most popular, anyhow. Not taking that chance again.
However, right now, I am only waiting on the arrival of my official hard copy of my certifications, and then I can begin my old work again, which I have been literally Aching and damn near Dying to do, for years now.
Originally, I wasn't really intending to employ said certification(s) as I have already been asked to do, but I suppose, some things come with the territory. I have already been asked by a few people to be the one to perform their weddings. Although, I have a strange feeling about what may end up happening betwixt now and then, I guess I can only "take things by ear", as those of my past once said.
Strangely enough, though, I have also had some of the same individuals who have requested that I marry them ask if they can join my ministry... an almost laughable thought, in foresight, my opinion, but at the same time, I also haven't had the adequate chance to even think over a ministry yet. But I know that if I do, then I will definitely need to set down 'rules' and/or 'laws' for it, considering that so many people seem to completely misunderstand the standpoint that those like myself hold...
So many things have been on my mind, of late, that so many don't even know... it's just a good thing that I've been able to keep myself maintained of late, because otherwise, I would be hiding out in the caves if I could find them. My mind really has been Just That Cluttered, lately.