When you spend so much time on the clock...
09:13 Sep 23 2022
Times Read: 260
You know it's "messed up" when you spend so much time on the clock (especially when you're apparently too damn good at what you do) that you are offered (and requested) to take up legal living residence at your job. I almost don't know if it's good or bad, but evidently, such things do come with their own strange perks.
I just recently had no choice but to drop an entire pay period on a computer for both personal and work use, and now that I have the damn thing, I'm having to also modify the software on both sides after having given it a full dual boot system. The way I say it probably makes it sound like rocket science, but as my client/employer(s) like to say it; it just takes a little bit to get back in the swing of old talents and habits.
Of the headache of lunacy I've had to do to this thing (and I'm still not done), apart from the dual boot system, are; manual program and system updates (for some reason, a brand new machine didn't want to update properly on one system), adding and removing programs, tinkering with the hardware (which was literally so simple, it had me feeling like an idiot), fiddling with both BIOS AND ROOT, which is still a slight work in progress... and I'm still not finished with making this damn thing what I call "My Standard".
I'm just glad I'm working with a new machine, instead of something that needs a whole new hardware replacement (mainly the hard drive and RAM)... I just got done trying to do the same thing to another expired machine, and didn't even realize the system was so old and corrupted, it need(s) to be completely replaced and/or trashed.
Funny enough, my client(s) now have internet, but I don't see myself being on cam for quite awhile, if at all, any longer. Sadly, so many things have turned around for the lesser, that I don't even feel quite right with being online anymore, even with a VPN. Ergo, I've just reached the point of logging on to take a brief look at things and the I just want to go right back to work and my research. As disappointing a it is to say, even the Rave is not quite what it used to be, even a few years ago, let alone the beautiful place it was when I first found it, a decade ago...