LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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74 entries this month

16:36 Feb 28 2014
Times Read: 1,967

So I was hearing rain coming down a bit harder as I lay in my bed. I got up and looked outside and realized that my canopy swing bench will blow over since I left the canopy attached to it. So I walked down stairs and out into the backyard and wet weather and found that it had disappeared. Yup, it was at the bottom of the pool. So I got it out and unattached the canopy only to find two rips in it. Happens every year when the rain comes. I'd be surprise if it didn't happen one year. Also, because of my fresh tattoo, I can't swim while it's raining either. I love to do that. Oh well. Maybe next time. Ha!



04:11 Mar 01 2014

...and more heavy rain is coning for the whole state...so much for the drought, right?


08:15 Feb 28 2014
Times Read: 1,980

So I had this big cup of raspberry tea in a Styrofoam cup with a plastic lid on my night stand. I reached and grabbed it for a sip and thinking I was going to get mostly the ice water taste, I swirled it around....Well now I'm doing laundry. Yup, spilled it all over my sheets. smh....LOL!




05:03 Feb 28 2014
Times Read: 1,981

This will be Tattoo #32 scheduled for next week. ^_^

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16:02 Feb 28 2014

love it. When I was in my 20s, I went to a tattooist for a raven tattoo and he said he wouldn't tattoo that on such a pretty lady. I was mad!! I said a few things to him and never went back. I still don't have the raven but now I want an owl

16:30 Feb 28 2014

Awww...that was messed up of that guy. Owls are nice. ^_^


17:52 Feb 27 2014
Times Read: 1,984

Hey, what's this wet stuff outside? By SOTU it's rain!! O.O




17:47 Feb 27 2014
Times Read: 1,985

Going to earn my coven's 2000 Post Award soon. ^_^




05:22 Feb 27 2014
Times Read: 1,996

Awesome video....

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20:10 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 1,999

So my son has been doing very well in college, he's been staying out of any trouble that teens usually find themselves in, he hasn't wrecked my truck that I'm allowing him to drive and he's just been an all around pleasure to live with since moving to live with me. He's my heart. I love him. I was just checking out a few places for him and I to go and have fun together when I remembered that his heart is set on returning back to Florida for a visit. His mom has refused to pay for his trip so he was going to try to save for it himself. Now he doesn't have to. Instead of a trip to do whatever together, I'll use that money to pay for his round trip back to his friends and other family members. I know he misses them. Besides, then I can walk around my house naked again. LOL!




18:38 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 2,007

That's why I'm SO Happy & Don't Give A Fuck About Anything Negative!!!! ^_^

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19:21 Feb 26 2014

love it!!


17:35 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 2,010

Because Apparently I'm The Best At It! LOL!

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17:30 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 2,012

It is written that man is not meant to be alone, but dammit if some women don't try to make that false. LMAO!




03:15 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 2,017


Just because you wanted to know....




01:20 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 2,026

I've said it once and I'll keep on saying...Just Say NO To Infant Circumcision. It's not medically required and there has never been valid proof it's beneficial for the child. In fact, just the opposite. Now this crap!




22:52 Feb 25 2014
Times Read: 2,029

Being Human Season 4: Cast Thank You

Series finale, Monday, April 7th 2014.

Love this show. Sad that it's ending...

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01:06 Feb 25 2014
Times Read: 2,039



1. Feed him

2. Sleep with him

3. Leave him with peace

4. Don’t check his phone (Msgs)

5. Don’t bother him with his movements

So what’s so hard about that?


It’s really not too difficult but… To make a woman happy, a man only needs to be:

1. a friend

2. a companion

3. a lover

4. a brother

5. a father

6. a master

7. a chef

8. an electrician

9. a plumber

10. a mechanic

11. a carpenter

12. a decorator

13. a stylist

14. a sexologist

15. a gynecologist

16. a psychologist

17. a pest exterminator

18. a psychiatrist

19. a healer

20. a good listener

21. an organizer

22. a good father

23. very clean

24. sympathetic

25. athletic

26. warm

27. attentive

28. gallant

29. intelligent

30. funny

31. creative

32. tender

33. strong

34. understanding

35. tolerant

36. prudent

37. ambitious

38. capable

39. courageous

40. determined

41. true

42. dependable

43. passionate


44. give her compliments regularly

45. go shopping with her

46. be honest

47. be very rich

48. not stress her out

49. not look at other girls


50. give her lots of attention

51. give her lots of time, especially time for herself

52. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes


53. never forget




*arrangements she makes





23:16 Feb 24 2014
Times Read: 2,041

Overrated Shit Video by Chris Starr....

Nope can't agree with Shower Sex & Being an Introvert...those are still ok, the rest though I see her point....I'd add Hot Girls Wearing Glasses who don't need them to that list too. Ha!



01:52 Mar 03 2014

The introvert shit has got to go.


17:51 Feb 24 2014
Times Read: 2,056

So I was told that if I keep reflecting the exceptional beauty of women by posting pictures of mostly young, but yes some older exotic looking women and others that I find attractive, that those women who may be attracted to me, but feel they wouldn't be my type based on my attractive preference would not attempt to engage me in conversation knowing that they wouldn't get any further than the friend zone.

My reply, "Seriously? Well that's their issue not mine. In my realm it's more about their confidence, locality, availability, personality, looks, compatibility, commonality, and loyalty. So even though I know I'm not for everyone, that's cool. Their lost, but I'd still say "Greetings". Who knows what magick might happen? ^_^




05:28 Feb 24 2014
Times Read: 2,065

Sometimes I wish people were their avatar...



05:37 Feb 24 2014

Lol. Most of the time I wish this.


23:11 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,069

Ok...time to get back to some reading.




21:12 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,075

It is said that divorce is like ripping the skin off your own body. However, my divorces have been like getting a tattoo. Sure it hurts, but something beautiful is left after the pain is gone. ^_^



21:14 Feb 23 2014

You're right, it's not so bad. It can be rather uplifting, especially if one has lost themselves in the marriage. Once divorced, life begins anew and the outlook is amazing!! :-P

05:38 Feb 24 2014

I'm a biiiiig fan of divorce! Lol it puts dinner on my table.


20:35 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,078

Have you ever fooled around on eBay and bid on something just to bid the item up and end up winning the damn thing? LOL! Funny Sh*t!




20:31 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,079

If you want something, never be afraid to ask. "No" is not going to kill ya. Where one says 'No'...another may say 'Yes'. That's a Life Lesson.




19:31 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,083

I'm an admire of beauty. Father Universe & Mother Earth possess many examples of beauty, but their best creation was the Smile of a Female....



Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Leo Buscaglia


A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.

William Hazlitt


A smile is the universal welcome.

Max Eastman


I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile.

Goldie Hawn


Children learn to smile from their parents.

Shinichi Suzuki


I think that anybody that smiles automatically looks better.

Diane Lane




16:47 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,094

I love the beauty of the covers of some books. But I've learned all too well to never judge a book by its cover.

There are books with desirable covers containing blank pages that I love because I can fill them with whatever I wish which would be a part of me. However, the ones filled already is more of a challenge.

Authors, Publishers and Bookmakers will go to great lengths to sell their books.

One might love the book for its cover even though what's inside is not to their liking while completely over looking the books with less desirable covers never knowing they may contain some of the best stories ever written.

Some books may have an eye catching book sleeve, but once you remove the sleeve one might discover that the cover is less desirable as well as the pages within.

Some books have a desirable sleeve because the cover failed to effectively advertise the beauty within. Beauty attracts, but content keeps.

It is rare to find a book with both a desirable cover and words within printed on high end decorative paper with a story that makes you never want to put it down. Those are the books where special attention was given to ever detail.



18:45 Feb 23 2014

Now I want to go to this book store that's 45 minutes away. It's a used book store but I spend hours in it because, well, I love books!!


16:16 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,097

So I think I'll put in some time reading today. Although I really enjoy reading online, there is just something about flipping pages and marking up a book with notes or underlining or highlighting something that moves me or speaks to my spirit. I have a small library in my home in my home office and I'm running out of room with my collection.

I remember donating all my teen novels to a thrift store because I was led to believe I was hording books and the lady I was with ask me to part from them since I had read them already. In retrospect I should have held on to them and if I wanted to part from them, I would have sold them on ebay or again donated them in my on time.




15:46 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,100

This must be a journal day today. I find it quite easier to journal online than in my book journals. Mostly because I'm a horrible speller and really enjoy the spell check and auto correct features online provides. Ha! But there is something about putting pen to paper that remains....personal.

I'll get around to putting something in them. I really love the covers.




15:42 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,103

So I've found I've gravitated more to watching online movies and posting on FB and VR than enjoying some of my other hobbies. In fact, I've been posting on my FB page so much that I was asked to Admin for someone else's page and decided to do so since there wasn't a requirement to manage the page daily and it was about Paganism, but I discovered that the two books I've been reading hadn't been picked up for days so now I'm trying to finish those. However, I know I'm going to find another book I want to read soon and end up attempting to read three book at different times again until I'm finished. Reading is one of my passions.

I have a long list of hobbies that I truly enjoy and people now understand how it is that I could be fully retired since Aug 2011 and haven't gotten bored. Boredom is a state of mind and I don't allow my mind to go there. I'm never bored. Hell, I even consider napping a hobby. ^_^




15:24 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,108

Of the 20 items I've ordered via online shopping, 19 have arrived and the last one is due to arrive on tomorrow. I LOVE online shopping. I've only had my identity stolen twice from it, and the credit card company was quick to resolve the matter both times. It's a bit inconvenient though having to have the one's credit or debit card cancelled, submit a fraud report and then wait on the new card. Luckily I check my account daily so I'm usually on top of anything suspicious.




15:08 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,109

So I awaked from a dream that I was back in Japan attempting to return to the states and I was on a military base where the guards were all female. When attempting to leave, they asked if I wanted a group photo of them. I said sure. For whatever reason, events kept transpiring that prevented a good photo from being taken before I awaken. Groups of people would jump into the frame and then move just as I was about to snap the picture ruining the shot. I kept counting down to 3 and something would happen at the count of 3 that would just prevent me from taking the picture. I got annoyed and just wanted to leave and board my plane and return home. Weird!




08:31 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,112

"The difference between success and failure at anything in life is often slim. Handling unlimited spare time is no exception." ~ E. J. Zelinski




19:53 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 2,136

A guy trying to just say hello to some females is like asking her to lay down and spread her legs. LOL! Wow! It's not that serious ladies. Not every guy wants your goodies at first greetings or ever for that matter!



20:31 Feb 20 2014

So true!!!

23:22 Feb 20 2014



18:56 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 2,151

LORDMOGY was looking at LORDMOGY's Profile looking at what LORDMOGY was doing....Hahaha!



18:58 Feb 20 2014

Da Fuq!?!

Pfft LordMogy...I want Arby's now!

19:06 Feb 20 2014



18:51 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 2,152

Chatting with me under a different profile pretending you are someone new....ok...I'll play along. I Love To Playyyy! ^_^



19:08 Feb 20 2014

lol, sometimes that can be fun, other times, it can be weird.

I was talking to someone under a different profile that I talk to under this one and it was awkward because I forgot to change some of the information on the profile that was given to me, hahahahaha, it still had Male...I was like OH CRAP, it was funny to me but probably not to my friend but they know now that it's me

19:29 Feb 20 2014

LOL! Yeah...I could see how awkward that could be.

15:31 Feb 23 2014

I have had one individual represent herself as a different person that way, she posed as her friend sticking up for her. I simply mentioned to the admins that I suspected a ToS violation, and low and behold the "friends" profile was suspended.

Now the same member is claiming that "her older sister" shares the profile. Last I heard the "younger sister" is sick. So regardless of whether or not it is true, just because of her previous actions it is suspect.


12:23 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 2,158

4:22 am...I suppose I'll get back under the warm covers and try to go back to sleep.



17:09 Feb 20 2014

I had a restless sleep!!


10:05 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 2,160

So according to the VA Doctor at my semiannual health checkup, I'm doing well. I was given a pneumonia vaccine and asked if I would like to be seen every 12 months vice 6. I kept it at every 6 months. I rather catch something earlier going on than later. I picked up some Asian food, returned home, I remember my son coming home from school, I took a nap and the next thing I know I'm waking up after 1 am. That must have been either the shot or the itis......HA!




09:34 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 2,162

Some people fight who they really are deep down to their core. Me? I blog it, shine a spot lot on it and give free tickets to the AWESOME show which is my life... ^_^




17:39 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,178

Can't believe I showed up 2 hrs early for a VA appointment. smh...



18:43 Feb 19 2014

Hope all is well.

19:24 Feb 19 2014

I know from what my dad has told me with the VA that showing up early is sometimes a good thing.

I remember it taking hours for some of his appointments, but that's our government:-)


03:18 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,180

So I'll be calling the Red Cross tomorrow to set up an appointment to give blood an then it's on for some new ink soon... ^_^




15:00 Feb 17 2014
Times Read: 2,186

Well I know I didn't achieve R.E.M. Sleep. I must have been to wired up from all the cleaning and laundry. Oh well, it's not like I can't sleep whenever I want to these days. So on with enjoying my favorite day of the week.

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04:17 Feb 17 2014
Times Read: 2,192

So tomorrow is Meditation Class Day and wouldn't you know it...my Son wants to come too. Good for him. I think I'll treat him out to lunch afterwards. ^_^




04:06 Feb 17 2014
Times Read: 2,195

Laundry is done! Now to wait for The Walking Dead to come on...




03:33 Feb 17 2014
Times Read: 2,205

Very productive day today. Cleaned my entire Master Suite. We're talking scrubbing, dusting, sweeping, mopping, wiping, repairing, hanging, vacuuming, scenting and polishing.



03:54 Feb 17 2014

Great job

03:58 Feb 17 2014

You almost motivate me to clean my domicile. But it is not to ram shackled just yet.


23:34 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,213

If only more people who claim to be monogamous understood that....smh

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22:10 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,217

I'm sorry and I forgive you, but I just can't remember what for.... ^_^

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17:53 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,219

Every year I purchase new inserts for my Day Runner telling myself to keep a Daily Journal...Every year I failed to do so consistently. Just like my Dream Journal, nope...I don't keep that up either. Ok, we're only a little pass halfway though the 2nd month of the new year. I can do it! Maybe I need to meditate on it and find out what's blocking me. I suppose to walk 60 minutes a day. Nope, fail! I mean really...the only thing I do accomplish daily..... is being AWESOME! ^_^




01:34 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,228

So many for the sake of their career, education, family and friends have to hide who they really are and what they really believe and how they really feel. Me? I don't have that burden. I'm Lord MOGY! ^_^



03:35 Feb 16 2014

Awesome (:


04:52 Feb 15 2014
Times Read: 2,235

Time to eat a medium steak!



18:46 Feb 15 2014

that is sounding really good right now with fried potatoes and onions


16:56 Feb 14 2014
Times Read: 2,259

So my son came home at the end of the day from college and began to tell me what he has planned for the rest of the day. He then asked me what were my plans, I told him whatever I liked since I rarely make plans to do anything now since retiring. If I get the urge, I do it! That includes the urge to just lay around reading or playing on the internet. So he tells me that I should switch it up sometimes. I asked him why would I want to do that? When I've worked so hard, for so long and sacrifice much to be right where I've always wanted to be in my life, why would I ever want to change that when I'm so content and happy? People may look at your life and think to themselves how they would live YOUR life if they were in your place. They should be more concern about living their own life. This one is taken and doing quite well Thank You! ^_^



20:44 Feb 14 2014

Sometimes that's how I feel but I've decided to shake things up with a move out of state, going to happen in the fall. This gives me time to get things prepared.

I just need a change of scenery and where I'm moving will provide that:-)

01:50 Feb 15 2014


Now...if only I could retire!


16:28 Feb 12 2014
Times Read: 2,279

Someone call CNN, I just woke up and feel it's headline news worthy. ^_^



16:42 Feb 12 2014

lol, you always put a smile on my face, thanks for that!!

16:43 Feb 12 2014



05:58 Feb 12 2014
Times Read: 2,290

Thinking it was empty....I just found 2 more Peanut M&M's at the bottom of the bag.....Priceless! ^_^




01:55 Feb 11 2014
Times Read: 2,299

Time for another healing nap...



03:14 Feb 11 2014

Sweet and blissful slumber my friend.


21:43 Feb 10 2014
Times Read: 2,303

Valentine's Day Exes!!!




16:48 Feb 10 2014
Times Read: 2,305

I have my meditation class today and then back to my backyard project....




03:35 Feb 10 2014
Times Read: 2,310

I'm just saying at least with me you know who and what you are getting...I'd tell you up front. You either accept me or you don't. Just the price of being AWESOME! ^_^




12:18 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 2,313

If they feel counseling would be a waste of time because they know they are the source of all your problems as a couple and they know they will never change for a relationship they should never had been in in the first place....Let Them Go! Fact is they probably never gave you anything you'd miss anyways.




12:18 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 2,313

If they feel counseling would be a waste of time because they know they are the source of all your problems as a couple and they know they will never change for a relationship they should never had been in in the first place....Let Them Go! Fact is they probably never gave you anything you'd miss anyways.




07:23 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 2,316

Back to nap time....




03:14 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 2,323

Time for a healing nap...




02:31 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 2,324

OMG, I hurt worse than yesterday....I have muscles aching that I didn't know I had.




01:51 Feb 08 2014
Times Read: 2,329

Body hurts...Time for a healing nap.




01:37 Feb 08 2014
Times Read: 2,334

My body hurts....Time for a healing nap.




21:00 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,341

35... 90 lbs bags of concrete...That's 3,150 lbs I'll be moving around....twice! Going to be a long sore day.




16:52 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,346

Time to work on my home projects...




12:04 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,351

If you ever feel this way....You need a hobby or two or more!

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The Past

11:46 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,355

The Past...

He had photos in an old scrap album of a few women who remained friends after he had had a relationship with them, but the relationship ended on good terms.

She made him throw away any photos of anyone he had had past relationships with.

He would make love to her.

She would force him to compare their love making to those in his past. She wouldn't stop nagging until he shared it with her.

He had lovely furniture fully paid for.

She asked him to get rid of it because he had shared it with someone in his past.

He would buy her stuff animals.

She asked him to stop because he had done that for someone in his past.

He would bring her cards.

She asked him to stop because he had done that for those in his past.

He would bring her chocolate.

She asked him to stop because she didn't like chocolate, it would make her gain weight and he had done that for those in his past.

He would bring her flowers.

She asked him to stop because she felt it was a waist of money since all they do is die and he had done that for those in his past.

She allowed a guy from her past to come into their life. She even held onto a ring he had given her. When he told her that she couldn't spend alone time with this guy, she told him that he couldn't tell her who she could not see.

He asked her to go. Because it wasn't enough that she was stuck trying to live in his past, she had all along been stuck living in her own past.

Now she had become the one thing she had seemed to be so mesmerized with...

His Past!



01:46 Feb 08 2014

Oops...Had to correct a typo.

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11:11 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,357

How did I know when I woke up that it would be 2 something in the a.m.? Lately, no matter how early or how late I go to sleep, I wake up at 2 something in the a.m. I think I saw a horror movie about that once. I ♥ horror movies. LOL!




03:29 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,363





01:02 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,367

True Talk.....Madea life advice "let em go"




16:37 Feb 06 2014
Times Read: 2,370

Working in my backyard today...Will be on and off.




10:37 Feb 05 2014
Times Read: 2,372

Agam Darshi in Bollywood Beckons.... #TeamCutiePie

Bollywood Beckons from agam darshi on Vimeo.




14:45 Feb 03 2014
Times Read: 2,384

One purpose of my meditation is to locate, quarantine and then purge certain residual thoughts from my subconscious mind because some dreams can be very annoying. That's what happens when one cared for another as deeply as I did.

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03:13 Feb 02 2014
Times Read: 2,398


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03:22 Feb 02 2014

For real lol


20:18 Feb 01 2014
Times Read: 2,405

Ancient Egyptian Fetish.....

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20:00 Feb 01 2014
Times Read: 2,410

So, what's the issue? LOL!

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20:05 Feb 01 2014

I agree.


19:57 Feb 01 2014
Times Read: 2,411

Narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy. Hey, I'm not a 'complete' Narcissist. I do have the ability to empathize. ^_^



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