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It's not so difficult as some have been programmed to believe.
In fact, I was told by my neighbor that I inspired him to also retire about 5 years into my own retirement and he saw me still enjoying my life and not having to wake up every morning M-F and commute to a job!
So, after he actually Retired, it was about a year later that his Wife Retired too. LMAO!
I completely understand about loving what one does, but Retirement doesn't have to stop one from doing what one loves.
It simply doesn't make it Mandatory to do to make a living.
If one does not have to be employed to meet one's Living Expenses month after month, then why be employed?
I answer to No One, but those who have authority over my Pension...and even that is by Choice!
Now to plan content to record in honor of the milestone.
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs Saga
15:32 Jul 18 2022 Times Read: 601
So The United States Department of Veterans Affairs has notified me that even though they are NOW covering Asthma as it relates to service-related injuries, they will continue to compensate me at the same amount by continuing to combine Sleep Apnea with Asthma.
So since the compensation for Sleep Apnea is an automatic 50% rating and it has never changed, that means I've NEVER been compensated for Asthma (specifically) which was previously diagnosed as a Restrictive Lung Disease, but later changed to a Reactive Lung condition (i.e. asthma).
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's sleep, you might have sleep apnea. The main types of sleep apnea are: Obstructive sleep apnea, the more common form that occurs when throat muscles relax.
Asthma is a chronic (long-term) condition that affects the airways in the lungs. The airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the airways can become inflamed and narrowed at times. This makes it harder for air to flow out of your airways when you breathe out.
Now to take my pharmaceuticals, shower, edit, and publish a video.
I was going to go swimming, but maybe later.
In other news......
Some years will be better than others.
Every year can't be perfect due to the principle of Yin Yang.
However, if you are doing better in some areas of your life than you were this time last year,
If you are still Living, regardless of the circumstances, you are NOT Weak, you are Strong enough to have coped this far just like everyone else who is still living at this point.
The only difference is we all have our own uniquely designed Life Challenges we must face and those Life Challenges should never be compared to someone else's.
What may seem easy in life to one
Could be the hardest challenge faced in life to another
Iraq and Afghan war vets exposed to toxic air struggle for breath — and a diagnosis.
Following Reports Of My Same Type Mystery Lung Illness Which Is Affecting Other Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans
Iraq and Afghan war vets exposed to toxic air struggle for breath — and a diagnosis
So even though this chronic Respiratory Illness from my military career feels as though it will try its best to one day send me to the Afterlife before a time that I will be ok leaving, I REFUSE to give up on my Weight Goal.
Food = Calories (Fuel) for the body.
The body must be in motion to a degree to burn the fuel placed in the meat suit or it will begin to create Fuel Storage areas all over the meat suit.
Chronic illness (such as difficulty breathing) may prevent the meat suit's ability to maintain enough motion to burn the fuel currently being deposited and that which is already stored around the meat suit.
1. Find a way to increase burning calories (fuel) with little to no 'negative' impact on the meat suit.
- Sauna
- Swimming
- Sex/Masturbation
2. As stressors are reduced, the amount of food consumption required to cope with the BS and release 'Happy Chemicals' may also be reduced down to normal 'Portion Control' levels. No medical need for a Diet Program....yet, so deny nothing, but Portion Control EVERYTHING!
3. Purchase food that stimulates 'Happy Chemicals'.
4. Take meds & adhere to all safety precautions to care for your meat suit which includes staying Hydrated.
It's very humorous how Haters will do something they feel is Negative towards you anonymously then check in with you to see if you're still fucking with them or did you find out?
Well, of course, I know.
I just don't give a fuck....LOL!
I'm too busy
But hey, it's AWESOME to know I Stay on your mind.......
There's a creature in my closet
I can hear him rumblin' 'round
The demons screamin' in the distance
Creates such a humblin' sound
The monster that's outside my window
He's like family to me now
The things that people are afraid of
Never let me down
I embraced the storm, I found beauty in what was damaged
I'm not afraid of the boogieman
Instead, I look at him like he's a friend
There's not a monster out there in the world
That's scarier than the one that's within
“A Veteran is someone who, at one point in their life wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” for an amount up to and including their life.”
All the idols made by man, however terrifying they may be, are in point of fact subordinate to him, and that is why he will always have it in his power to destroy them. - Simone de Beauvoir
14:12 Jul 31 2022
Yay! 🎉🥳🎈🎊🍾👯♀️
15:19 Jul 31 2022